- Joined
- Jun 25, 2011
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Hello guys,
I would like to share this system that I created. I didn't find such a system on hive and many people always ask me for it so I created it by myself. But it maybe doesn't work perfectly so I need your advides.
I often play ice escape and players who lag have disavantage. This system generates safe lag so all players are on an equal footing. But you should use it with delay reducer to minimize normal lag. Personally i also use it because ice escapes are too easy, so it make a challenge.
I hope you'll enjoy this safe delay generator . Delay 1oo% guaranted !
I would need your help to create a spike generator to make a better system.
Needed library :
Safe delay generator :
I would like to share this system that I created. I didn't find such a system on hive and many people always ask me for it so I created it by myself. But it maybe doesn't work perfectly so I need your advides.
I often play ice escape and players who lag have disavantage. This system generates safe lag so all players are on an equal footing. But you should use it with delay reducer to minimize normal lag. Personally i also use it because ice escapes are too easy, so it make a challenge.
I hope you'll enjoy this safe delay generator . Delay 1oo% guaranted !
I would need your help to create a spike generator to make a better system.
Needed library :
library LastOrder initializer Init
//* BY: Rising_Dusk
//* LastOrder is a library that was designed to allow interfacing with the last
//* N orders any unit on your map has received. This library was also designed
//* to be used as a means to reissue lost orders to a unit either after
//* preventing a spell cast or in many other situations.
//* There are two configuration constants for you to play with in using this
//* script. ORDERS_TO_HOLD is basically the size of the game's memory for each
//* individual unit. The larger the number is, the further back you can retrace
//* a unit's order list. Setting this value to 3 suffices for all actual
//* mechanics purposes. Raise it only if you have a specific application where
//* you need more. Lowering it to 2 covers most cases, but may miss a few, and
//* lowering it to 1 prevents you from adequately canceling spells and properly
//* reissuing previous orders. I recommend leaving it alone at 3. The MAX_ORDERS
//* constant is the number of orders that the system holds over all units at a
//* given time. If you are worried about running out, go ahead and increase it,
//* but be aware that it will use big arrays (which are slower) if you use a
//* number over 8191. Don't lower it under 8191, there's no reason to. Don't
//* change the non-private constants, there's no reason to.
//* function GetPastOrder takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns order
//* function GetPastOrderId takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns integer
//* function GetPastOrderString takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns string
//* function GetPastOrderType takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns integer
//* function GetPastOrderX takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns real
//* function GetPastOrderY takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns real
//* function GetPastOrderTarget takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns widget
//* The above API is the main list of functions the user can use to interface
//* with past orders. If you want the immediate last order for a player, use 1
//* for the whichOrder integer. The 'order' returned by GetPastOrder is a struct
//* that contains all information of an issued order. If you want to interface
//* directly with the struct and skip all of the interfacing wrappers, you have
//* access to them via the following commands:
//* [unit] .u The unit being ordered.
//* [integer] .id The order id of the past order.
//* [integer] .typ The type of the past order. (See constants)
//* [boolean] .fin A flag indicating whether the order was finished.
//* [widget] .tar The target widget of the past order.
//* [real] .x The x coordinate of the target point of the order.
//* [real] .y The y coordinate of the target point of the order.
//* There is also a sizable API for backwards compatibility with older versions
//* of the library. This API assumes that you're talking about a specific past
//* order, either the lastmost order or the second lastmost. In most cases,
//* these are still useful because they remove an argument from the call.
//* function GetLastOrder takes unit u returns order
//* function GetLastOrderId takes unit u returns integer
//* function GetLastOrderString takes unit u returns string
//* function GetLastOrderType takes unit u returns integer
//* function GetLastOrderX takes unit u returns real
//* function GetLastOrderY takes unit u returns real
//* function GetLastOrderTarget takes unit u returns widget
//* function IsLastOrderFinished takes unit u returns boolean
//* Besides being able to get information about all of the past orders a unit
//* has been issued, the most useful part of this system is actually reissuing
//* those orders as a means to fix lost orders or intercept and prevent spell
//* casting. The following API is then available to the user:
//* function IssuePastOrder takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns boolean
//* function IssueLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//* function IssueSecondLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//* function AbortOrder takes unit u returns boolean
//* If you want to reissue a past order for a given unit, IssuePastOrder is the
//* function that you'll want to use on a unit. To issue the last or second last
//* orders, there are functions for those as well. (They mostly exist for
//* backwards compatibility) AbortOrder is a means for anyone using this script
//* to stop a unit from running any given order that they happen to have at any
//* moment. AbortOrder is used in conjunction with a supplementary library,
//* AbortSpell, to seamlessly replicate WC3's spell error messages.
//* function IssueArbitraryOrder takes unit u, order o returns boolean
//* IssueArbitraryOrder is special in that it ignores many of the normal checks
//* and automatically forces a unit to take on a specific order. This can be
//* convenient if you want to make one unit take on another unit's order, for
//* instance. Be forewarned that this overwrites whatever the unit was doing and
//* issues the order no matter what, so use only as needed.
