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Request Requirements

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There have been alot of people making requests that only have a post count of 10- and no rep at all.

I propose that there should be a limmiter (or something of that sort) on the request section that require's a user to have at least 2 rep before posting a request, this will vastly reduce the ammount of noobs making requests like: "MAKZ ME MODULZ PLZ".

One reason I don't visit the request section more is because of all the people who ask for help, but give nothing in return (I don't mean to me, I mean to the comunity of the Hive), and finding the requests that are REALLY worth fulfilling very hard to find.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
It is indeed a chore to read some of the threads in that forum. I try to be patient with our requesters and hope that everyone will do the same.

Unfortunately, users do often make requests that are nonsensical or may not comply with Request Section Rules and Guidelines (READ!) Limiting users' ability to make a request would, in my opinion, be rather unfriendly.

We may not be able to force anyone to read the stickies, but stricter moderation may be in order for those threads that do not adhere to them.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
Hmm... If a newbie can't request because he doesn't have Rep, He'll probably go into the modeling forum trying to get it answered... I don't think rep Req's can work...
If we have Requirements, we might scare off Potential community members.
Those who are ignorant enough to ignore the stickies in the request forum will probably just find their way to the models forum and post there, or complain about it here.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Do we want those kind of people on the site? Although I don't agree with having a minimum rep.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Or possibly make the "New Thread" button redirect to the stickies page, which has a "Continue to New Thread".
Now THAT'S an idea whose time has come!

Providing additional information to thread creators would be helpful in many forums. They still wouldn't be forced to read it, but they would at least have to view it. Let's wait for Ralle's & Samuraid's opinions about implementing such a feature.
Level 4
Aug 6, 2007
I would have gave the forum something a lot better of a troll other than just crap ass pictures but I got to make it quick so that's all I can do for now.

Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
If you don't like the request section don't go there. Or go there and look at user names. If you see someone you know is an experienced mapper, help them.
...WC3C get accused of being elitist, and you guys want to ban people from even ASKING if they don't have enough rep?


No, not banning them, just making it check to see if you have rep before you make a request, and if you don't have it, it doesn't let you post (as in it will not let you start a new thread).

My idea probably won't be used, but just so long as there is SOME sort of noob-control in the reqest section, I'm fine with it.
Level 8
Jul 24, 2007
I think they need 10 rep and 20 post to make a request.
Why helping them the one with 1 post and zero rep.
We have to do the hard work and what do they give us but is none.
And there some people with -rep that ask for request.
So the good idea is have 10 rep and 20 post to give us rep and get something of helping us.
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Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
I think they need 10 rep and 20 post to make a request.
Why helping them the one with 1 post and zero rep.
We have to do the hard work and what do they give us but is none.
And there some people with -rep that ask for request.
So the good idea is have 10 rep and 20 post to give us rep and get something of helping us.

I agree all but the rep part. A 10 - 20 post limit would be fine, because it'd show there not only here to make 1 post get there request full filled and get out.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Well. It's certainly true that a lot of unusual requests are made. From time to time a person may blow in off the street, create an account and start a thread saying something like:
gimiegimmiegimme modles gimmie rep2 plox
It's each user's inalienable right to make damn fools of themselves. Those who do so repeatedly may be justly "rewarded"

However, no user is ever required to fulfill any request at any time (or indeed to even view them).

Adding a reputation requirement as a prerequisite for requests would be unfair to those users who make legitimate requests but possess little or no rep. That's NOT going to happen. Period.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
A postcount limit could work. I see too many people with their first post be in the requests. