Request Spells & Abilities for Wildhammer Dwarves

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Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Hi fellow 'Hivers',

I would like to try my luck here in requesting spells & abilities for my custom race Wildhammer Dwarves. Hope there is anyone who is interested to help me. They are:

Drinking Ale
Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Self
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Duration: 12 seconds
In-game Description: The Forager drinks his home-brewed ale, increasing his building speed by 20%.
[The model I will use is Arak1da's Dwarf Peasant with its animation 'Stand Victory 2' played when casting this spell (I don't know if it is possible :p), the effect will give him increased speed in building structures]

(Request already completed, credits to: Tasyen)

Fire Shield
Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Friend, Ground
Damage per Interval: 20
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Duration: 10 seconds
In-game Description: The caster engulfs friendly unit in flame, causing damage to nearby melee land units and increasing the target unit's armor by 2.
[The spell works basically like targetable Immolation with armor increase bonus]

(Request already completed, credits to: Rheiko)

Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Target Point (just like Shockwave)
Damage: 25
Stun: 2 seconds
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
In-game Description: The Rhino charge into a group of enemy, causing minor damage and stun.

(Request already completed, credits to: GIMLI_2)

Code Type: GUI
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit spell)
Target Type: Target Unit (affect several unit, like Healing Wave)
Target Unit Hit: 3
Target Allowed: Friend, Self
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Buff duration: 15 seconds
In-game description: Conjures a stream of wind energy that bounces 3 times to friendly units, increasing their movement speed and gives the Evasion ability

(Request already completed, credits to: xISLx)

I know this is quite big request. If there is anyone who wants to do 1 spell or more spells, please let me know. I will wait your response (a sample of my race will be provided later, once I am back from work). Thank you!

Hi, I am back with a new request (hopefully it is also quite simple spell that you can make it for me) Thanks! Below is the new request:

Mana Clone
Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Friend, Self, Ground
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Mana Cost: 115
Duration: 20 seconds
In-game Description: Caster conjures a Mirror Image of the target unit, producing one illusion of the target unit. When the duration of the illusion is over or the illusion is destroyed, it will burn the mana of nearby enemy units in a range of 250 AoE.
[Simpler explanation: this is a targetable Mirror Image, creating 1 illusion which, when the duration is over or the illusion is destroyed, will drain the mana of surrounding enemy units. Mana drained: 50 points.]
(Request already completed, credits to: Dehua_Darbuya)

Code Type: GUI
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit ability)
Target Type: Passive
Target allowed: self
In-game description: For each Wind Warrior unit in vicinity, Wind Warrior's attack damage is increased by 2.
[Simpler explanation: This is a passive ability which increase damage depending on how many number of same units (aside from the unit itself) that the player currently has. For example, player has 1 WW; it will receive no damage bonus, however when 1 other WW is created, the former WW receives +2 damage and the latter WW also receives +2 damage. When there are 3 WW exist, each WW will receive +4 damage bonus, and so on...]

(Request already completed, credits to: Tasyen)


Wind Warrior Training
Code Type: GUI
In-game description: Once upgraded, there is 25% chance that the training of Gryphon Rider will result in Wind Warrior, a powerful air unit riding an armored battle gryphon. Has Brotherhood ability.
[Simpler explanation: I believe this is more of a system rather than unit ability/skill, this will be used as upgrade available in building. Once upgraded and player start producing Gryphon Rider, there is 25% chance that the unit coming out from Aviary is not Gryphon Rider but Wind Warrior (different unit with its own model, stats, ability) can this be done :) ?]

Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell), Auto-cast
Target Allowed: Friend, Ground, Air
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Mana Cost: 100
Duration: 20 seconds
In-game description: Casts to a friendly target unit, increasing their attack damage by 20% and giving the target True Sight ability. Lasts 20 seconds.

[Simpler explanation: Similar to Inner Fire autocast spell, but with True Sight ability.]

