as you all may know you have probably played dota, aom, aotz etc.
Some might ask, why are you making another stupid aos.
a)I want 2
b)Its fun for me to make a aos
Anyway heres the story
Ancient gods have been cast into the abyss for centuries, along with their prized warriors, and chaotic minions. Once day, an eartquake created a fault in the center of the ginat abyss, and made way for all inside to escape. Now the inhabitants on all of earth come together, to stop these evil beings of chaos, and gods of the world.
I need some hero ideas, after all im just beggining my devolopment.
So far i have 1 hero.
Prometheusrometheus is a legendary hero who fought many centuries before being cast into the dark hole known as the abyss. He uses the sea to his advantage. Some skills he possesses are...
Mezmerize:Creates a flood of water and implements phycic energies into it. The water is charged and once released on a opponet, will slowly rot their mind dealing damage every 5 seconds.
Abyssal Leakrometheus takes advantage of the opening of the abyss and summons forth creatures of chaos which serve him until their time on earth, or their energies depleted expire.
Legendary Power:After several years in the abyss, it grants you power. This power sometimes is unlocked and can boost damage and armor for a short period of time. 25% chance to hit.
Swirl Of The Searometheus charges all of his power into one specific area. This area is slowly transformed into a living, and terryfying hole of swirling water. If one was to fall into the hole, or be pulled into it, it could damage them minor-heavy dependign on how far they are. If any unit is dragged in the center, they explode. Note: Heroes only experience the damage, and cannot be dragged in the middle.
The Terrian of the map is based on a sunken ruins. Its pretty basic right now, and any terrianer who an think they can make terrian that matches theme, be my guest. Well there you have it, theres my map, whether you like it or not it will be made .
Some might ask, why are you making another stupid aos.
a)I want 2
b)Its fun for me to make a aos
Anyway heres the story
Ancient gods have been cast into the abyss for centuries, along with their prized warriors, and chaotic minions. Once day, an eartquake created a fault in the center of the ginat abyss, and made way for all inside to escape. Now the inhabitants on all of earth come together, to stop these evil beings of chaos, and gods of the world.
I need some hero ideas, after all im just beggining my devolopment.
So far i have 1 hero.
Prometheusrometheus is a legendary hero who fought many centuries before being cast into the dark hole known as the abyss. He uses the sea to his advantage. Some skills he possesses are...
Mezmerize:Creates a flood of water and implements phycic energies into it. The water is charged and once released on a opponet, will slowly rot their mind dealing damage every 5 seconds.
Abyssal Leakrometheus takes advantage of the opening of the abyss and summons forth creatures of chaos which serve him until their time on earth, or their energies depleted expire.
Legendary Power:After several years in the abyss, it grants you power. This power sometimes is unlocked and can boost damage and armor for a short period of time. 25% chance to hit.
Swirl Of The Searometheus charges all of his power into one specific area. This area is slowly transformed into a living, and terryfying hole of swirling water. If one was to fall into the hole, or be pulled into it, it could damage them minor-heavy dependign on how far they are. If any unit is dragged in the center, they explode. Note: Heroes only experience the damage, and cannot be dragged in the middle.
The Terrian of the map is based on a sunken ruins. Its pretty basic right now, and any terrianer who an think they can make terrian that matches theme, be my guest. Well there you have it, theres my map, whether you like it or not it will be made .