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Seven Demons

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Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Seven Demons

This is a map I've been working on for a while now, and I'd like some feedback from the members of THW.

The (WIP) story is simple; seven demons have found themselves stranded on an island, and are forced to defend against waves of attacking orcs. If the demons are able to defend against the attack, they will then find themselves forced to attack groups of orcs similar to how they were attacked earlier. If anyone is familar with maps like Illidan's 7 Pros, 7 Blademasters, 7 Dread Lords, etc..., my map will have similar gameplay. This map will only allow 7 players (in honor of the maps I took inspiration from).

Things I focused on during development:
-Having unique and interesting abilities; every hero's abilities in the game will be JASS enhanced in one way or another
-Keeping the map size small. I forbid myself to use any imported files which were larger than a few KB in size.
-Give player's a choice in which hero they play. There are currently 9 heroes in my map, so any player will always have a choice of at least 3 heroes. I'm bound to add more heroes in later versions.
-Small, noticeable tweaks. Things like random hero selection, leaderboards, and correct tooltips have been a big focus. I'd like this map to be extremely polished.
-Exceptional terrain. Since I'm obviously not the best terrainer at THW, this was a challenge. I've yet to receive a non bias (other than my own) opinion of my terrain, so I'm not quite sure how it stacks up. However, I'll be uploading several screenshots, which can hopefully make any changes that are recommended.

More to be revealed soon.



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Level 10
May 20, 2008
I havn't played 7 Blademasters or the like (unless its another map that I wouldn't expect). However, this sounds very interesting. I like the terrain (though I mght suggest moving to raised terrain without using cliffs, but nothing big) and it definatly fits the map.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
How do demons get stranded on an island?

It's just defending for X time, then attacking? I don't understand where the challenge is.
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