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SharpCraft First Person Camera

Level 8
Jul 24, 2006

SharpCraft First Person Camera

This tutorial is about a simple first person camera system made with sharpcraft.
Keep in mind:
-You need SharpCraft to play the map
-Wc3 Engine is not made for such a camera

Screenshot how this can look like:


We place the cursor in the center of the screen.
Now we constantly check whether the cursor position changed and reset the position to the center.
We can use the distance of the cursor to the center to detect the speed of the motion.
With this information we are able to determine the new camera rotation.


I attached the correct SharpCraft version with an additional script to set and get the mouse cursor position: download
There is a newer one, but this is the last stable version. This means you do not need to code any c# and you can directly manipulate the cursor with Jass/Wurst.

Add Sharpcraft to the Editor
If you use WurstScript simply add the SharpCraft folder to your Wurstpack folder and a new menu item will pop up in the editor.

//TODO add description for JNGP
Known Issues: You need multiple tries until SharpCraft successfully injects into wc3 when you start the map via editor.


The following code segments will be Wurst Code, but it works similar in Jass.
You need to add the new native methods with
public native CenterMouse()
public native GetCenterScreenX() returns real
public native GetCenterScreenY() returns real
public native GetMouseScreenX() returns real
public native GetMouseScreenY() returns real

Here is an possible initialization of the camera:
SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_FIELD_OF_VIEW, 115,0 )
SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_FARZ, 5000,0 )
SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, 0,0 )
SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,height, 0 )
SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, 0, 0 )

Now you can simply use new defined natives to manipluate the camera, here is an example with the y axis:
(It works similar with the camera rotation and the x-axis)
//Check if the position of the cursor changed
if GetMouseScreenY() != GetCenterScreenY() 
	//Calculate the new angle of attack
	angleOfAttack+= (GetCenterScreenY()-GetMouseScreenY())/4   
	// Limit the view so you cannot rotate over your head
	if angleOfAttack >90
		angleOfAttack = 90
	else if angleOfAttack < -90
		angleOfAttack = -90
	//Adjust the new angle of attack
	SetCameraFieldForPlayer( Player(0), CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, angleOfAttack, cameraTime )

//Reset the cursor back to the center	
In wc3 you cannot set the distance to the target to zero, the lowest number possible is 100.
This means if you only change the angle of attack you get this effect:

To solve this effect you need to adjust the position of the camera.
You can do this with cosinus and sinus:
//Turn the rotation angle into a direction vector
angle a = rotation.asAngleDegrees()
vec2 direction = a.direction()
//Use the vector to calculate the correct new cam position
real newX=cameraPosition.x+100*CosBJ(angleOfAttack)*direction.x
real newY=cameraPosition.y+100*CosBJ(angleOfAttack)*direction.y
PanCameraToTimed( newX,newY,cameraTime )	

//Do the same with the height of the cam
location loc = Location(GetCameraEyePositionX(),GetCameraEyePositionY())
//Dont forget to get the ground height
real newHeight = GetLocationZ(loc)

Besides wc3 has the effect to automatically adjust the height of the camera to the ground.
Here is a work around/hack to gain full control over the height of the camera:
function setCameraZ(real z)
	real zz = GetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET)+z-GetCameraTargetPositionZ()
	SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET,zz,- cameraTime)

Important: Display Bugs and how to fix them

This is the most important part of the tutorial because you will notice very fast that some models will simply disappear in game.
In this section I will explain why this is happening and what you can do against it.


Warcraft 3 checks the terrain to detect whether a model is displayed or not.
As a result models disappear when you look at the sky and no terrain near the model is left on the screen.
This is extremely annoying when you have models larger than the original wc3 trees.


1. Best Solution:
Fill doodads with terrain. For example when you have a house you can place terrain into the building.
As a result every time you look at the top of the building there will be terrain on the screen -> the building is still visible.
For some Doodads the invisible tile could be useful to place terrain with the invisible tile at the position.
Remember: Most important is that the height of the terrain is nearly as hight as the doodad.
To achieve this you can use the miscdata.txt.

