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Rise of Pandoria - Map progress

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Level 4
Jun 10, 2011
Hey out there :ogre_hurrhurr:
I want to present you my RPG project: Rise of Pandoria
Yes with an "o" it's not about the know Pandaria ;)

I create this map since I never found some cool pandaren based maps for an RPG.

The map will contain lots of quests, PvP and maybe some minigames ... dunno about yet.

It wont be a grinding Rpg like you know of many other Rpgs. What I want to focus on is a nice storyline, instead of killing imbabig monster hordes and get rofl lol penis items.
Since nobody will play a Wc3 RPG for ages, I dont focus that much on istance grinding etc. ... A good map has to have a game over ;)

Well i come to the storyline now:

Once there was the great kingdom of Pandaria. Everything was peaceful and the Pandarens lived in harmony together.
But as allways; there were some rebels, madhead, people of criminal urges. After a time those criminals formed greater groups of differend gangs. Pandaria was in trouble caused by heavy criminal activities.
The pandarian king decided to exile those "threats". After hard months on the sea the "threats" changed their beliefs. They learned of their faults and settled on a lonely island. The colonie grew to a city and after a time, almost the whole island was inhabited by the pandarens. A new kingdom - named Pandoria was founded.
The pandorians lived long time in peace and harmony. They managed to create good realations to the natives inhabitans - The Usjah - a small group of Nightelves that decided to renounce of their brothers and now lived isolated on the island for millenniums.
But there existed also another, but primitve race; the tigers, normal, wild animals.
For unknow reasons some tigers were blessed with intelligence. Those tigers founded their own culture, but were never sawn as a danger. Left alone in the rainforrests, the tigers started to overtake the Kingdom of Pandoria, which they were able to after a long and bloddy war between the Tigers and the Pandorians.
Nowdays, the Pandorians live in a tyranny, but there are some revoltes against the Tigerking.
You play a young Pandorian, who almost finished his schooling to an advanced bladefighter. ON your long road to master the art of blade, you will be introduced in the secret revoltes against the Tigerking and - of course - you will learn more about your fightingskills, maybe you will become a mighty warrior.

So far that story and pleas excuse my really bad english :( it's my 4th language.
But dont worry, I have my personal slave for translation :ogre_hurrhurr:


You will start as a novice and be able to change your "job" when you reached level 10

Here you see the novice:

You reached level 10
gratz :D
now you are able to take one of the job 2 heroes, one for each attribute

The Milita:
He is a type of tank as you may imagine. Later he can improve his tank skills or become a strong melee fighter

The Bladedancer:
He is the man for physical dps. Later you can choose between heavy dps or become an allrounder

The Mage:
Well, he will deal the magical dps, it's logic ... isn't it? :D But he is also able to heal his allies. Later he will become a strong caster or a powerfull healer.

Those are the level 2 jobs

Level 3 will come soon, I am still working on them ;)
You can choose from three different specifications, but wont able to change it into another.
I will give you the names of each hero type, imagine what he will be like :p




And last but not least I will show you some screenshots of the map

A village:

A temple:

A monastery (is this the right name? in german we say "Kloster" to it. You know ... The place where monks live ^^)

There are also some more screenshots in my album :)

I am happy for all feedback from this point now.
If there is just one who wants to teach me with all those confusing triggers just tell me:) I have a loadshit of questions

greetings :)
and looking on the clock
good night europe :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 3
Jun 30, 2010
Looks nice, I'll check around later and give some feedback on the whole thing if you want;) (Rather late now).
Also "instead of killing imbabig monster hordes and get rofl lol penis items." I lol'd. Mainly the "rofl lol penis items" :p
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I dont understand why everyone is so into Pandoria, if you ask me people should make maps about Emerald Dreams instead ^^. Nicelly done with terrein tho I really like it ^^. And I think it's called kloster in every languge atleast in swedish and in english it's called cloister.

Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

I dont understand why everyone is so into Pandoria, if you ask me people should make maps about Emerald Dreams instead ^^. Nicelly done with terrein tho I really like it ^^. And I think it's called kloster in every languge atleast in swedish and in english it's called cloister.

To make it a bit more recognizable in English just call it convent or monastery.
Monastery = Monks
Convent = Usually Priests or Nuns
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