Simple Quest Ideas

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Level 11
May 26, 2009
Simple Quest Ideas
I'm looking for simple quest ideas for an old project that has been revived.

The quests are to be non-violent ones with somewhat funny and sometimes rather challenging objects. There will be one-time quests, quest-chains and repeatable quests. Rewards are not necessary but can be useful if there is, for instance, a specific item reward you have in mind. More results are great and appreciated.

Two examples from the map:

Eadred's Broken Axe
Eadred's axe is broken. Acquire a new axe and give it to Eadred.

Result #1: You gave Eadred an axe of poor quality. Eadred is not very happy with you.
Result #2: You gave Eadred a lovely new axe. Eadred is most grateful.

My Dear Lobo
Amberlie's dog Lobo ran away yesterday and he is nowhere to be found. Find Lobo before night-time and bring him back to Amberlie.

Result #1: You found Lobo and returned him to Amberlie. Amberlie gave you an old Brass Pocket Watch as a token of her appreciation.
Result #2: You didn't find Lobo and now he is gone for good. Amberlie is devastated and won't talk to anyone.

NPCs (current)
Cassidy the (?)
Wallace the Historian
Amberlie the (?)
Eadred the Lumberjack
Lloréne the Widow
Elora the Florist
Frank the Farmer
Lobo the Dog

Thanks in advance!
Level 10
Mar 25, 2010
How about this, Frank the Farmer needs to get a new supply of grains but he can't get it himself.
Result #1: You got the correct grains and Frank's harvest is great.
Result #2: You got some bad grains and his whole field is ruined.

Or... Lloréne the Widow wants her husband avenged, you must find out who the culprit is, you could accuse anyone in town and based on who you accused ( wether he did it or not ) the results will differ. Obivously 1 person would indeed be the murderer.

That's what was on the top off my head, perhaps you might find it useful x)
Level 11
May 26, 2009
How about this, Frank the Farmer needs to get a new supply of grains but he can't get it himself.
Result #1: You got the correct grains and Frank's harvest is great.
Result #2: You got some bad grains and his whole field is ruined.

Or... Lloréne the Widow wants her husband avenged, you must find out who the culprit is, you could accuse anyone in town and based on who you accused ( wether he did it or not ) the results will differ. Obivously 1 person would indeed be the murderer.

That's what was on the top off my head, perhaps you might find it useful x)

Ah the first one is quite like Eadred's Broken Axe but can be used over time as well (because the grain grows over a longer period of time) and be the base of more quests with Frank.

I like the idea about finding a murderer or at least find out what happened to her husband. Perhaps she doesn't know anything more than just a few clues.

Good stuff, thanks!

More ideas anyone?
Level 11
May 26, 2009
If you could tell me which type of game it is, I would gladly make some ideas up for you :)

It is a single-player RPG named A Footman's Tale. Here is the old locked thread (couldn't be opened by the mod I asked for some reason). Some things are out of date but it will probably give you a good idea of the general concept.

EDIT: Our new goal is to have even less violence.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Ah, okay.

Well, here are some ideas:

The false Historian

Wallace the Historian has asked you to find some old, historian documents from one of the near caves. In the cave you find out, that these documents were stolen by a man from Wallace, to prevent, that he uses them for Dark Magic (or something like this, can be changed). The man died though, because of the wounds Wallace made him.

Result 1#: You tell Wallace that you know his secret and blackmail him = You tell nobody his secret and you get free magical rolls and stuff in charge.

Result 2#: You tell everybody what Wallace did, causing a riot. The people of the village bring Wallace to the village-centre where he get's executed. You get __ (amount of gold) for the tip.
Level 11
May 26, 2009
Ah, I do like the dark side of this and the fact that you can choose what to do when you complete the quest. It would be quite similar to Fable in that way.

Execution seems a bit...brutal though. Instead maybe he escapes; then much later you meet him again.

Just fiddling with ideas :3

Thanks, let me know if you have some more cool thoughts.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Escort Mission

Frank the Farmer is taking his sheep to the marketplace. Unfortunately, his shepherd has fallen ill, and he cannot do it alone. As you drive the sheep along, be wary of wolves, sheep rustlers, and the occasional confused sheep wandering off by itself.

