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Searing Conflict


As my first map, Fight of Mages, made the cut, I decided to post my masterpiece, Searing Conflict.

Malvenor and Grinion are two sworn enemies which fought each other for several years. Now, they will fight in a blazing desert to end this terrible battle once and for all.

Malvenor is a master mage, half demon and half human, versed in dark and fire magics.
Grinion is an agile and brawny blademaster which uses stealthy tactics to kill his enemies.

- Some slow motion effects
- Camera shakes
- Unusual use of animations
- Custom models obviously





- Shadow Fury (The creator of the film)
- eubz - BarrensTree(NewVar)
- Tauer - KilroggDeadeye
- 00110000 - Dark Malice
- JetFangInferno - Dark Nova - Dark Lightning Nova - Fire Nova - BladeStorm
- WILL THE ALMIGHTY - Ground Explosion
- General Frank - Orb Of Fire
- nGy - DarknessBomb
- Thrikodius - Warp Dark (caster) - Warp Dark (target)
- UgoUgo - OrbOfCorruption - OrbOfFire
- Em! - BoneSpear
- spong3bob - Agave
- RightField - flammer
- Herio-san - Barrens Rock
- Daenar7 - corruptedkael.blp
- Lord_T - Short Axe/Throwing Axe

Comments and ratings are well appreciated.

Searing, Conflict, Problem, Blazing, Scorching, Battle, War, 1vs1, Brawl, Fight, Desert, Hot

Searing Conflict (Map)

Orcnet19:40, 19th Dec 2013700 Searing Conflict (Tested Version 16th Dec 2013) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...




Orcnet19:40, 19th Dec 2013


Searing Conflict (Tested Version 16th Dec 2013)









"The cinematic is great, full of spell actions along with the movement and characters involved, somehow the Blademaster and Blood Mage units works efficiently for cinematics."



"Terrain is good looking, with the sand dunes theme is perfect for a fight scene."



"Overall has good quality and is very recommended."

Total Score: (Gameplay[x/5] + Terrain[x/5] + Management[x/5] / Total Score[15] * 50 + 50)

Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: Hell_Master
Map Name: Searing Conflict
Map Author: Shadow Fury



There are quite much fighting scene cinematics in Warcraft III. May I ask, what makes this unique from others? From what I can see, it is the same with those other fighting scenes cinematic out there.

Score: 60/100


A good presentation which is much informative together with screenshots and Credits to give recognition to users whom you have used some resources in this map. Definitetly this gets a high score.

Score: 86/100


The game could have a minimap because showing the actual game's mp makes it ugly to be honest, it is good if you will find some images to make as the minimap image. Loading Screen looks fitting to the cinematic though could be better with its own custom Loading Screen.

Score: 58/100


Terrain looks good for a cinematic map though I do think that it could use some more destructibles and doodads rather than trees and rocks which gets too much repetitive and boring, try experimenting with some good combinations of decorations to put at and maybe it'll give the terrain much more appeal.

Though it does not need to be spammed for it also looks bad when spammed badly.

Score: 75/100


Not the person to judge triggers much but I can say, well-arranged though I don't know that but I think some triggers in it could still be simplified like instead of commanding one by one each Dark Spears to move at a point, why not just pick all units equal to Dark Spears and command them as a whole to the Move Point, same with the Impale Dust though.

Score: 80/100

Object Data

I did take a look at the import manager and wondering what the text files are for but I think they are a waste of space no matter how low of space they consume. What do they exactly do to be of important matter in-game? Just asking to be sure if it has uses or not because excess imports in-game which is not used at the map is a deduction at Object Data. You could have save some spaces if they are useless actually.

Score: 75/100


Instead of judging of gameplay, of course I will be judging how the Cinematic went so far. The cinematic looks entertaining in cases of actions though it lacks very much in story. You could have at least, made a little introduction on how did this rivalry started. Why did they even actually fight What is the purpose? Better to explain it to add some background at the story and surely it will make the cinematic not only dependent to action but also to its Story.

