Resource Comment Rules

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
These simple guidelines are in force for comments in The Hive Workshop's resource submission sections. Our community owes it to the resource creators that put time and effort into their projects to be as helpful and supportive as possible.
  1. All users are allowed and encouraged to comment upon and rate submitted resources.
  2. No comment may violate any Hive Workshop site rule.
  3. Resource comments should be detailed, helpful and pertinent.
  4. Comments should provide CONSTRUCTIVE feedback only.
  5. Requests for resources should NOT be made in any comment.
  6. Flaming, hostile feedback or down rating may be punished.
  7. Users should alert the staff of unacceptable commentary using THW's report post feature or Admin Contact forum.
This document is subject to future revision and/or amendment.

The above rule set is based on VGsatomi's long existing notes in The Hive Workshop's map submission rules. Now ammended, these guidelines are in force for comments in all resource sections.

One important note about reports regarding unacceptable comments: at present only the model section resides in our vBulletin forum environment. As our intrepid webmaster transfers the resource sections to the forum, the automatic report feature will, of course, be activated. Until then (if necessary) please report in THW' Admin Contact forum. Very old resource comments (especially those imported from Darky's) should not be reported.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
First off..that's insanity, Nudl. It would only alienate least..IMHO. People are inherantly lazy. They aren't going to make an account just to download stuff, losing a few of the hits this site gets.

Second off, again IMO..but..

Don't you think this sort of alienates the users who aren't model, map, skin etc. makers? Our comments CANNOT be as detailed for we lack the knowledge. Therefor, if we post a comment, trying to be as helpful as possible, but aren't judged "helpful" by a user with more experience, we suffer because of it.

And that also goes for the pending stuff. It alienates us further, because not everyone here shares opinions with the moderators. If I see a nice model, I want to be able to download it(as long as it isn't breaking Hive rules, but that's different then downloading a model that's not quite finished, but still usefull).

By blocking pending resources, you are robbing potential map makers of potential models...

and once again..I say

IMO. And no offense intended to anyone. If I did, I apologize.
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