2. Sometimes this is not possible, for example for large trees. In this case you can edit the model and multiply the MinimumExetent and MaximumExtent with a value like 10.
This means the cuboid that wc3 checks whether the model should be visible or not is much larger. As a result the possibility that the models is displayed correct is increased.
This method fix the issue, but it is bad for the performance. Because now the model is rendered even when it is not on the screen.
Besides it is no longer possible to easily select the model in the editor.
You can use Magos Model Editor: Edit -> Model Properties


For Unit Models you can increase the Bounds Radius.
Open Magos -> Edit -> Model Properties


The Performance is not good because Warcraft 3 is rendering all models, even those are hidden behind another object:

Tips to increase the Performance:

Use less doodads! (and try to keep the polygon count low)
A useful technique I created is to merge doodads in an area to a single model.
This means houses build out of single doodads are bad, but a single large house/rock formation is good.
To achive this I created the Doodad2Model Merger.


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Last edited by a moderator:
Level 8
Jul 24, 2006
I made a test map!
You move with WASD and rotate the camera with the mouse.
The attached rar contains the w3x and the .wurst scripts used.

If you want to play the map:
-Add the map to your Warcraft 3 Map folder
-Download SharpCraft from the post above
-Make sure you use only 1 Monitor
-Start Wc3 via the batch file "Sharpcraft.Game.exe -window.bat"

If you want to edit the map:
-You need Wurst
-Create a project with the attached map and script files

I would like to hear some feedback.


  • FPSCamera.rar
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Not worth it. Not in my opinion anyway. You need both wurst and shapecraft, just a giant nope.

You only need Wurst to edit the map. You can run the map as long as you have SharpCraft.


@oger_lord: Good tutorial. A video would be a great addition, if possible. I'll have to review the code/technique a little closer, but it seems like it should be approvable (I'll probably make some grammar fixes as well to make it more coherent). Once I get my PC back, I'll test it and give a proper review.

For now, it might be interesting to consider hooking natives. SharpCraft allows you to hook on normal natives, and perform particular actions when a specific input is given. For example, MindWorX's SharpCraft example hooks onto the "Cheat" native and does something specific when it is passed a particular command.

Similarly, instead of declaring new natives, you can overwrite hashtable functions and return the coordinates when you're given particular values. Then you can just write function wrappers for it. For example:
function GetCenterScreenX() takes nothing returns real 
    call LoadReal(null, -4395043590, 3450843590)

Imagine if you hooked onto "LoadReal", and when given the input "null", and keys "-4395043590" and "3450843590" (random numbers), you would return the mouse coordinates. Why is this better than directly declaring new natives? Two reasons:
(1) You can view the map in the lobby (potentially allowing multiplayer).
(2) The map will open even if you don't have SharpCraft. As such, you can detect if the user is using sharpcraft via code: if he is using SharpCraft, give him the FPS camera. If he isn't using SharpCraft, give him a default alternative camera. If the gameplay entirely relies on SharpCraft natives, then all this work isn't that necessary. But that is how I envision SharpCraft being used well.

Sorry, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent. Ideally, I see SharpCraft as being used to grant additional features, but I think the map should still be playable in regular Wc3 (if it wants to be successful). It is really just food for thought. You don't have to adjust your tutorial for it, but it might be interesting to play around with (I personally haven't messed around with that idea yet).
Level 8
Jul 24, 2006
For now, it might be interesting to consider hooking natives. SharpCraft allows you to hook on normal natives, and perform particular actions when a specific input is given. For example, MindWorX's SharpCraft example hooks onto the "Cheat" native and does something specific when it is passed a particular command.
Hm, I cant find the example. All the SharpCraft stuff ist not organized.
Stupid comment, this is a tutorial and even points out the downsides of the approach. At no point its recommended to apply this to all maps.

@Oggy: great tutorial and i like the drawings :)

I agree, I also wanted to put out the fact that he wrote a stupid comment, this tutorial is awesome and it deserves to be learned by those who are in-need of such a implementation. We need more tutorials about SharpCraft in general...
Level 5
Apr 13, 2019
I made a test map!
You move with WASD and rotate the camera with the mouse.
The attached rar contains the w3x and the .wurst scripts used.

If you want to play the map:
-Add the map to your Warcraft 3 Map folder
-Download SharpCraft from the post above
-Make sure you use only 1 Monitor
-Start Wc3 via the batch file "Sharpcraft.Game.exe -window.bat"

If you want to edit the map:
-You need Wurst
-Create a project with the attached map and script files

I would like to hear some feedback.