Score: 61/100


Could have used a minimap image and load screen but preferably minimap to cover the actual minimap which looks ugly when stared on.
Terrain could have some more decorations instead of Trees and Rocks which pretty much gets repetitive.
Some triggers I do think could be simplified.
If indeed the text files imported serves no purpose in-game, better remove it and save more file space/size.
While the cinematic is best in action, it greatly lacks a story which describes even how the fight started.


Final Score: 70.714/100
4/5 Vote for Approval


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Dear Hell_Master, this is a 1vs1 cinematic so I don't really think it needs a story as I watched other 1vs1 battles without a story or even a bare dialogue but no one complained about that!!! The terrain, in my opinion, isn't that bad to get such a low rating. Perhaps I repeated too much trees, plants and rocks together but I couldn't find any other good combination. For the originality, what do u expect from a Warcraftish film? I can't make a great use of animations because they r very few! Ah, and about the importing, I read about how to import maps when I didn't even know that there were custom models and it said you MUST IMPORT EVERYTHING, even the readme. So I did, and only now I discovered they r just taking space for nothing. Unluckily, I don't know how to create custom loading screens :vw_death: About the triggers, I think they r OK and have no problems. Maybe u didn't notice that I actually picked all spears with Unit Group :vw_wtf: it's the unhide that I had to select everyone because if u know triggers well, u cannot pick various units if they r hidden
For the object data, I've fixed this problem and removed the unneeded readmes, I should thank u for telling me about that!

By the way, I am not satisfied with this 3/5
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Dear Hell_Master, this is a 1vs1 cinematic so I don't really think it needs a story as I watched other 1vs1 battles without a story or even a bare dialogue but no one complained about that!!! The terrain, in my opinion, isn't that bad to get such a low rating. Perhaps I repeated too much trees, plants and rocks together but I couldn't find any other good combination. For the originality, what do u expect from a Warcraftish film? I can't make a great use of animations because they r very few! Ah, and about the importing, I read about how to import maps when I didn't even know that there were custom models and it said you MUST IMPORT EVERYTHING, even the readme. So I did, and only now I discovered they r just taking space for nothing. Unluckily, I don't know how to create custom loading screens :vw_death: About the triggers, I think they r OK and have no problems. Maybe u didn't notice that I actually picked all spears with Unit Group :vw_wtf: it's the unhide that I had to select everyone because if u know triggers well, u cannot pick various units if they r hidden
For the object data, I've fixed this problem and removed the unneeded readmes, I should thank u for telling me about that!

By the way, I am not satisfied with this 3/5

First, what I mean by Originality is not about the animation, yes on that part you are really limited but what I ask of you is the story. Of course, no one complains of it but each reviewers has its different taste but do not get me wrong because I still liked your cinematic despite of that.

Second, Importing, readme files are not needed and uneccessary and takes spaces for nothing so its right to remove that. They are just files that tells of you of the correct pathing for each corresponding models and no need for it because all models are in their correct path already or they will be unusable.

Third, Terrain, pardon me but I'll add points for the fogs also just to tell though what I mean by repetitive is what I noticed in the terrain is that its most Trees and some rocks, I suggest add some cactus of some sort or bones to better make it of a wasteland or battlefield. There are possible combinations to it but most likely, you are like making the whole terrain as battlefield so its better if you put some dead corpses and bones also some Cactus for some desert-ish feeling.

Fourth, Triggers, acceptable and thank you for correcting me. I always judge triggers incorrectly so definitely changing my rating to a higher one.

For the Miscellaneous such as Load Screen and Minimap Image, here are some links on how to do one yourself... well not like doing yourself but importing them to game to be used as one: Creating a Custom Minimap Image and Creating a Custom Loading Screen

Hope I helped you at some points. I will correct some of my wrong points giving though I still did take a stand at some points you told for I can see they are still improvable.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I've already removed the unneeded readmes as I said and perhaps u didn't notice that I actually put cactuses and bones. Open my map and look at the middle of the map nearby the circle of fire, u'll find some bones. There r also cactuses if u watch well my map becuase they cannot be absent in a desert!