Code Type: GUI

Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Friend, Ground
Maximum Unit to Carry: 1

In-game description: The Rhino carries one ground unit, allowing the Rhino Rider to do double damage.
[Simpler explanation: Works like Orc Burrow's Battle Station. One ground unit (including hero) will be carried by Rhino, and as long as that unit is still there, the Rhino will attack with double damage. The Rhino in my race is similar to Kodo Rider with no weapon upgrade, thus it is one way to increase its damage. Also, I imagined this spell can be very useful to 'save' dying unit when the player can order the dying unit to get carried by the Rhino to safety.]

Mana Trap
Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Enemy, Ground, Air
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mana Drain: 5 point per second
Duration: 20 seconds (unit), 5 seconds (hero)
In-game description: Causes a target enemy unit to be bound to the ground so that it cannot move. Air units that are ensnared can be attacked as though they were land units. When bounded, the units will lose 5 mana per second. Lasts 20 seconds.
[Simpler explanation: Similar to Ensnare but with Mana Drain/Mind Rot ability. I tried this but still failed to create one. I heard Ensnare is a buff spell which is difficult to modify.]

Hope I explain well :)

I will update my map once the spells requested are included in it, please patiently wait :)


  • (6)GnollWood (Wildhammer_Fleymark).w3x
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Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
GIMLI_2, thank you for your quick response! Hope it's not difficult for you :)

I omitted request of one skill (Battle Frenzy) as I have made it myself, learning from tutorials here


Spell Reviewer
Level 25
Aug 27, 2013
Fire Shield, there you go. :D
Base it on Lightning Shield, but I trigger the damage and the armor myself. So make sure to match them (Object Editor stuff and Trigger Editor stuff, duration for example). The triggers are accompanied by comments which can explain some things. I'm lazy to actually change the icon, description, buff, etc. So I left them be, I believe you can customize them yourself. :p

The spell is rather simple actually, I hope you can learn from the triggers. ~

If you have any question, feel free to ask. :)


  • Fire Shield Demo.w3x
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Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
there you go. if you have any questions, contact me.

Never thought you would be that fast in completing my request :) Thank you! +rep to you

I have tried it, however still not successful in causing 'stun' effect to the target units (I will try again today). It is already in the sample map I provided above!

Fire Shield, there you go. :D
Base it on Lightning Shield, but I trigger the damage and the armor myself. So make sure to match them (Object Editor stuff and Trigger Editor stuff, duration for example). The triggers are accompanied by comments which can explain some things. I'm lazy to actually change the icon, description, buff, etc. So I left them be, I believe you can customize them yourself. :p

The spell is rather simple actually, I hope you can learn from the triggers. ~

If you have any question, feel free to ask. :)

Thank you, this fits with what I want! I already included two spells you guys made, along with couple of very very simple spells I did myself.
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Drinking Ale
Code Type: GUI
Target Type: Single Target
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit Spell)
Target Allowed: Self
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Duration: 12 seconds
In-game Description: The Forager drinks his home-brewed ale, increasing his building speed by 20%.
[The model I will use is Arak1da's Dwarf Peasant with its animation 'Stand Victory 2' played when casting this spell (I don't know if it is possible :p), the effect will give him increased speed in building structures]

Which basic construction types your Dwarfs are based on? Human, Orcs, Undead or Nightelf?
The easiest would be human, they already have this multiple Constructers insert.
My concept is:
  • Place Buff with Roar (Night elf bear druid spell)
  • Add a second LVL to the used Repair (Human) Skill, which does the buidling work for human based constructing.
    • Make LVL 2 Resource cost for fast building to 0
    • Define the % Increase with the Fast building factor 1=100% bonus, 0=0%, 2=200% bonus.
  • On Repair cast: generate a formless Dummie worker using the second LVL on the building.
  • Monitor with triggers the end for the formless dummie worker.
Edit: you might need to change the repair Value of LVL 2 to 20% of the wanted Repair Speed: On default 1.5 * 0.2 = 0.3.
I failed to play the correct animation cast (dat bear drinking).

Edit: I See your building is based off Orc. My current Solution works for human based building.
Edit: Orc building ist quite different :(.


