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Level 12
Mar 11, 2004
Before thinking on making a new voting system like you could see in other posts. I think that there are problems with the site of BIGGER priority.

- Something makes the site too slow sometimes and it isn't bandwith usage.

- Model upload KEEPS asking me for stuff that is already in the Game, forces me to upload empty textures , and Even when I tell people to only import X texture THEY KEEP importing the other textures because Darky's tutorial says to ignore any Instruction from the Model's author and just follows what the Site's script says.

The best thing would be to update the list of mdx and blps in the game, but Even after I gave Darky a list with them a long ago it wasn't improved, I say, I claim that the soution is to stop the script to force you to upload skins or attachment models, seriously.

- Comments, The site is too big and has tons of resources, do you know how much of a pain is for a Resource Maker to look for new comments on all his/her resources? There should be a way to note that there were new comments on your resource or on resources you commented on.

- Comments again, Information about the author of a comment like uploaded resources and signature is not shown.

- The Warn list shouldn't show to non moderators.

- Resource Removal should have a textbox where you can type a reason, seriously, Sometimes I delete spells but only because the download is failing. But the guy gets this rough message about him breaking rules and that stuff.

- Old rating isn't removed, it still shows in the JASS section and the Icons rolling out on that random thing have rating.

- I think that you should be able to have a sort method that shows the resources that got commented / updated recently instead of only uploaded. IF someone abuses this we ban him and done.
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
You are right Vexorian, and I've repeatedly PMed Darky about a number of these things. There is only one problem - he won't answer. I hate to get everyone hopes down, but this stuff may happen, but it will happen over a period of years. Forget about updating now and lets deal with what we can.
Level 8
Nov 27, 2004
Vexorian said:
- Something makes the site too slow sometimes and it isn't bandwith usage.

thats too strange,now is 12:18 (midnight) in my local time and i enter now everything with an incredible speed! and there are 69 users online, where 6 are members.
and the speed sightly was reduced when i logged in. so maybe there could be a problem,since the more logged users there are the more lag we have.

however this will not be fixed,and i thought that darky doesnt reply only to simple users! I am very sorry to see that he doesnt care about noone.
Level 13
Dec 29, 2004
Vexorian said:
- I think that you should be able to have a sort method that shows the resources that got commented / updated recently instead of only uploaded. IF someone abuses this we ban him and done.

I agree about sorting based on recent update, but about recent comment, i don't agree with that. the comment can be negative or positive comment, or even just the author's comment just to get his spell on the top. it doesn't make sense.

what about recent downloaded?
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Vexorian said:
- Resource Removal should have a textbox where you can type a reason, seriously, Sometimes I delete spells but only because the download is failing. But the guy gets this rough message about him breaking rules and that stuff.

I know you don't agree with the rule in the spells section about resource removal but I had my reason when I warned those guys. There were cases in which I told people that they are allowed to reupload stuff, but useless reuploading just to remove all those negative comments and especially the rating (which THANK GOD is finally gone) deserved a warning... But your idea might solve this problem. ;)

Vexorian said:
- Comments again, Information about the author of a comment like uploaded resources and signature is not shown.

I agree with resources uploaded but SIGNATURE??? Come on Vexorian. You can always see someone's signature on the forums. And moreover, too much space would be wasted. You can see people's comments much harder with all the signatures here and there. On the other hand, the resources uploaded should be mentioned... Not that I would have any particular reason... :oops:

Now, I'd have a suggestion myself. I suggest you change the search of resources for maps, by users who submitted the map and not by Author Map. Though this may involve stealing and blahblah, there are those messy users who just forget to put the author of the map or just type their name different there or whatever, and so, you can't really see what resources they actually uploaded and which actually belong to them. Even if the resource itself still appears to the poster, though the author is not himself, you can still see the original author by entering the resource. After all, if you are interested in downloading the map, you will see the author right there as well.




Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Hmmm I think Avatars should stay... but this is kinda confusing. One stays, the other goes... vice versa... Anyway Darky would have to be here, and that's the great problem; each time we ask for a change, that takes years to happen.

Level 8
Nov 27, 2004
comments should stay as they are,without sig.

and the goddamn site is too fast 2day,i hope to be so tomorrow
(or maybe today,since the hour here is 1:30,til now was playing Call Of Duty UO Online.)

Have you guys ever thought that darky could stay to thr invisible users???

i keep refreshing the site to read your slogans about "Vexorian spell Site"

His sig said:
> Oh my goddes, it's a Vexorian spell site.
Level 6
May 8, 2005
Nantuko_Husk said:
well this moght sound a bit off-topic here but...
dont you think that the site has been too fast today???
A dark (y) miracle :eek: , or my ISP gave me faster internet

mine too :lol:
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