I hope u might think about the low rating of 3/5 (which is deluding for me) and maybe give a higher rating.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
That will change still for I got to change the rating to the fields that Shadow Fury did explained but you might still want to do the others that I suggest and still took a stand.

And actually, 3/5 is not a low rating but a rating for maps that are good so treat it as something important also but I assure you, this will be 4/5. Will still check for somethings wrong in my review.
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Level 18
Sep 14, 2012
REVIEW BY Malhorne

Resource Status: Approved
Review Date: 04/12/2013
  • I like this cinematic map because we're already into the action.
  • It isn't too long nor too short, the duration seems fairly good to me.
  • Spells of the mage are clearly done.
  • Some movement tricks like dodges.
  • I like the trick of the mage ^-^ and the explanation! Kinda classic but I liked it.
  • The Mage sometimes seems to miss his spells or sometimes the blademaster got hit by them but no reaction sadly.
  • The Blademaster got only one skill D: !
  • Some animations aren't that fluid like the final bladestorm.
That is all I can see for now. Feel free to speak up if you feel like I miss-said something.
Original review template by Doomlord
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
All right, Malhorne. From what I could see, the blademaster gets "tapped" from some missiles but not really "hit". Like from the beginning, the 4 dark missiles shot. Only 2 ALMOST hit the blademaster but they didn't. About the blademaster having only one skill, he has more! First one, Bladestorm, used about 3 times in the cinematic. Then, the mirror image in the circle of fire! He splitted himself into 3! That's a skill dude! And finally, the wind walk ability when the mage was shooting the large fiery orbs on the blademaster. Those r 3 skills, not only 1! And finally, for the animations, it isn't easy making animations "fluid" as animations are limited and I can't manipulate them so well.

Hmm, Fight of Mages got 3/5 and even this one! Strange, I thought this map was better than Fight of Mages. Never mind...
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I thought of the mage summoning some minions but I think the result is going to be bad! I am making another map in which a hero will invoke his minions. About this, I don't know what other ability I can add to the blademaster!

In my opinion, Fight of Mages compared to this map is rubbish!
Level 18
Sep 14, 2012
The two of them got their pros and cons ;)
But perseverate I'm sure you'll become a good map maker !
I'm a bit strict in term of reviewing maybe but if Orcnet put the same marks maybe it isn't that strict.

I got the same problem as you -> I never know what ability to add to a blademaster because I love this hero and his animations.
Level 2
Nov 5, 2013
Hey You!!

Hey You!! Give him 4/5. can't you see that this cinematic map is better than other maps?!:vw_death: Its an amazing Map!:ogre_datass:
Level 2
Nov 5, 2013
Why this Map didn't approved yet?! Please, any one approve this map.... 1 week passed and it didn't approved yet!
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Fine, then give me the link of this map which would get 5/5 from u.
Notice, I take care of the filesize and I don't like to superate 10 MB so if u give me a map of more than 20 MB, no matter how awesome it is, I won't download it!

Nice try Abodaa, but if someone gives a 3/5 to this map, we can only accept that! The only way to increase a rate is finding mistakes in someones review, as I did with Hell Master's one.
Level 18
Sep 14, 2012
If you give you a limit of filesize it will be for sure a limit to add :/
I'm not that good to give idea

The link : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/ultimate-fight-80306/
My review of this cinematic is kinda like this :
I - Idea -> 5/5 story is a bit cheap but entertaining.
II - Effects and look -> 5/5 lookgs very good !
III - Triggers -> 3.5/5 many leaks and things and so on.
But because I like it very much I put 5/5 (but the real mark is 4.5/5 because giving 5 is a bit violent ^^ and I don't think it was really perfect but nvm I keep it xD)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
R u sure this is the right link? Sincerly, u deluded me. This map would get maximum 3/5 from me. The effects were only cool at the end. Too much repetition of "Die!" with the Sorceress. Repetition of some effects. NO SKY??? :vw_wtf: And the terrain, sooo bad done. Most of the terrain was Round Tiles and the village looked bad I think. Dialogue was also poor in my opinion and there were far too many grammar mistakes.

