Revival of the High Elves - spell request

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Level 11
Jul 20, 2004

Revival of the High Elves needs more help from spells creators. Since this is the Spells Request thread I decided to ask here. Maybe you can help with these complicated spells.

Holy Judgment: Creates spirits around the crusader which damage enemy units and heal friendly units.

Level 1 - Creates 1 spirit, heals/damages 20 points per target, 500 radius.
Level 2 - Creates 2 spirits, heal/damage 30 points per target, 550 radius.
Level 3 - Creates 3 spirits, heal/daamge 40 points per target, 600 radius.

Duration: 15 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds (for casting the entire spell).

Ok, now there are quite some conditions I should mention for the spell.

1. Spirits should always change their target. I am talking about INDIVIDUAL Spirits. Of course, if there is only ONE target left then the spirits will heal/damage only it. If there is one target and more spirits, the spirits will change between them who heals/damages it.
2. Spirits heal/damage every second. Also, targets have 1 second cooldown before they can be healed/damaged.
3. Spirits stay VERY CLOSE to the target. That means that unlike Locust Swarm they do not move very far from the caster.
4. Spirits attack/heal animation is the healing wave one. It doesn't mean that they will only heal with it, but also attack with the healing wave animation.
5. The radius is for the caster and not for the spirits.
6. If an unit enters the radius while a spirit didn't attack and doesn't have the 1 second cooldown enabled, then the spirit will immediately damage/heal the unit.

Spell Lock: Locks the positive buffs of an enemy unit or the negative buffs of a friendly unit, making them undispellable. It's auto-castable. Has 60 seconds duration. Can be dispelled. It's for non-hero unit.

One condition. IF a friendly unit is being dispelled, it loses negative buffs along with the Spell Lock Buff. So watch out when you cast SPell Lock!!!

Divine Intervention: Ultimate spell for hero, when cast it reduces all damage taken by hero (From both magiks and attacks) by 50%. Works like Immolation, draining mana from the caster. Drains 5 mana per second.

If anyone can please help, post here so I know that I have some aid and tell me what spell you could do. You will appear in credits for my campaign, which I'm pretty sure that we'll be able to finish. For more info, check this link. Thank you!
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
1) Couldn't you just use Locust Swarm, but give the Locusts a one second attack cooldown and an auro-cast heal spell?
2) Um... I think you got that backwards. Wouldn't you want to lock positive buffs on friendly units and negative ones on enemy units?
3) Base it off Defend. Trigger the mana loss.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
1. No, because of the many conditions you've seen above. Read them all again please! Thanks!
2. Well, didn't I mean that? i meant positive buffs that CURRENTLY affect an enemy unit and negative buffs that currently affect a friendly unit. Yeah! Can you help with that?
3. Defend doesn't actually affect all types of damage BUT the piercing damage (isn't it?). And besides that, does it affect magical damage? And anyway, how could I trigger the mana loss so the skill disables by itself? And how could I trigger the mana loss OFF if the unit turns the spell off? I'm confused about this...
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
I read the conditions:
1) I'm not sure how the spell works, so I could be wrong.
2) You could create a bunch of dummy casters with a heal spell.
3) I think that just changing the AoE would solve that.
4) Just change the projectile art for the Locust attack and the buff for the Heal spell.
5) See 3.
6) ?

2) Other than casting the spell on the target again or pausing the target, I know of no other way to prolong a buff.
3) I think that there's a field for spell reduction. To drain mana, detect when a unit is issued an order. If the order is equal to defend, then add the unit to a unit group. Every second, pick every unit inthat unit group and drain its mana. Detect when a unit is issued an order. If the order is equal to undefend, then remove the unit from the unit group.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Umm... did you ever try to make a spell similar to my first one (Holy Judgment)? The stuff is like this. i have found an alternative mod for the damage stuff and I MIGHT change the animation (buff stuff and so on). But I'm having two problems. I want the spirits to randomly heal units and damage units. So there should be some kind of universal spell that damages enemy units and heals friendly units. Not difficult considering that I might make a heal spell that with 0 heal and a one second buff. Every 0.5 seconds I pick every unit in the map and see if the unit has the buff and after that: if the unit is enemy of the "Casting Unit" then it is damaged and if it is an ally of "Casting Unit" it is healed. BUT, there are only three small problems. THE SPIRITS DO NOT CAST AUTO-CASTING SPELLS!!! Try it for yourself and observe. I would need some kind of trigger to solve this problem so they cast the spell actually. And still, if I use heal they will damage only enemy units that do not have full life and so... IT"S USELESS since you cannot damage an army fully healed. It must damage anyway. BUT, if I use a different spell than heal... It heals even fully healed friendly units which AGAIN is not a good idea. Thirdly, the heal spell does not make the ray the "Healing Wave" does. I tried to change the Beam art or whatever it is called (where there is Healing Wave first and Healing Wave second) and even if I used them both... It doesn't work. What the hell am I supposed to do? This spell overwelms me and I believe it is an awsome idea but I simply cannot do it!!!
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
1) You could trigger the heal. For example, every x seconds, pick every unit in units of type (Locusts). Then, order the picked unit to heal a random unit in the area matching matching unit is allied and life of matching unit is not equal to its max life. The healing spell would be a dummy healing wave.
2) Have you tried placing the healing spell in the default active ability field of you locust unit. You could then triggr the damage by a variation of step 1.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004

I will try to trigger the heal but I am just wondering... Doesn't it lag the game a little bit too much? Hopefully not. And as a dummy... Hmm... I may use Spirit Link because it has the buff stuff as well. As for the part with the auto-casting... Umm, I triggered the auto casting but I will try your variant as well.

