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Shade/Shadow Effect Model Request

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Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Hey all-

I know I've dabbled myself somewhat in the request section and with modeling in general but I have a request that I haven't quite figured out because I don't know how to begin/I know I'll mess it up.

I need a shade- shadow like model- should be a transparent black 'filter' screen that can be used as an attachable effect to unit(s) which shows they're shaded. Maybe even a recolored.... whatever that vanilla model is in wc3 that looks like a pillar of light coming down from somewhere in the sky.

Right now I'm using the generic aura effect for my map but it's lacking. I could try vertex coloring but I already use that for another thing and I can't think of an easy solution to implement both at the same time.

If anyone has snazzy ideas I think this could be a cool sfx

Also, I miss @Cuore



Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
Do you mean something like this?

It's accessible through triggers.



Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
There's a function called 'Change (unit)'s vertex coloring' which can be used to darken its color and make it transparent.

That's, basically, all. :)

If you want your 'shadowed' units to disappear smoothly, you will need a periodic loop and some MUI magic.
In short, just increase its transparency over time unitl it becomes completely invisible and then remove it. (Invisible units still create shadows on the ground)

If you use it in an altered melee (like me), you'll have to make sure that such units receive Locust ability, but they will still consume the food limit (I'm struggling with it right now).

Also there's some space for timings, animation speed, special effects, etc.
So it's obviously easier to use in cinematics. :D
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