**Most save/load systems I see perform in what I'll call for practicality Base36 (0 through 9 and A-Z) I'm not sure as to whether that is correct or not.**
You can write script that will export a string into a text document in your warcraft directory. For a map I witnessed do this, the document was created under 'Savegames'. What I find special about this is that no matter how similar two characters may look, you will still be able to use your load code since you can just copy/paste ^^ I am not sure if the reason most save codes operate in Base36 is for readability or not, which is why I'm asking. If the save code can be exported to a word document that can be copy and pasted, why not use every character on the keyboard? For a project I am currently working on, operating in higher than Base36 could be very useful. So, is there a reason the base couldn't be just like this?
(This would be A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and all characters created by using the Shift Key, which basically works out to whatever else you have multiplied by 2.)
If I counted right, this would be Base92. Integers that must be saved that would never exceed 8464 could be saved using 2 characters. In Base36, this would requires 3. A difference of 1 isn't much. However, for a save code that saves only integers greater than 36 but less than 8464, the string length generated would be only 66% as long.
What I think is that perhaps this has not been implemented because the benefit of reduced string length is negated by poor readability of the save code. Is that correct?
You can write script that will export a string into a text document in your warcraft directory. For a map I witnessed do this, the document was created under 'Savegames'. What I find special about this is that no matter how similar two characters may look, you will still be able to use your load code since you can just copy/paste ^^ I am not sure if the reason most save codes operate in Base36 is for readability or not, which is why I'm asking. If the save code can be exported to a word document that can be copy and pasted, why not use every character on the keyboard? For a project I am currently working on, operating in higher than Base36 could be very useful. So, is there a reason the base couldn't be just like this?
(This would be A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and all characters created by using the Shift Key, which basically works out to whatever else you have multiplied by 2.)
If I counted right, this would be Base92. Integers that must be saved that would never exceed 8464 could be saved using 2 characters. In Base36, this would requires 3. A difference of 1 isn't much. However, for a save code that saves only integers greater than 36 but less than 8464, the string length generated would be only 66% as long.
What I think is that perhaps this has not been implemented because the benefit of reduced string length is negated by poor readability of the save code. Is that correct?