Quest reward is proportional to the amount of sheep that made it safely. If enough sheep are taken by rustlers, a new quest is available, to get them back.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The propetual motion machin!?
A crazy scientist is trying to make a propetual motion machine.
1. The scientist apparently tried to steal some parts for it... Eithor pay for the parts and the inconvenience or run from the angery show attendant (you will have to restart this objective if he catches you).
2. The crazy fool needs you to salvage some parts lieing around. Find X pieces of funny looking metal.
3. He now needs some plants... Whether they are his lunch or needed for the machine you do not know but you will have to retreive some.
4. Some scrappies stole and sold off some of his equipment and materials as scrap metal. Break into the tip and get them back. You can eithor try sneaking in and out or you will have to incapacitate the gaurds.
5. Some stupid out of season ghosts decided to visit him while he was sleeping and fix his megar ways. This however means he can not aford to finish his machine leaving you with only one way of action... Find some people to get rid of the ghosts.
6. His machine is nearing completion but there is a spanner in the works... Physics has decided to rebel against the scientist at his unatural goal and must be subdued inorder for the device to work. A good bruising to its representing avatar would work but so could outsmarting physics at its own game (solve questions)...
7. The machine worked! Or atleast did until it exploded in the scientists face... Find a doctor to help him but he can not be left too long (get teleported back if timer expires).
Most steps earn you experience. The agressive paths earn you some gold. Final reward is eithor a huge amount of gold (machine turned to rare metals) or a mana boosting item (machine is repaired and attached to a generator for you).
Level 11
May 26, 2009
Escort Mission

Frank the Farmer is taking his sheep to the marketplace. Unfortunately, his shepherd has fallen ill, and he cannot do it alone. As you drive the sheep along, be wary of wolves, sheep rustlers, and the occasional confused sheep wandering off by itself.

Quest reward is proportional to the amount of sheep that made it safely. If enough sheep are taken by rustlers, a new quest is available, to get them back.

This is brilliant.

Lobo's thanks

If you rescued Lobo, you will be able to take a quest from him:
As you come near Lobo he jumps at you and thanks you for returning him. He tries to tell you that you should follow him.

If you successfully follow him through the woods, he will take out a treasue out of the earth, with x reward.

I truly like the fact that you have to be somewhat perceptive in order to get the quest. This is a good basis for many quests.

The propetual motion machin!?
A crazy scientist is trying to make a propetual motion machine.
1. The scientist apparently tried to steal some parts for it... Eithor pay for the parts and the inconvenience or run from the angery show attendant (you will have to restart this objective if he catches you).
2. The crazy fool needs you to salvage some parts lieing around. Find X pieces of funny looking metal.
3. He now needs some plants... Whether they are his lunch or needed for the machine you do not know but you will have to retreive some.
4. Some scrappies stole and sold off some of his equipment and materials as scrap metal. Break into the tip and get them back. You can eithor try sneaking in and out or you will have to incapacitate the gaurds.
5. Some stupid out of season ghosts decided to visit him while he was sleeping and fix his megar ways. This however means he can not aford to finish his machine leaving you with only one way of action... Find some people to get rid of the ghosts.
6. His machine is nearing completion but there is a spanner in the works... Physics has decided to rebel against the scientist at his unatural goal and must be subdued inorder for the device to work. A good bruising to its representing avatar would work but so could outsmarting physics at its own game (solve questions)...
7. The machine worked! Or atleast did until it exploded in the scientists face... Find a doctor to help him but he can not be left too long (get teleported back if timer expires).
Most steps earn you experience. The agressive paths earn you some gold. Final reward is eithor a huge amount of gold (machine turned to rare metals) or a mana boosting item (machine is repaired and attached to a generator for you).

Lol, yeah this is funny. Funny is great, it makes the game more playful, which is intended!

Llorene's paranoia

Llorene's suffering of persecution mania, and she asks you to investigate what x persons do from time y - z, as she thinks they plan to kill her.
A: you help her spying out the persons and get her "Luckbringer amulet"
B: you decide to not help this crazy person and the next day you find her dead on the street

Again freedom of choice and the idea is very fine too. It gives good possibilities for further quests.

Thanks all!
Level 9
Jan 23, 2008
If the main hero is a footman than he should have a shield, lets say a NPC would like to learn how to use a shield an you can be his teacher. The interpretation of this quest can be done in lots of different ways, like the main hero can type a keyword 'bob' everytime the NPC needs to block an rock thrown into him by a kid or stuff, or you could find another teacher for him.

There could also be an NPC which is inlove with our hero and she demands some poems or other romantic stuff, and you will need to write a poem that you will detect by comparing the last letters in a string row :)

You can also help a farmer milk the cow, like numbers apper and you have 2 choices left or right nipple, and floating text appears which you will have to follow.

You can also help some workers build a house/bridge or help an old lady and plant some crops in her garden.

You can help a woman with her house invaded by rats by bringing some plants that scare them.
You can also give a ring to a poor man that is inlove and has no monwy for engagement ring.
You can help a kid collect mushrooms.
I'we got a lot of ideas but i cant type them all right now since i'm browsing from my iPod, ill update this post tomorrow, also sorry for the typos ... Touchscreen you know..
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
The NPC-in-love sounds good, but I think could be improved if part of a quest from another one. For example:

Bob is in love with Alice, who doesn't know it. So Bob recruits you, the hero, to help him declare his love. By, say, taking control of Bob and picking flowers, which you will deliver to Alice, and later poems, until finally Bob has enough courage to confess to Alice.

As for the evil version, there are so many ways... Bring dead flowers, recite insulting poetry, etc.
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