//* If you have any further questions regarding LastOrder or how to use it, feel
//* free to visit [url]www.wc3c.net[/url] and ask questions there. This library should only
//* ever be released at WC3C and at no other site. Please give credits if this
//* library finds its way into your maps, and otherwise thanks for reading!
//* Enjoy!
//Order type variables
constant integer ORDER_TYPE_TARGET = 1
constant integer ORDER_TYPE_POINT = 2
constant integer ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE = 3
//System constants
private constant integer ORDERS_TO_HOLD = 3 //How many past orders the
//system holds for each unit.
//Should be at least 2.
private constant integer MAX_ORDERS = 8191 //The max number of orders
//the system can maintain.
//Going over 8191 uses big
//arrays, which are slower
//than normal arrays.
private hashtable ht = InitHashtable()
struct order[MAX_ORDERS]
unit u
integer id
integer typ
boolean fin
widget tar
real x
real y
static method create takes unit ordered, integer ordid, integer ordtyp, widget target, real ordx, real ordy returns order
local order o = order.allocate()
local integer i = ORDERS_TO_HOLD
local integer hid = GetHandleId(ordered)
set o.u = ordered
set o.id = ordid
set o.typ = ordtyp
set o.fin = false
set o.tar = target
set o.x = ordx
set o.y = ordy
//Handle stored orders in the hashtable
//We hold up to the constant ORDERS_TO_HOLD in the table
exitwhen i == 1
//Moves the N-1th order to the Nth slot, etc. except storing new last order
if HaveSavedInteger(ht, hid, i-1) then
if i == ORDERS_TO_HOLD and HaveSavedInteger(ht, hid, i) then
//Destroy lastmost order struct
call order.destroy(order(LoadInteger(ht, hid, i)))
//Can only do this if the N-1th order exists
call SaveInteger(ht, hid, i, LoadInteger(ht, hid, i-1))
set i = i - 1
//Store the new order to the hashtable as 1th last order
call SaveInteger(ht, hid, 1, integer(o))
return o
//! textmacro LastOrderDebug takes ORDER, RETURN
debug if $ORDER$ > ORDERS_TO_HOLD then
debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Order out of range")
debug return $RETURN$
debug endif
debug if not HaveSavedInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), $ORDER$) then
debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: The "+I2S($ORDER$)+"th order doesn't exist")
debug return $RETURN$
debug endif
//! endtextmacro
function GetPastOrder takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns order
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "0")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder))
function GetPastOrderId takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns integer
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "0")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).id
function GetPastOrderString takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns string
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "\"\"")
return OrderId2String(order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).id)
function GetPastOrderType takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns integer
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "0")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).typ
function GetPastOrderX takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns real
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "0.")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).x
function GetPastOrderY takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns real
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "0.")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).y
function GetPastOrderTarget takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns widget
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("whichOrder", "null")
return order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), whichOrder)).tar
function GetLastOrder takes unit u returns order
return GetPastOrder(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderId takes unit u returns integer
return GetPastOrderId(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderString takes unit u returns string
return GetPastOrderString(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderType takes unit u returns integer
return GetPastOrderType(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderX takes unit u returns real
return GetPastOrderX(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderY takes unit u returns real
return GetPastOrderY(u, 1)
function GetLastOrderTarget takes unit u returns widget
return GetPastOrderTarget(u, 1)
function IsLastOrderFinished takes unit u returns boolean
//! runtextmacro LastOrderDebug("1", "false")
return GetUnitCurrentOrder(u) == 0 or order(LoadInteger(ht, GetHandleId(u), 1)).fin
private function OrderFilter takes unit u, integer id returns boolean
//* Excludes specific orders or unit types from registering with the system
//* 851972: stop
//* Stop is excluded from the system because it is the order that
//* tells a unit to do nothing. It should be ignored by the system.
//* 851971: smart
//* 851986: move
//* 851983: attack
//* 851984: attackground
//* 851990: patrol
//* 851993: holdposition
//* These are the UI orders that are passed to the system.
//* 851973: stunned
//* This order is issued when a unit is stunned onto the stunner
//* It's ignored by the system, since you'd never want to reissue it
//* >= 852055, <= 852762
//* These are all spell IDs from defend to incineratearrowoff with
//* a bit of leeway at the ends for orders with no strings.
return id == 851971 or id == 851986 or id == 851983 or id == 851984 or id == 851990 or id == 851993 or (id >= 852055 and id <= 852762) or UnitId2String(id) != null
private function IssuePastOrderFilter takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns boolean
//* Some criteria for whether or not a unit's last order should be given
//* INSTANT type orders are excluded because generally, reissuing an instant
//* order doesn't make sense. You can remove that check below if you'd like,
//* though.
