Sentinel 05 Issue

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Level 18
Jul 3, 2010
There's an issue that is keeping me from releasing chapter five. Until it is resolved, I won't be able to release it.

The issue is that the load code cannot hold the items of four full inventory heroes at once. The system does not work after a set number of integers are stored, this number is around 30.
The code always stores 8 integers, the map number (1), the bonus strength (2), agility (3) and intelligence, (4) the skill distribution for Maiev (5) and Saithis (6) and the item count for Maiev (7) and Saithis. (8)
Since Malfurion and Tyrande are both level 10, their skill distribution need not be stored, therefore they add two more integers I cannot terminate: Item count for Malfurion (9) and Tyrande (10). Therefore, the remaining 20 or so integers are items only. Things are more complicated if the items have more than one charges, because then they take another integer, two in total. (For example an Amulet of the Wild or Healing Wards. Things with one charge are not considered. (Potion of Healing))
So, in order to store the items of Malfurion and Tyrande, I wish to seperate their items into a different code, which would be called Code B.
At the start of the next four maps, you would have to enter both codes.
The codes would also be linked, so you hopefully cannot cheat with this. (There would be a 0.005% chance that you get a code that actually works with a code it's not meant to work with.)

I would like to hear your opinions on this method.

On a side note, would you like to see Illidan use some special units? I'm thinking about addig a special Mur'gul caster. It would have about 550 HP, 400 mana. It would have Hex (Turns a target unit into a critter.) and either Slow or Cripple or a weak Frost Nova.
I will also add some Royal Guards to attack waves.

Another thing I'm planning for this map is a special ability for Illidan. TheSpoon has already done this on several occasions so I am almost certain this will make it into the final version. The ability would be a huge wave of explosion that slides forward like a Shockwave, setting units on fire and knocking them back.

EDIT (14 July, 2011)
The map is now released, this thread is closed.
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