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MTG - Spell request Thread (becoming big)

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Ill list all the spells id like so hopefully ppl can browse and pickout any1's they like.

Would be great to have each spell with 3 levels becoming stronger with each level
- Increased damage, area effect/number of targets, duration
- Reduced Mana cost, cooldown

I'll give full credit for any spells done for in my maps.
I'll update the thread with new spells every now and then

Spells with DONE at the end have been completed. Ill transfer them to a new thread soon in map forum, so ppl can rate my maps Heroes/Spells and give suggestions/advice on how they could b eimproved.

Spells in Caps/Bold are ones that or my team and me are having great difficulty with.

Standard (Single target/bounce spells)
- Chain of Silence - A chain Lightning Spell that does no damage but reduces targeted enemy units damage to 0 for 10 seconds
- Reverse the Sands - Switch life total (percentage of maximum) with target enemy unit
- Spirit Link - Cast on a friendly unit, whilst unit remains within a small radius any damage inficted by unit heals caster/hero

- Turn the tables - Channel - Targets an enemy unit, for the next 3 seconds + (level of spell all damage recieved is done to targeted unit instead.
An animation such as life drain between caster/target would be great and also a range limit, targeted unit can cancel spell if it creates a big enough distance to the caster

Area of Effect
- Razor Barrier - area effect template - lasts for 5 seconds all units under the template cant be targeted

Hero(auto casts on self or area surrounding hero / no target required)
- Blessed Reversal - For the next (3 seconds + level of spell x 2) all damage recieved adds to heroes life instead. (DONE)
- Renewed Faith - Sacrifice 20% of current HP to heal all nearby friendly units by (33% x hero level) of HP sacrificed
- Harsh Judgement - For the next (3 seconds + level of spell x 2) if any damage is taken from enemy spells it is done to caster instead
- Wipe Clean - dispells all buffs on self and heals a small portion
- Hold the Line - All nearby friendly units (and self) get -50% walk speed 33^ reduction in damage
- Reviving Dose - Turns 25% of all nearby friendly units mana into hp

- Gilded Light - Sacrifice a portion of health makes target creature immune to magic for a small duration.
- Hallow - Any damage done from the next spell target unit casts heals units instead.
- Awe strike - Any physical damage done from buffed unit heals instead, whilst buff remains
- Reverse Damage - Buff - Lasts 10 seconds - any damage done form the next spell target unit casts is done to himself instead

- Aurification - (Bash but reversed) attacking units have a 15% chance to become stunned (DONE)
- Noble Purpose - A small % of dmg done by hero heals all nearby friendly units (area effect vamp attack)


)) Shared Triumph - Caster + target creature and all creatures within large radius of same type gain damage/armor

Standard (Single target/bounce spells)
- Disrupt - Damages target enemy unit and silences the unit for 10 seconds (half duration on heroes)
- Brainfreeze - channel - Stuns target enemy unit giving them negative mana generation whilst channeling/spell is maintained.lasts 5 seconds (halfed on heroes)
- Breaking Wave - Shockwave type spell - A water wave washes over all units in the path. Dispells all negative buffs on friendly units and stuns enemy units.
- Condescend - Abolish a buff and drain target creatures mana equal to buff mana cost.
- Choking Tethers - Chain lightning entangle root - does no damage to targets
- Artificial Evolution - targets a creature, (level of spell) friendly creatures within target creatures radius turn into targeted creature

- Baleful Stare - Channel - Area effect template - Every second all units under template have a 5% chance to be taken over by the caster.
- Overwhleming Instinct - channel - Area effect template - does 50 dmg per second to all summoned units under template and adds mana to hero equal to dmg done every second
- Dispersal Shield - Channel - "area effect shield overhead animation" - all nearby friendly units take 33% less damage from magic and 10% of spells targeting friendly units within radius automatically fail.

Area of Effect
- Part the Veil - Area effect template, returns all friendly units under template to your base (DONE)
- Distorting Wake - Area effect template, returns all enemy units under template to their base (DONE)

Hero ](auto casts on self or area surrounding hero / no target required)
- Concentrate - Only castable onself - Increases heroes Intelligence but also reduces walk speed. If hit by an attack is immiedtly dispelled.
- Fact or Fiction - Area effect mirrior image on all nearby friendly units
- Time Strech - Increases casters movementspeed/attackspeed hp/mana regeneration dramatically for 4 seconds + (level of spell x 2)
- Time Stop - Freezes all nearby enemy units for (level of spell) + 1 seconds

- Faces of the Past - Buff - whilst buff remains active when target enemy unit dies all nearby units of the same type become stunned (DONE)
- Mana Leak - Buff - whilst buff reamains active target enemy units has a negative 10 mana per second degeneration and mana lost is transfered to nearby friendly units (DONE)

- Snowfall - Passive - Negative endurance aura on enemy units, colded animation on units, snowy weather effect (DONE)


)) Peer pressure - cast on target enemy creature. Count number of that creature type in a small area. Create that many units for caster
)) Decree of Silence - Target enemy unit acquires 4 spheres (2 if a hero). When the unit casts a spell it is immedietly countered & a sphere is removed. Effects stops (DONE)
when all spheres are removed. Ability can be dispelled but only 1 sphere at a time
)) Twincast - no target, the next spell the hero casts within 10 seconds is cast twice once then when spells runs out again.(will go with timestop/timestretch)

Normal (non hero ability, increases level as hero level increases)
> Battlegrowth - increases target non hero units hp by herolevel x 10% permentantly and unit size by hero level x 5%
> Hunting Pack - Creates Hero mana / 50 Summoned tiger/bear type units whos levels = hero level
> Natural Affinity - Creates level of spell x 2 Tree units from nearby trees (does not need to target groups of dense trees for it 2 work properly like force of nature)

Standard (Single target/bounce spells)
- Bind - spits gooey liquid over target enemy unit, slowing it down
- Bloodscent - targets a friendly unit, all enemy units in area are ordered to attack target unit.
- Giant Growth - Temporary increases targets non hero friendly units hp by level of spell x 30% and unit size by 30%, increases heros strength by level of spell x 3
- Naturalize - Deals high damage to arget artifact/enchantment (building)
- Tribal Unity - targets a friendly non hero unit, counts number of units of same type then adds 25hpx number to each unit.
- Vivify - Turns target tree unit (ent) into an enormous Tree unit
- Parralell Evolution - Can only target friendly SUMMONEd units, creates level of spell x 2 duplicates of target summoned unit. (2/4/6)


Area of Effect
- Howling Gale - Area effect "blizzard" wind animation spell, damaging only air units

Hero (auto casts on self or area surrounding hero / no target required)
- Fog - creates a large cloud around caster, giving ALL units under it 100% evasion, or preventing all dmg done.




)) Decree of Savagery - Selects all non hero untis within radius - increases there hp by 50% and size by 50% (of maximum). Also casts a weak rejuvination spell on all of them units lasting 60 seconds. Increases all nearby friendly heroes strength by 10 for 60 seconds and gives thme same rejuvination
)) Overun - Area effect Giant growth, also increases units movementspeed/atk speed temporarily
)) Rude Awakening - Turns every tree in a radius into a Tree unit

Echoing Decay - Buff - Buffs target enemy unit, then picks all nearby enemy units that are the same unit type and gives them the same buff, Buff deals damage to the unit overtime
False Cure - Buff - Buffs target enemy unit, whilst buff remains if the enemy unit would gain life it loses that amount of life instead.
Diabolical Intent - Sacrifce target nearby friendly undead unit, creates a portal for 10 seconds which can be used to go back/forth from location to town.
Essence Drain - Buff - Drains target enemy units hp and adds it you casters, whilst buff reamins active/unit stays alive
Rancid Earth - Causes a trail of Blight to follow hero where he walks

- Lightning Blast - Fire a long range bolt of lightning at target enemy creature. On impact it splits into (numbler of levels in spell) chain lightnings
- Engulfing Flames - Buff, damages a unit overtime, if cant be healed whilst buffed
(ultimate lvl6) Inferno - Targets an area, from caster to area creates a flamewave (firewall wave) damaging everything in its path ( has a long range - 1000)
- Radiate - targets a unit, copys every buff on that unit, positive/negative and gives them to ALL units within radius of target unit
> Mana Clash - (needs to be activated mana per seconds like immolation), whilst active if targeted by a spell it deals damage to the caster equal to mana cost of that spell, each level reduced mana cost per second,
- Undying Flames - Uses up all mana, creates a flame in the radius equivalent to mana spent around the hero damaging all units, continues to burn for mana cost spent / 40 - seconds[/b]
Level 2
Aug 7, 2005
Interesting i'll try and see if i can make some of these spells. Such as reverse the sands.
Level 2
Aug 7, 2005
Ok i did reverse the sands, decree of silence and aurifaction. Perhaps ill try some of the others
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005
ok i will try to make some of these spells,ill tell you when there done, whats the map about (i already know its mtg :D )
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005
BAD NEWSi was working on parallel evolution, and i finished it! :D , BUT when ever i tried to play the map with parallel evolution it crashes :shock:
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