//* The Type check is really just to ensure that no spell recursion can
//* occur with IssueLastOrder. The problem with intercepting the spell cast
//* event is that it happens after the order is 'caught' and registered to
//* this system. Therefore, to just IssueLastOrder tells it to recast the
//* spell! That's a problem, so we need a method to eliminate it.
return GetUnitTypeId(u) != 0 and not IsUnitType(u, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and GetPastOrderType(u, whichOrder) != 0 and (GetPastOrderType(u, whichOrder) != ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE or UnitId2String(GetPastOrderId(u, whichOrder)) != null)
function IssuePastOrder takes unit u, integer whichOrder returns boolean
local order o = GetPastOrder(u, whichOrder)
if IssuePastOrderFilter(u, whichOrder) and not o.fin then
if o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_TARGET then
return IssueTargetOrderById(u, o.id, o.tar)
elseif o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_POINT then
if o.id == 851971 then
//This adjusts for a bug in the point order's boolean return
//when issuing a smart order
call IssuePointOrderById(u, o.id, o.x, o.y)
return true
if UnitId2String(o.id) != null then
return IssuePointOrderById(u, o.id, o.x, o.y)
return IssueBuildOrderById(u, o.id, o.x, o.y)
elseif o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE then
return IssueImmediateOrderById(u, o.id)
return false
function IssueLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
return IssuePastOrder(u, 1)
function IssueSecondLastOrder takes unit u returns boolean
return IssuePastOrder(u, 2)
function IssueArbitraryOrder takes unit u, order o returns boolean
if o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_TARGET then
return IssueTargetOrderById(u, o.id, o.tar)
elseif o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_POINT then
if o.id == 851971 then
//This adjusts for a bug in the point order's boolean return
//when issuing a smart order
call IssuePointOrderById(u, o.id, o.x, o.y)
return true
return IssuePointOrderById(u, o.id, o.x, o.y)
elseif o.typ == ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE then
return IssueImmediateOrderById(u, o.id)
return false
function AbortOrder takes unit u returns boolean
if IsUnitPaused(u) then
return false
call PauseUnit(u, true)
call IssueImmediateOrder(u, "stop")
call PauseUnit(u, false)
return true
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return OrderFilter(GetTriggerUnit(), GetIssuedOrderId())
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local widget t = GetOrderTarget()
local integer oid = GetIssuedOrderId()
local integer oty = 0
call order.create(u, oid, ORDER_TYPE_TARGET, t, GetWidgetX(t), GetWidgetY(t))
elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER then
call order.create(u, oid, ORDER_TYPE_POINT, null, GetOrderPointX(), GetOrderPointY())
elseif GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER then
call order.create(u, oid, ORDER_TYPE_IMMEDIATE, null, GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u))
debug else
debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX+"Error: Invalid order type")
set u = null
set t = null
private function SpellActions takes nothing returns nothing
local order o = GetPastOrder(GetTriggerUnit(), 1)
set o.fin = true
private function OnAdd takes nothing returns boolean
local integer hid = GetHandleId(GetFilterUnit())
local integer i = ORDERS_TO_HOLD
//Handle stored orders in the hashtable
//We hold up to the constant ORDERS_TO_HOLD in the table
exitwhen i == 0
//If any of the N orders exist for this handle id, kill them all
if HaveSavedInteger(ht, hid, i) then
call order.destroy(order(LoadInteger(ht, hid, i)))
call RemoveSavedInteger(ht, hid, i)
set i = i - 1
return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trg = CreateTrigger()
local region re = CreateRegion()
local rect m = GetWorldBounds()
//Main order catching trigger
call TriggerAddAction(trg, function Actions)
call TriggerAddCondition(trg, Condition(function Conditions))
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER)
//Spell trigger to set a flag that indicates a spell order's completion
set trg = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddAction(trg, function SpellActions)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
//Entering world trigger that clears old data from handle ids
set trg = CreateTrigger()
call RegionAddRect(re, m)
call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(trg, re, Condition(function OnAdd))
call RemoveRect(m)
set trg = null
set re = null
set m = null
Safe delay generator :
library SafeDelayGenerator uses LastOrder, TimerUtils
struct Delay //No extend array for more code generation and more lags :)
public static real min = 0.5
public static real max = 1
public static boolean enabled = true
private unit orderedUnit = null
private static method unpauseOrderedUnit takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
set enabled = false
call IssuePastOrder(this.orderedUnit, 2)
set enabled = true
call this.destroy()
private static method anyOrderAction takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this
if enabled then
set this = thistype.create() //2 functions call -> more lags :)
set this.orderedUnit = GetOrderedUnit()
set enabled = false
call IssuePastOrder(this.orderedUnit, 2)
call TimerStart(NewTimerEx(this), GetRandomReal(min, max), false, function thistype.unpauseOrderedUnit)
//Would be better if I created a new timer each time but need timer utils for data attachment : /
set enabled = true
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger anyOrder = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(anyOrder, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(anyOrder, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER)
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(anyOrder, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER)
call TriggerAddAction(anyOrder, function thistype.anyOrderAction) //TriggerAction and not condition for more lags