As for the Defend skill stuff... Does defend affect ALL damage taken by the unit? Doesn't defend affect only piercing damage?
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
1) (Target point of ability being cast) is reset after waits.
2) Hiding the unit right after casting might cause problems.
3) Do Unit Group - Pick up every unit in (Units in (Playable Map Area)) matching...

4) You might be able to check for the buff.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
So you say I should create the dummy at the beginning and order him after the five seconds to cast Monsoon at his position? Nice... The same thing would go for the tornados, right? And I plan to do only one Storm per player so it will be a chinch. Also, should I hide him BEFORE I start casting the spell? Ok...
Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Umm... The cyclone part now rocks!!! I'm just wondering how could I make the player NOT be able to move the cyclones. I mean, I want them to act independently. I based them again on Locust and stupid me changed the settings to look the same as the cyclone. What should I change? The Collision Size? And if I'm not to use hidden units for dummies... The player can still accidently activate them and I don't want this. I made the dummy unit very very small anyway but I could for example activate units from Darky's campaign, meant to be hidden ones... :wink:

I also have another spell which keeps pissing me off. It's called Confuse and I will explain it to you right away.

Confuse: Blasts a unit's mind, making it unknown of has happened or it's happening for 20/30/40 seconds. Every 10 seconds the unit may change its alignment. It can:

-Remain to its original owner -> Resist
-Move to the owner of the casting unit
-Become Neutral Hostile -> Rage
-Become Neutral Passive -> Fear

I should also mention that I based the spell on DOOM so it is undispellable. Do you know other undispellable spell which can do no effect if needed?
And now come the triggers:

1. Confusion

Events - A unit begins casting an ability
Conditions - (Ability being cast) equal to Confuse
Actions - Unit - Set the custom value of (Target unit of Ability being cast) to (Player Number of (Owner of (Target unit of Ability being cast)))
- If (All conditions are true) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
-> (Level of Confuse for (Casting unit)) equal to 1
-> For each (Integer B) from 1 to 2 do (Actions)
->Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to overhead of (Target unit of ability being cast) using "Abilities\Spells\Human\Invisibility\InvisibilityTarget.mdl"
->Set Custom_Random = (Random integer number between 1 and 4)
->If (Custom_Random equal to 1) then do (Unit - Change Ownership of (Target unit of ability being cast) to (Owner of (Casting Unit))and Change Color) else (Do Nothing)
->If (Custom_Random equal to 2) then do (Unit - Change Ownership of (Target unit of ability being cast) to Neutral Hostile and Change Color) else (Do Nothing)
->If (Custom_Random equal to 3) then do (Unit - Change Ownership of (Target unit of ability being cast) to Neutral Passive and Change Color) else (Do Nothing)
-> Wait 10.00 Seconds
- Remove Confuse buff from (Target unit of Ability being cast)
- Change ownership of (Target unit of ability being cast) to (Player((Custom value of (Target unit of Ability being cast))))
- ELSE ACTIONS - Do nothing

Ok, for levels 2 and 3 I've changed the for range at 1 to 3 respectively 1 to 4.

2. Confusion vs Charm
Event - A unit begins casting an ability
Conditions - (Ability being cast) equal to Charm
- ((Target unit of ability being cast) has buff Confuse) equal to true
Actions - Unit - Set the custom value of (Target unit of Ability being cast) to (Player Number of (Owner of (Casting unit)))

I also forgot to mention what doesn't work. Well, the spell changes the alignment the first time but then it's just like the FOR doesn't work. And in the end, when the unit should turn to its original caster, the spell crashes. This happened with another similar spell called Disrupting Ray, which had another effect on organic units but it was controlling mechanical units for a limited time. Something like the Deviator in Dune.
Level 9
Jun 10, 2004
You can make the Cyclones neutral or give them locust.

I didn't read your triggers, but I would do it this way:
1) Base the spell of any spel, but don't give it a buff.
2) When it is casted, add the target unit to a unit group, wait 10 + ((Level of ability being cast)*10), and remove the target unit.
3) Use a periodic event trigger to pick every unit in your unit group and change its allignment.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
There are two problems with this method. One, if I add the unit to the Unit Group, not every unit will change it's alignment every 10 seconds. Think about it, I take every unit in the group every 10 seconds but if an unit is added later, it changes alignment faster. Perhaps you could PLEASE read BOTH the spells and help me... I really can't do them and I don't know why... :cry: But using a spell without buff would suck, because I need to know which units are affected by confuse and which aren't.
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