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Simple Living 2.0


Simple Living 2.0 (Map)

Level 4
Mar 15, 2005
Version 1.0 - 1.9 (in no order)
-Game made
-Added Forgstern as a mining, smithing town
-Added pigs
-Added thieves that steal gold
-Added a introduction to the game and basic help
-Added a way to revive dead heroes
-Added two new dangerous animals
-Added tamable for each dangerous animal, that you can raise
-Added thugs,bandits,and murders
-Added an ability to ping where animals are
-Added F.A.Q
-Added revive for all hostile animals
-Added two new commands
-Added message to indicate when players leave
-Added attacking villagers result in faster reputation loss
-Added remove left players storage and houses
-Added three more mining spots
-Added one easter egg name
-Added the amount of gold a thief steals is what you get back plus bounty
-Added attacking guards makes them attack you
-Added pups and cubs now mature after three minutes into adults
-Added help for most starting professions
-Added a new soup recipe
-Added Reputation System
-Added Starting Professions
-Added twice as many player slots
-Added eating gives hp and stamina
-Added money in bank gains interest
-Added snowballs when it snows
-Added removal of ghosts of players that left
-Added dogs and penguins
-Added bank
-Added inventory to house
-Added new commmand "-balance"
-Added all neutral animals can be possessed
-Added ability to all buyable animals that allow them to become neutral
-Added more dangerous animals
-Added baby Animals
-Added taxes
-Added famous thief (higher bounty with more gold steal)
-Added Trading caravan
-Added Sprint
-Added Reputation Dealers
-Added more peasant names
-Added ghost
-Added ghost possession
-Added usable sword
-Added planks and stones in caravan
-Changed sleeping outside hp loss
-Changed animal sense to entity sense
-Changed fishing net
-Changed building system to match
-Changed hostile animals to random locations
-Changed food tooltip to something more respectable
-Changed profession help guides
-Changed village tree wall to tree
-Changed farming to medium and lumberjacking to easy in
profession select menu
-Changed buff of sprint from beserk to run faster
-Changed huntable animals spawn rates
-Changed fishable fish spawn rates
-Changed info section
-Changed Mining Stamina
-Changed thief locations
-Changed criminal balance
-Changed hostile animal balance
-Changed plank price
-Changed crops tell when harvestable
-Changed bounty on normal thieves
-Changed thieves spawn locations
-Added capture and raise baby animals
-Fixed onion soup bugs
-Fixed stuck in horse bug
-Fixed milk churn bug
-Fixed firepit
-Fixed soul gem
-Fixed animals attacking buildings
-Fixed invisiblity on soul dealer
-Fixed baby and grown-up tame animals having attacks
-Fixed boarding and unboarding boats
-Fixed reviving
-Fixed boat bug
-Fixed reputation bug
-Fixed chicken bug
-Fixed possessable skill
-Fixed unpossession
-Fixed unpossession from getting more than one animal at one time
-Fixed unpossession from allowing you to have your ghost and animal at same time
-Fixed using positive and negative reputation
-Fixed spontaneous combustion bug
-Fixed hunting starting items
-Fixed thiefs not stealing from pets
-Fixed reputation loss
-Fixed full milk churn buying message in caravan
-Fixed taxes
-Fixed woodcutting adding to farming
-Fixed sprints name

Version 2.0
-Added mail system
-Added caravan ping
-Fixed snowball
-Fixed messages
-Fixed some lag issues
-Fixed eating bug
-Fixed deer respawning
-Fixed rabbit respawning

If you truely do want a unprotected version to learn, or see how some of the triggers are made, Drop me off an Email At: [email protected] :and we'll work out some sort of agreement ^_^

BTW, I, Deathbedeli2, Do not have make the claim that I made the original game, however V1.1 and Up are all mine.

Level 5
Nov 14, 2004
As my first time playing this. I like the theme and idea. Might I suggest a way to get everyone to hit ESC to skip the intro cinematic, plus give intro cinematic enough time to read message, it was too fast for me.. and the last message with "Moo" was too long. And uh is "Saw" item broken? I had some wood in inventory and tried click "Saw", nothing happen. Other than that, I need to try play farther in it and probably post more about it. Awesome work so far.
Level 5
Nov 14, 2004
Ok bud, nevermind about Saw being broken. I notice it need some wait until it work. I have some buglist and some suggestions.

I played this with my friend on battle.net, things I noticed (writing them down from my head).

1. When (any) player kill animal, then EVERYONE sees message "Pup is now your to raise" something like that. AND "Your animal grew into adult" too.
2. Player died and use possess on animal, then click unpossess, he cannot control ghost anymore (it became neutral)
3. I had friend told me his food amount suddenly went up to insane amount, like 4875874. Then after a while at a point, his food went to 0 instantly.
4. Major lag on some of your triggers with repop tree and such. I think it should be optimizable to no lag.

1. With experience rate being very slow, is there plan for save code, or boost experience rate?
2. Multiboard with experiences, instead of typing "skills"
3. If everyone already had played this game, able to hit "ESC" to skip cinematic? (make it everyone required to hit ESC)
Level 4
Apr 17, 2006
I got some more comments and suggestions.

