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Ruins of Azshara

RUINS OF AZSHARA 1.2 - REWORK for W3C season 6

- reduced map size and rush distance to match popular 1v1 maps
- main bases are now closer to the enemy and to all expansions
- better creep routes and better aow creeping
- red creep camp is no longer in a dangerous dead-end and closer to other objectives
- reduced the number of paths, improved overall scouting
- greatly improved visual clarity, lighter colors, less brown
- expansions are now easier to secure and defend
- rebalanced some creeps and items, relocated the Mercenary camp







Ruins of Azshara (Map)

Level 29
May 21, 2013
if there is any change in the map link of this entry during the next 8-10 hours aprox. (till contest ends), let me now pm, vm whatever, so I change it in the provisory list. (I mean if this page is deleted and the old updated, that sort of changes).

Hive Workshop Cup Melee Mapping Contest

that list is not the oficial but I am in pm contact with the manager to help him with the entries control.
Last edited:
Level 7
Oct 15, 2019
I don't know why there aren't many comments in this map post. Everything I found was outclassed. Amazing detail in every part of the map, even in the out of bounds.. balanced creeps, items. (a bit difficult to expand though) and mana fountain creeps a bit difficult, but the rest is pure gold.
Any reason why this map is not in ladder pool yet? :peasant-notify:

For me, map is 5/5
Level 29
May 21, 2013
11. No Resubmission

Resubmitting a previously submitted map is not permitted. Even when deleted first. You can request your map to be undeleted and re-reviewed in the Staff Contact forum

Map Submission Rules

This map can not be approved due to existing rules that avoid to have copies of maps as different maps (like epic war).

And you already have this: Ruins of Azshara

wich is the same map with some improvments.

You should do / have done what everybody does when you have 2 or more versions of the same map, upload them all in 1 post (update your old map thread and add there the new map). As example: the 4 versions of Swamped temple

Level 14
Sep 4, 2018
Hey! @Daffa the Mage

I'd like to keep this new thread which I'll modify a bit so that it contains everything: all 3 RoA versions (old contest one, this lv new one and the fountainless one) and their info.
The old thread can be archived/restricted: I've basically created this new page in order to allow people who stumble upon the #2 melee mapping contest thread to be able to explore the contest version.

However, since multiple versions can be uploaded as WolfFarkas suggested, we can go with removing/restricting the old Ruins page. Will I, myself be able to access that restricted/removed entry?
Hey! @Daffa the Mage

I'd like to keep this new thread which I'll modify a bit so that it contains everything: all 3 RoA versions (old contest one, this lv new one and the fountainless one) and their info.
The old thread can be archived/restricted: I've basically created this new page in order to allow people who stumble upon the #2 melee mapping contest thread to be able to explore the contest version.

However, since multiple versions can be uploaded as WolfFarkas suggested, we can go with removing/restricting the old Ruins page. Will I, myself be able to access that restricted/removed entry?

You will be able to access old entry even if it's restricted. I will restrict the old one and approve this.
Level 12
May 12, 2012
Certainly in the top 5 of recently published melee maps. There's not a lot I can add but here's some details.


The weakly guarded gold mine is about 20 % closer to the starting position than it is on popular maps in the current pool. I'm not sure if that's already too much of an advantage for HU, but it's definitely unusual.

You could place one additional critter in front of the red creep camps in the corners. I know it's not overly important that late in the game but I think I've seen critters in similar places before.

To me, the bronze drake in the red camps make no sense. Perhaps they've served a particular purpose when there was still a fountain in that place but now that nasty lvl 25 camp just seems like overkill. I'd take it down a notch.

The ramp to the Goblin Lap is very edgy. You might want straighten it out by raising and lowering single points of terrain, like so:
pointy-1.jpg pointy-2.jpg

I like the flowers, they're really fitting, but I'm not a fun of the mushrooms in this case.

This log is flying.
Level 14
Sep 4, 2018
Thank you for the feedback and nice comments!

- the close expo is a tad bit closer than on popular maps, however, the distance from it to the enemy is shorter than most popular maps (and has various paths to reach it), so aggression is advised ;)
- having no critters close to a red camp was a deliberate choice - at that point in the game, UD no longer receives (much) benefit from it and the critter only gets in the way
- bronze drake is present due to the camp being the high risk - highest reward and highest experience provider camp on the map; so it requires a diverse army composition to creep, including one airborne creep. The camp is highly prone to change based on future feedback, I'm actively listening.

- the ramp has been straightened a bit, however, the point of its roughness was to provide players with a line where the cliff ends/begins
- the log has been grounded ( :D ) for its misbehavior, thanks!