REVIEW standard template(map)

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Level 15
Aug 6, 2014
I have seen almost all moderators have good reviews with maps. However, sometimes it does not fulfill what the uploader needed to see. So I suggest moderators to use a standard template like what SCN did before he became a moderator.

Having marks in each category is also really helpful too!

Therefore, I wish this will be taken into consideration and it helps all map uploaded to get a clear understanding about the map reviews.

Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Heh. I so feel this, the five terrain templates I dropped a couple of weeks ago receive such inconsistent reviews but we should all be aware that map moderators have their own taste and opinion and I don't have any problem with that at all. They can be inconsistent if you compare their reviews but hey all of them are human with real life to deal with. We should just let them review the maps freely.


Just to make it clear, I'm not talking about inconsistency on the rating. More like their different understanding of what makes a template good and bad but as I stated I understand that this people are doing this on their free time with their own taste and opinion.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Well, my style of reviewing is simply a wall of text which everyone probably has to read (torture, isn't it?) but each moderator has its own standard and doing a fixed template for each moderators would probably conflict with their standards. Just my two cents regarding the topic.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I rarely give "positive" review (compliment). Mostly I will mention all glitches and any negative sides of a resource. But when I find it is perfect already, then it's time to mention some good things. And my rating is not based on my standard but I always compare them to other high class resource of the same type, to avoid inconsistent rating.

But it was quite a while ago. Before I feel spell section is abandoned.
Sometimes I feel like I give too many fours and fives.

OT: I think it should be required that the review cover aspects of the resource, but not with a standard template. Mods can always use different types of templates while expressing their thoughts for such aspects.

But it was quite a while ago. Before I feel spell section is abandoned.
You mean, in terms of moderation? Or resources?
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