So where r the effects burning my eyes? And if u think I gave too low ratings, we can choose some1 else to watch it and say which one is better. I really don't know how the hell it got 5/5, perhaps they didn't notice the bad points I listed. I only found ONE MAP on the Hive which I would give between 4.5/5 and 5/5 with pleasure.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
That's a campaign not a cinematic!
In Ultimate Fight, the fight scenes were too repeated everytime! ALL elite soldiers just used 1 ability or am I wrong? Double Sword Master and the last elite soldier always attacking the dragon's legs with one ability. Sorceress just saying Die and calling meteors from the sky. Maceman did almost nothing.
So, u still think the combat scenes r great or I need to continue? :vw_wtf:
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Aaaaah, now everything is clear!
You did not judge both maps on their terrain! That's why I got 3/5 and the other 4/5
Well dude, I'm sorry to tell u but... u misjudge maps!
If u judge maps just on their spells/effects and trigger, then u r judging incorrectly. The terrain is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in any map, whether cinematic or not.
If u would judge my map and Ultimate Fight concerning the terrain, then I'd get more!
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Actually, terrain is not the most important thing in all of the scales but they are equal. A terrain would somehow be useless without trigger, imagine a cinematic without a trigger and just a terrain? Of course, still nothing and as far as I know you can't make of any cinematic into it.

By the way, I almost completely forgot this and I am now scaling the scores again though I do not assure you it will raise to 4/5 maybe 3/5 still but with higher score rather than 63 which you got as a total score out of 100.

EDIT: Changed my rating to 4/5.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Thanks Hell Master and don't worry, I'll keep making more cinematics!
In my opinion, the terrain is the most important thing because it is the first thing the watcher sees and if it is done well, it can impress the watcher before the actions even start!

It's good that you will make more and just a note, I do agree that Terrain is an important thing but to also state my opinion, actually not the most especially in cinmatic because as I have said on my previous situation, how can you make a cinematic with just plain good and awesome terrain without triggers which I do know is the main foundation of a cinematic?

Nevermind, I understand both points and again, hoping to see more from you.
Level 6
Aug 2, 2013
amazing, but has some bad things
1. the blademaster should have more skills, because these 1-2 skills were pretty boring
2. it would have been cooler if the mage summoned like 3 skeletons, because then it would have been a little bit longer
3. weird is that sometimes the mage hit the blademaster with spells that had bigger explosions but nothing happened with the blademaster :/
but everything else is pretty good.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Hehe, taavidude, I would've liked adding some cool skills to the blademaster but what can I do more than Wind Walk, Mirror Image, some Critical Strikes, Bladestorms to defend himself from missiles and to rise up in the air! I actually thought of making a kind of shockwave by letting the blademaster hit the ground with attack slam and creating a rippling wave but I wasn't sure that the result would be nice.
Level 2
Nov 5, 2013
Wait, may I ask u, why u wrote "good work, this is very fine 5/5" and gave me 4/5 ?
Whether u write 5/5 and give me a rating of 5/5 OR write 4/5 and give me a rating of 4/5

I think he meant 4.5:grin: But why he wrote 5/5 and give you 4/5?:vw_wtf:
Okay guys, I guess reading the pages really makes me want to vomit a little.
Here's some notes :
1. All people are allowed to express their opinion equally, let them state every flaw and every pros in a map, if they can do it, they can justify their opinion. (An opinion doesn't always affect others anyway)
2. A good map (exception : Templates) can only be created with combination of everything in WE
I hope that's clear to everyone, this pretty good for a map actually, but I have yet to watch it, but when I do, I will review it. From what I seem this deserve 4/5 for now, we'll see when the full review gonna get out (just kidding, ain't gonna rate till full review).
~bye bye~