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serious maps problem

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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Hi, i have imported a 4 faces custom loading screen in all of my proj maps(following carefully and rightly the tut about).
When i try to open one of them, it simply gets back to the campaign mission selection, like there's something that leaks like hell. After a short investigation, i realized that is really the custom ls. However it's strange, because all of these maps load up normally by clicking the "test" button in the WE, but if i run them through the game they crash. Another strange thing is that one mission(the 8th but who care about?) loads normally also via game. Figuring a possible bug in all of the other custom ls, i've imported the 8th ls into a random map of the others, but it still crashes. Now, there's some magician out there that knows how do i fix this doom? THX
Level 6
Aug 16, 2007
It only happens when you start the map in wc3? does this happens on any map you star in wc3? if every game crashes try to reinstall wc3, get the leatest patch, reinstall WE or get WEU (world editor unlimited), run antivirus programs, delete the custom stuff you imported. huh... hope tis helps a bit :)
Level 6
Aug 16, 2007
Emm now i we read all ower again an i sill dont totally get it... you mean the loading screen image? images must be TGA format i think, check the 8th map loading screen format of the picture(mby is TGA and it works) all others are probably JEPG and i will not work. Man if this is what i mean it is... if not i have no idea what could be wrong, or i dont get what you wrote xD
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
i think so, because even if i tried to remove something useless from maps they don't get below 4 mb. Fortunately i got a recent backup and i can handle the situation more easily. And in the mean time, custom loading screens have begun to not re-appear. -_- I need to pray, be back soon.



Level 8
Dec 10, 2007
It dosent matter if your map is below 4mb or 50mb. Its only on LAN and BNET you cant play a map over 4mb, but in singleplayer you will to play it.

I think you problem is a curropted file. (mdx, tga or blp)

Try deleting every imported file, and then test if the map still crash. If it still crash and you cant find the problem. Then upload the map here, and we will take a look on it (and no, no one will steal your map)
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
You're right, but that's only a matter of single maps(it is correct?), i'm talkin about campaign maps, it seems that i can't get over that 4mb size.
mmm i think i'll upload that when i'll host, so that i'll probably need someone to adjust something. But i think i won't be able to host. Half of the proj is 43 MB large! Plus i still have to translate everything.
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