  • Buildingspeed.w3x
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Level 17
Mar 21, 2011
I have tried it, however still not successful in causing 'stun' effect to the target units (I will try again today). It is already in the sample map I provided above!

the dummy does not have the proper abilities. he is missing the stun ability and the true sight ability (the true sight is otpional, it just makes the ability hit invisible targets)
Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Which basic construction types your Dwarfs are based on? Human, Orcs, Undead or Nightelf?
The easiest would be human, they already have this multiple Constructers insert.
My concept is:
  • Place Buff with Roar (Night elf bear druid spell)
  • Add a second LVL to the used Repair (Human) Skill, which does the buidling work for human based constructing.
    • Make LVL 2 Resource cost for fast building to 0
    • Define the % Increase with the Fast building factor 1=100% bonus, 0=0%, 2=200% bonus.
  • On Repair cast: generate a formless Dummie worker using the second LVL on the building.
  • Monitor with triggers the end for the formless dummie worker.
Edit: you might need to change the repair Value of LVL 2 to 20% of the wanted Repair Speed: On default 1.5 * 0.2 = 0.3.
I failed to play the correct animation cast (dat bear drinking).

Edit: I See your building is based off Orc. My current Solution works for human based building.
Edit: Orc building ist quite different :(.

Thanks anyway, I will figure it out. I think what makes it different is the ability, not the building type, is it? Just like Acolytes do summoning and Wisps merge with Ancient structures once finished built (I think in WE they have different abilities to build and repair). I am not sure, though. Will check.

the dummy does not have the proper abilities. he is missing the stun ability and the true sight ability (the true sight is otpional, it just makes the ability hit invisible targets)

Ah, didn't see that! Thank you GIMLI_2, you are a great helper! :)
I tested around a bit. The building types are different for each Race. its hardcoded in the Workers race settings.
  • Humans - Repair their buildings.
    • Only units with the same Repair Skill and the same Race can work together( cause of Worker Building Race matching).
    • Only Workers of Race Humans start their building with "starts the effect of an ability"
    • If you change allowed targets they can build even Ancients.
  • Orcs - Enter Buildings, get hidden and get exactly the same XY-cords as the building, bad for buffs cause won't count down anymore.
  • Undead - Autosummons
    • Funny, if you give this people the human Repair skill they can still Autosummon, but can speed it up by channelling.
    • with undead Repair skill they can't activily speedup constructing, even if you change numbers.
  • Nightelf - Same as Orcs, but Worker is consumed if the building was an Ancient.
  • Other Races result into Orc Building.
The default Human repair skill seems to be the only one allowing this speedingup.
Seems like the Races of the Structure and the worker have to match to allow speedingUp.​
If you change the allowed targets it can be used by Orcs, undeads and Nightelfs but still keeping their specific Race building type.

But the problem remains that Nightelf/Orc Building hides the worker -> Buff won't dissapear.
For the hidden workers a default buff won't do the job.

Warcraft 3 misses a function getting the Worker starting the building.
For Orc/Nightelf working you can loop all Players workers and check hidden and same Cordinates.
For Human "starts the effect of repair Human"
Remains Undead, hmm a not 100% safe solution would be to loop all workers "checking distance to buidling" and current OrderId vs UnitTypeId needs custom script but would call the Constructer and works for any Race.​
I do a Race unspecific version of this speedup, but will take some time.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Very interesting. I was actually theory-crafting a Wildhammer Dwarf faction some time ago. Though I didn't get far it is a cool concept.

I'm more interested in your Techtree & planned abilities than in individual requests, but this ain't my thread, so I'll wait patiently. : ) More thoughts later, I s'pose.
Building speed for any Race is done - Has some sideeffects: You need 1 dummy Worker for each race; All Workers for which this shall work have to use the default Repair (Human) skill, cause it is the only one capable of this. I added 1 Level for each Race so Race specific Repair Stuff can be done the last LVL is for the dummies. By using Techs default used Levels for specific Wokers can be set. (5 Levels in the Map)
You have to modify your repair Human accordently.
Normally all Workers could now Fast-build this can be forbidden by Trigger, if an bool is not set.
Cause the basic Buff is based on Roar (Wokers without Attacks can't use this Skill).
For orc based building i made a really simple timed version, if a worker starts working with the buff he has for 12 seconds + 20% bonus Speed.


