talk about the save/load system

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Level 2
Dec 28, 2010
i am just another ordinary player. i just want to ask a question, maybe stupid. anyway, let's get started.
i'm talking about the save/load system, or actually talking about the way of saving/loading.

Q1: is loading code the most popular way of saving/loading your characters, items, and so on?

Q2: is there any other way of saving by a real file containing your loading code instead of printscreen and remember the code?

as in China, there is a website:, and there is someone belong to the forum, who create a new way of saving your game. that is: run war3 through a software platform when you want to play rpg/orpg game, and when you came into the game, there will be a selection for you, to create a new character or to load other old character(s). there also is a file created (with your character code in it ) in the "save" folder. you can open the file with notepad, there you can see you loading code.

i think, this sort of platform will replace the annoying code remembering situation.

here is a capture of the software


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Q1. Loading code is the only legal way of storing information in multiplayer between games.
Q2. Yes, its called upgrade to Starcraft II which impliments banks (files saved to disk).

This sort of hack for WC3 is not new, however it undoubtedly looks the most pollished. The problem with it is that is violates WC3's ToU when playing. Thus it never caught on in battlenet.

There actually is a new way to load and save data in WC3 apparently via using the Preload exploit which does save files onto your disk. The problem is that due to the unsafe nature of the exploit it may be subject to removal at any time without warning by blizzard for legal reasons (you can use it to infect people's computers with mallicious software).
Level 2
Dec 28, 2010
yes, i have noticed that reminded of "mallicious software", and i have never knew this situation.

so there is only one thing we can do about it, waiting blizzard.
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