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[General] Saving an explored region - hiding it - returning to it again explored

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So I have regions in a map that appears (receives a visibbility modifier) in the minimap when I enter them. Like so:
  • Enter Blood Moore
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters Bridge <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Encampment <gen> contains unit) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Cinematic - Apply a filter over 1.00 seconds using Normal blending on texture Black Mask, starting with color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) and 100.00% transparency and ending with color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) and 0.00% transparency
      • Cinematic - Show filter
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Set temploc = (Center of Leaving Camp <gen>)
      • Unit - Move EquipmenT 0036 <gen> instantly to temploc
      • Unit - Move STash Bag 0019 <gen> instantly to temploc
      • Unit - Move unit instantly to temploc
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_temploc)
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Entering the Blood ... above unit with Z offset 100.00, using font size 10.00, color (80.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%), and 20.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
      • Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 2.00 seconds
      • Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 12.00 towards 90.00 degrees
      • Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 1.00 seconds
      • Custom script: call SetDayNightModels("Environment\\DNC\\DNCDungeon\\DNCDungeonTerrain\\DNCDungeonTerrain.mdx" , "Environment\\DNC\\DNCFelwood\\DNCFelwoodUnit\\DNCFelwoodUnit.mdx")
      • Cinematic - Apply a filter over 1.00 seconds using Normal blending on texture Black Mask, starting with color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) and 0.00% transparency and ending with color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) and 100.00% transparency
      • Wait 1.00 seconds
      • Visibility - Enable BlackMaskRegion[8]
      • Visibility - Enable VisibilityRegion[2]
      • Visibility - Disable VisibilityRegion[1]
Once the region is explored we can see it ... well, in theory anyway. My problem is that I want to leave the area and have it hidden and then return to it later and have the explored area visible again.

In case you didn't notice already, this is a Diablo remake.

What I really want is to set camera bounds but that only effects the camera box and not the minimap. This looks dumb so the only thing to do is hide the regions of the map which are not being used with a black mask.

  • Theme
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Environment - Set fog to style Linear, z-start 700.00, z-end 7000.00, density 0.07 and color (50.00%, 50.00%, 50.00%)
      • Game - Set Visibility - Hide Terrain to On
      • Game - Disable ally color button and Disable creep camp button
      • Game - Hide creep camps on the minimap
      • Game - Enable drag-selection functionality (Disable drag-selection box)
      • Selection - Select Amazon 0010 <gen> for Player 1 (Red)
      • Unit - Turn alarm generation for Amazon 0010 <gen> Off
      • Visibility - Enable black mask
      • Visibility - Enable fog of war
      • Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across Encampment <gen>
      • Set VisibilityRegion[1] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Disabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Fog of war across Blood Moore <gen>
      • Set VisibilityRegion[2] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Disabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Fog of war across Cave Boundries <gen>
      • Set VisibilityRegion[3] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Disabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Fog of war across (Entire map)
      • Set VisibilityRegion[8] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • -------- Mask --------
      • Visibility - Create an initially Disabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Black mask across Encampment <gen>
      • Set BlackMaskRegion[1] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Black mask across Blood Moore <gen>
      • Set BlackMaskRegion[2] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Black mask across Cave Boundries <gen>
      • Set BlackMaskRegion[3] = (Last created visibility modifier)
      • Visibility - Create an initially Disabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Black mask across (Entire map)
      • Set BlackMaskRegion[8] = (Last created visibility modifier)
Finally, my "explored region" is not staying visible. This is a pain, but I am sure I can fix it. What I really need is some way to hide the region without "un-exploring" it.

I start here:
MiniMap1.jpg then I enter the cave.
Now, I appear here:
MiniMap2.jpg in the cave.
Problem is that the whole region is explored (visible).
I want it to be like this:
MiniMap3.jpg at first.
Then after exploring like this:
Then when I leave, back to this:
But if I go in again, I want to see the explored region again:
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Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Ideally you would be able to only show the minimap for the area you are in. This way when you leave it is hidden and once you enter again you can see everything you had explored. I don't know how this is done though. However, I feel like I've seen it before... I'm looking to see if I can find a way to limit the visible minimap to the camera bounds.

It looks like this map has a bunch of different maps in it and once you choose which map to play it locks your minimap onto that map. Don't know how it is done though.

With a little more digging this is what I came up with. It appears that if you try to scale the minimap to the camera bounds it keeps the same minimap image and changes everything (like neutral building icons) in relation to that. So this won't work for your needs. As far as I know there is no way to store the area that has been uncovered, hide it with black mask, and restore it again later.
One thing I was thinking is that I could black out the minimap and re-paint it in a way with units or neutral building icons. If I did this then I could just set the black mask once and exploring would stay from there and I could use "set camera bounds" to change the minimap. This would be a lot of work and it doesn't really seem like it will look very good. So if there is a different way to do it, I would like that.

Also, what am I doing wrong to make the region not get explored?

Here's the map:


I will look at the map you sent. Thanks!


That map is protected so, I can't open it.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
That might work. You might even be able to change the art of the neutral building and unit icons to make it look like a map.

I can't open it either, I just noticed it had something similar to what you were thinking. You could try to get a hold of the author though.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Try to export OrcX01.w3x map from the MPQ folder or other sub-maps with Magos, then open one of them, And you'll see how Blizzard did it. Very simple all you have to do is store a ZoneMap from the main-map something like "First time visited the map" and "Already visited the map", that will import the data directly to the next map, same thing when you return back to the main map.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Try to export OrcX01.w3x map from the MPQ folder or other sub-maps with Magos, then open one of them, And you'll see how Blizzard did it. Very simple all you have to do is store a ZoneMap from the main-map something like "First time visited the map" and "Already visited the map", that will import the data directly to the next map, same thing when you return back to the main map.

That's not what he is trying to do. He doesn't want multiple maps, he just wants the minimap to only show certain sections of his map.
Ya, it's a nice solution, but I don't want to make a campaign, though maybe, I should learn. I did play Eota now and found out what they did. I already use the "enter cave" icon and I learned how to change them so, I can do that. Eota just used a grey filter for minimap fog of war. Then reset camera bounds. I think I will try this since it seems to look alright. I will try to make pathing blockers show up or use some other type of object to create lines for pathable areas. I'm not sure if they will show up yet or not.

Ok, back to the easier question. How do I get unexplored/explored areas like campaigns. I already unticked the scenario > "partially visible" option. Also, can this hide neutral building icons?
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
I think that it's this that you're looking for.
  • Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Black mask across (Playable map area)
Though if I recall correctly when you disable it you still have to re-explore the area, so it might be tricky to reveal exactly how much you had previously explored if you have to also reveal that specific area when you return.
I'm not sure I understand this correctly but are you looking a way to hide explored areas in mini-map then saving last visited area in order to enable the visibilty again for the next use?

Ya, but I think I got it now. I was just using too many visibility modifiers before. I took them out and just enabled black mask and it works fine.


I imported a custom war3mapMap.blp and used standard triggers "Enable - Black Mask" and Scenarie > Options > Masked areas are partially visible [ unchecked ]. Then I set camera bounds and created custom icons for dummy units for the cave entrance indicator. Here's a screenshot of my result. I am happy with it. Thank you everyone for your help.



  • Untitled.jpg
    156.6 KB · Views: 145
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