  • Buildingspeed any Race.w3x
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Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Building speed for any Race is done - Has some sideeffects: You need 1 dummy Worker for each race; All Workers for which this shall work have to use the default Repair (Human) skill, cause it is the only one capable of this. I added 1 Level for each Race so Race specific Repair Stuff can be done the last LVL is for the dummies. By using Techs default used Levels for specific Wokers can be set. (5 Levels in the Map)
You have to modify your repair Human accordently.
Normally all Workers could now Fast-build this can be forbidden by Trigger, if an bool is not set.
Cause the basic Buff is based on Roar (Wokers without Attacks can't use this Skill).
For orc based building i made a really simple timed version, if a worker starts working with the buff he has for 12 seconds + 20% bonus Speed.

That was fast! I will test this spell. My worker unit will definitely have attack damage :) If there are other issues, I will let you know.

Very interesting. I was actually theory-crafting a Wildhammer Dwarf faction some time ago. Though I didn't get far it is a cool concept.

I'm more interested in your Techtree & planned abilities than in individual requests, but this ain't my thread, so I'll wait patiently. : ) More thoughts later, I s'pose.

Hi Kyrbi0, I will elaborate in another thread, maybe Map Dev :) since this is Requests thread

In short, Wildhammers in my concept will have melee units with plenty hit points, low-to-medium armor, backed by casters with buffs to enhance their combat capabilities, resulting in fast, high damaging melee units. Ranged units will also play various supporting roles. Gryphons serve as staunch defenders of Wildhammers, aiding them in battle as mounts and guarding the Dwarves' home (well, in the end I talked too much :) will post in another thread. Your feedback will be much appreciated!)



Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
Code Type: GUI
Number of Levels: 1 (Unit spell)
Target Type: Target Unit (affect several unit, like Healing Wave)
Target Unit Hit: 3
Target Allowed: Friend, Self
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Buff duration: 15 seconds
In-game description: Conjures a stream of wind energy that bounces 3 times to friendly units, increasing their movement speed and gives the Evasion ability

There you go.

If you find any buggs or have any questions then be sure to let me know about it. :)

Good luck with that race.


  • Celerity.w3x
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Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
There you go.

If you find any buggs or have any questions then be sure to let me know about it. :)

Good luck with that race.

So far, your spell works perfectly. No bugs found. You even provided nice buff effect and icon :) Thank you, xISLx
I noticed you used Spellbook (have heard from a tutorial that you can use it to do trigger-enhanced spells). This is interesting, I am learning from your triggers.

I made a misstake. Focused to much on the buildspeed stuff -> Workers could not repair finished Buildings and there were a rare bug in which a Unit would be ordered to repair foes buildings.
This updated Version fixes that.

Will also try this version. Hope the issues are fixed. Thank you for your effort ;)
Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Hi all, thank you so far for those who have helped me in making my first map

Since it's been few days, let me 'BUMP' this thread :p

I have some new requests, please see the first post. Hope I clearly explained it, and you will find it interesting to complete the request. Thanks in advance!
Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Hi Tasyen, thanks so much for the quick help!

I have downloaded it but not yet find time to apply the spell. Will try this weekend :)

+rep for you of course! Thank you!
Level 4
Dec 2, 2013
Hi guys, sorry I've just replied now..been busy with work :)

I think the last thing was Mana Clone, and I had this since last week but couldn't upload it.

Thanks so much Dehua_Darbuya :) will try this spell once I have time to open my laptop. With this, my race is almost complete, I will need some more easy spells for my caster units (already requested again in the first post, hope you also find them interesting to make)

Dang, beaten to it :(

Hi Daffa, nice to see you around! If you are not busy and feel the new requests are interesting, you are welcomed to try it :D

Wind Warrior Training
should still be missing

Yes, it is. In my concept, I will set this as upgrade available at Gryphon Aviary. Do you think it is difficult to create using GUI?
I think I could get the training done.


Wind Training done!

I made this a semi system, in case some other units will have similar behaviour. If you want it simplified or needs more features, just ask.


  • Wind Training.w3x
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