Rpg quest ideas

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Level 5
Oct 30, 2007
Umm i'm a little blank at6 the moment. CAn anyone give me ideas for quests in an RPG i'm maken. Just need some ideas like generic quests, sorta like in WOW. Their types of quests. If it helps i m making a Archer rpg so, if you want to theme the quests with archery im fine with that. THX!
My favorite quest to do is an escort.

The premise is to escort a shipment, political leader, prisoners, etc. through treacherous roads. The convoy wills stop at certain points, as you need to kill the ambushers awaiting ahead. If you think you have killed all the ambushers, simply type "-clear". If there are any left, deal 100 damage per each remaining unit, or 200-500 if there is like a catapult or cannon.
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
I like quests where its NOT about gathering 2000 herbs and killing the same unit a million times.

These quest ideaz is something i would make:

A quest where you have to stop 3 generator/powersources where a Giant thing patrols around them, you have to keep moving all the time or face the Giants wrath. The 3 generators/powersources hit points needs to be lower than 200, and they have like 700. In a few spots, the Unit that does the quest can hide and be invinsible/invulderable.
After the generators/powersources are collected, the Giant should say something like "Huh... where the hell did my generators/powersources go!?" or something funny :D


A quest where you should ride a unit that should destroy a entire town or something is a quest filled with action :D ofc the enmies should come with massive hordes of units, and towers should attack with missile type attacks so the Player should move all the time :D
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
some of the more fun quests could include minigames, simply to create variety in the game, e.g. target practise (the same style as in Uther) or something like a William Tell stunt. Other quests could include gathering information (eavesdropping, with a beat-up or money), capturing people (like the leader of an opposite force or something) and perhaps sabotaging enemy buildings or something.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
in general, try to make each quest interesting. having all the quests being about killing mobs are boring. Willhelm tell stunt is a great idea. maybe something where you have to assassinate somebody without anybody noticing, so you have to wait 'till he's alone. maybe add in wind that has an effect on your projectile, and something that allows you to check it. Like in call of duty 4, the mission called 'one shot one kill' where you have to watch the small Russian flag on his bag to check for winds.
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