I am currently working on a single player map campagin. Focusing on the Story of a Talderian (Elf) General called Tidinis. It will focus on how he is trying to stop a demon invasion of his world by finding and defeating several Demon Lords and getting an army. There will be choices in the game. There are demi heroes. There are bosses. And currently I am working on the cinematic. You will have a custom techtree.
This is not set in the warcraft universe.
So differences include
Dwarves are called Ironborn, because they have iron bones and were created in the beginning as solid iron creatures. (But due to evolution they became mortal and now have iron bones)
Elves are called Talderian. Not immortal, but mortal with longer life spans
Humans are called.... Humans.
There are three heroes.
Lord Commander Tidinis- Has buffs for units, has life steal, has healing, and a stampede like ability. Also has a berserk ability called Blood of my Blood. - Healer/Aura buff
Templar Champion Helios- Has Resurrection, hammer fall (basically impale), Holy slam (light meele AOE slows enemies down), and devotion aura -tank
Arch Wizard Salazzar- Has sword of heaven (chain lightning arcane version), Fire burn (soul burn arcane), Summon Fire hounds (Beetles), Star Storm (starfall) also carries a book that allows him to use an earthquake (death and decay), Storm (finger of death but tornado effects as well), and fury of ice (blizzard). -Is very squishy. Will die if you don't take care of him. Main caster.
Food cap is increased to 150, but! Your techtree units are expensive, and cost lots of food as well.
There are 6 Demi Heroes- Please be aware you need to first find these demiheroes before you can use them.
Gryphon Lord- Ironborn Ranged Unit
Knight of the Sword- Meele Unit that has bladestorm (can only train 4 of them at a time, but is not advised as they are extremely expensive)
Talderian Wizard- Spell casting unit- Has very good healing and spell casting abilities (Can only train 3)
The Knight of Stone- Meele unit, slow, but very powerful, Has somes stuns. But if it is by itself. It will die in a snap. It is mechanical.
(Currently Working on the other two)
None of these units can be raised
Hopefully this seems interesting!
Hopefully doesn't seem insane.