Hey guys, first post! I use to come to these forums when working on War3 maps but just now registered, I'm working on a map, I have a unit that can Baneling - Explode(ability) and I've set the units death animation to an SCV Death, all is working(my trigger makes the unit Baneling Explode when it enters a range of a unit and explodes like an SCV death) except I can't seem to find where to adjust the size of the animation of SCV Death, I've tried as many things as I could find that involved scaling with no success of being able to alter the scale of this animation. Any help would be appreciated, I know how to change the scale of units through the actor so I assumed it would be similar for an SCV Death.
nvm figured out my second question about my unit not elevating when walking near cliffs, changed the Mover to ground under movement in object editor
nvm figured out my second question about my unit not elevating when walking near cliffs, changed the Mover to ground under movement in object editor
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