Resources = Reputation-idéa

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Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
I just thought it would be nice, that if a user contributed a model/icon/skin/spell etc, to Hive, then after 10 votes, with a minimod-review, and an approval of the model (+rating of moderator) the creater should be awarded with some reputation.

I think it would be pretty easy to make, as it just takes the average rating + mod rating / 2, and adds to rep, or such.

That way, a good resource would add (If all users voted 5, and a moderator 4(Mods would have supereor power in this) 4 reputation points would be added, and poor resources, would be rejected.

This may seem messy, but if you get the idea, please post.

By the way, i haven't uploadet any resources myself, so this would have nothing to do with me. Just thought it would make more people submit their stuff, or make them want to learn.

-By that you would also make it easier to gain reputation by submitting resources.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
I don't see why not, I am sure someone will pop up and explain it all to me, but listen to my arguments at least:

after 10 votes
Mostly 5% of the use population actually votes, getting ten votes means a resource is decent. That means that the author deserves it.

A new user pops up and want to submit a resource. He sees that if its good enough he will get reputation. Reputation means a lot to new users. There for he will want to improve his resource even more.

Reputation isn't important. Another argument why it should be given to users, especially new ones who upload decent resources.

That's just my point of view. You are the mods and in the end you decide.


Unfortunatly I have seen a lot of maps that are great, get great ratings great reviews and the author gets 1 rep from 10 votes, 20 comments and 1000 downloads. :/
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Seems that the mods are kinda agreeing completely on this one.

As I stated before, reputation is useless in most cases, however it does make users happy. A reward for their hard work would be nice after all. But seems you all agree on not putting this so I am fine with that.
Then all of us users should take it upon ourselves to promote the authors and maps that deserve it. Creating automated systems don't always solve or help things.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
C'mon, man. Who gives a damn about rep anyway? It would be more effort than use. Also, this system could be abused very easily.

Haven't I said that rep is useless but it strangly makes people happy. I remember when I joined the site reputation was important to me, now I don't care. But I am sure a lot of users, especially the new ones do care and a reward is alyway nice.

However Gilles did actually say that a system like this would be in the end, useles. And after some thinking I agree, however I do ask the mods if they approve a resource, rep the user, if he is a new one, it will motivate him I am sure.

Sorry TBD for not closing this.
Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Meh. If it stays alive, it stays alive.

Personally, i don't care about +rep, but i sure care about -rep. Its a punishment, and should be taken seriously.

-I think having the mods rep, just with a small ammount, approved models, corresponding to the awesomeness factor, would be nice too.- It would just take more work.
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