-As a farmer, crops should be able to be walkable since I have been stuck once.
-Cows keep going on two feet, maybe you should find a better model.
-When you fail to plant a crop, cut wood, fish, ect. it should say "failed to ...", since when I first saw things disappear and not work, it got me confused.
-It should tell you that you cant plant crops when its snowing.
-I say we should keep our names usernames rather then weird farmer names, cause I dont even notice which are my friends.
-When you throw a snowball you still have the icon in your inventory and when you drop it, it stays there forever.
-Instead of checking repeatively to see your skill, it should tell you how much exp your gained, and/or when your skill levels.
-Campfires are pretty much useless since you could just cook your food in the village fire that never runs out. My idea is to remove the village campfire and your campfire that you could create could be able to last forever and also able to be picked up so you dont have to keep running around.

Thats all I could think of for now. Hope it gave you ideas. I will give your game a 5/5. :)
Level 1
Apr 5, 2006
Nice map, but its buggier than a bait store. All of these were witnessed as red unless otherwise noted.

1. Red seems to be the only player that actually loses life when his food hits 0. Since you can't change slots at the start of the game that means its always the host who can starve.

2. Had a friend have all his gold poof away from the bank. He had maybe 1250 in gold in there. A thief may or may not have been involved, but he shouldn't be able to take gold from the bank vault by seeing you anyhow.

3. Jobs need either rebalancing or reclassifying their difficulty. Lumberjack and mining are by far the easiest and farming should be called hard.

4. Hay seeds never take root and become plants, not even on a sunny day with level 5 farming.

5. There is no benefit to buying one of those very expensive boats. It just gives you access to smaller and fewer fish than you got from the pond.

6. Never seen a reputation do anything but change your (title). I've seen a “You have recieved an item” message every once in awhile, but never gotten an item. Maybe the message referred to another player?

7. You should be able to give allies vision.

8. “Building Recipes” in the info menu makes no mention of what tools you need or how to use them.

9. No tool that I have discovered has the power to make a hatchery.

10. The “skills” command should be “-skills” to make it consistent with the other commands and consistent to every other custom command ever made.

11. The building system needs work in general. Whenever I build something I have to move everything from slot to slot until I can make the building menu actually come up with the tool. Usually it comes up with a blank menu. Simply putting them in the slots suggested by the info menu doesn't help. There seems to be no pattern to it. Also when I try to place a house it often takes me to the place and takes my mana but builds no house. Perhaps this is one of those unexplained “you have to wait 5-10 seconds for it to work for no apparent reason” kind of deals.

12. The fuck is sewing? Shouldn't there be an info menu item on that? I can't figure it out on my own. Same goes for any skill that doesn't have an info explanation.

13. I can't make sheep give wool or cows give milk even with the appropriate tools.

14. Chickens lay 1 or 2 eggs a day at 2 gold apiece. The chicken cost 30 gold. It would take a hell of a long game to make that worthwhile.

15. The horse has 0 sight range even when you're riding it.

16. You can depossess a horse while you're riding it. Unpleasant.

17. After you create something from items it ought to be worth more. After all, you've added worth to it with your labor. I'm thinking specifically of iron ore (4) and wood (2) turning into iron ingot (6). Especially since you fail more often than you succeed at lower levels.

18. People get stuck when trees regrow all the time. Maybe you could attack trees? They already have health you may as well let us kill them to free ourselves.

19. I know its been said already, but there really should be messages to tell you when you've failed at something and why. Finding out not to plant when it snows can be expensive trial by error.

20. When farming, the crops disappear after awhile. This is probably on purpose, but the time when you can harvest them needs to be extended. By the time you get a decent crop out there that actually makes money you have a hard time harvesting it all before it disappears.

21. Had a problem with my hero disappearing when I exited a boat. (Yes it was this version.)

22. When you sleep outdoors and you don't have a command lined up for afterwards you keep on sleeping. What I mean is it subtracts another 5 hp and starts another sleep cycle. All you have to do is put a move command to break the cycle at the end of the loop, but if you don't know this it can be very bad.

23. When you sleep outdoors it resets your mana to 25 instead of adding 25 (which would make a lot more sense.) This has the side effect of requiring people to sleep at the inn before making a house (since that requires 30 mana).

That's all the bugs I could remember for now.
Level 1
Apr 5, 2006
I figured out something about the building problem. The tool needs to be in a certain slot to bring up the build menu. However, it needs to be in a different slot to actually build something. The only way to make it work is to put it in the slot that opens the menu, then without closing the menu you move the tool to the correct slot. Fix it please.
Level 1
Apr 5, 2006
The cursor becomes invisible when you try to create a shed. A tool tip would also be helpful so that you could know what the shed is before actually making it.
Level 5
Jun 26, 2008
Few bugs... Sometimes HP can go down for no reason, even though mana is still high. Resting can lower your mana if your above 25. Food is bugged, sometimes you can use it for ages and sometimes it goes in one go without giving you anything. Some jobs dont give you enough money, you cant afford to feed yourself because of this and taxes, etc. I could go on but theres too much to recall atm.
Level 2
Sep 3, 2010

Very nice map but I have a few suggestions

1. Change the cow model
2. Add messages for when you fail a task
3. Maybe add a larger variety of fish
4. People in the town should be able to request certain supplies of any reasonable quantity and pay a bit more than market value and give reputation as well
5. There should some kind of government building in the towns (for things like paying off your bounty so the guards won't kill you)

In my opinion those are fairly simple, though of course in triggering anything could wrong, but if you could get some of these suggestion added then I'm sure the element of the game could be a bit more eventful then casual mining, chopping, and killing.