Revenant Covenant

I'll try a small bundle of Revenants
The models are inspired from the Icons made by Ceterai , be sure to check them out aswell in the asset tab!

ShoulderPads made by @Shakral

Updated the Plague Revenant ( re-texture , changed weapon and shield)
Added the Dread Revenant
Added the Fire Revenant
Added an ALT for the Fire Revenant
Added the Lich/Mage Revenant ( base on the model Eternal Bishop by Ujimasa Hojo)
Fixed some textures on the Fire Revenant

I will take a break from the Revenant bundle for the time being :)
Hope you will find the models of use!
Give credits if you use them!

Dread Revenant (Model)

Mage Revenant (Model)

Fire Revenant Alt (Model)

DreadRevenantTC Alter (Model)

FireRevenant (Model)

Soul Revenant (Model)

Plague Revenant (Model)

Neat texturing. Works in-game. Approved!
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
Now look what we got here... Did someone read my post/thread? :D

I really love this model, but you should fix the death animation. It is broken as of right now.
Also, you might also add a variation of of the green version.
Thank you ! I fixed the blue particles from the death animation, I think it s ok now
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
The next one already?? Nice. :)

Recommendation: Try and separate them with different weapons. Look at the Reforged revenants for inspiration. I would also recommend different shield types. This will make them look less repetitive among eachother and the in-game revenants (the spirit revenant kicks ass as it is). I would also urge you to look to the wrap on the Plague Revenant, in particular the helmet, shield and robes could use some touch-ups or re-wrap to a different texture. Finally I think you had the right idea by giving the Soul Revenant unique pauldrons, belt, etc, and the spike rig on the Plague Revenant's back - but once you repeated some of those elements on the Plague Element you've lost the edge separating each model from the other. I highly recommend you look for different shoulderpads and add other small changes and nurnies to the model to further differentiate them. Given their similar sillhouette and identical animations, the key challenge in making revenants would be to make each one of them stand apart as more than just a recolour. :)
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Ok that Dread Revenant is just about the second-coolest Revenant model I've seen. Really excellent & cool, also just about the coolest name (second only to "Grim Revenant").

If I had one complaint, it would be that the Team Color on that guy is a tad excessive; literally all of his robes are TC. Just seems a touch too much, IMO. Still, I Love it. : )
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
This looks better and better with each update.
Ok that Dread Revenant is just about the second-coolest Revenant model I've seen. Really excellent & cool, also just about the coolest name (second only to "Grim Revenant").

If I had one complaint, it would be that the Team Color on that guy is a tad excessive; literally all of his robes are TC. Just seems a touch too much, IMO. Still, I Love it. : )

Thanks alot guys :D!
About the TC, I will try to add an alter with less TC.
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
By the authority given to me by myself, I proclaim that @Rhapsodie shall be known as the Master of Revenants from this day on!
His amazing creations truly are an enrichment to the Model Section (and to Arkain)!
Thank you for the beautifull words Shar! A great story such as Arkain deserves only the best! :peasant-thumbs-up-cheers:
Some of these ideas are playing in my head, let me share:
  • Tribal Revenant / Forest Revenant / Mojo Masked Revenant
  • Cloud Revenant / Fog Revenant / Sky Revenant
  • Mannequin / Doll Revenant
  • Divine Revenant
  • Sunken Ruin, Mossed, and Seaweed-Infested Tide Revenant
  • Sobi Mask / Oni Revenant / Immortal Mask Revenant
Level 28
Aug 7, 2015
Some of these ideas are playing in my head, let me share:
  • Tribal Revenant / Forest Revenant / Mojo Masked Revenant
  • Cloud Revenant / Fog Revenant / Sky Revenant
  • Mannequin / Doll Revenant
  • Divine Revenant
  • Sunken Ruin, Mossed, and Seaweed-Infested Tide Revenant
  • Sobi Mask / Oni Revenant / Immortal Mask Revenant
There's a skin made for the sky version, you should check it out
Level 34
Dec 15, 2012
the gray edges. the sudden break on the cloth looks really off. you might as well make it into a straight cloth rather than making it look like the flow of the texture breaks off near the end.
I re-texture it, I think it looks better now

Some of these ideas are playing in my head, let me share:
  • Tribal Revenant / Forest Revenant / Mojo Masked Revenant
  • Cloud Revenant / Fog Revenant / Sky Revenant
  • Mannequin / Doll Revenant
  • Divine Revenant
  • Sunken Ruin, Mossed, and Seaweed-Infested Tide Revenant
  • Sobi Mask / Oni Revenant / Immortal Mask Revenan
They sound really great :D , I will try to make some of them in the future ( the Sobi/Oni one could be incredible)
Last edited:
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
Beautiful, the level of character radiating from these exceptionally well wrapped skins make these set of models that much better.
Is it okay if someone modified small bits of the skins to add some extra Team Color ?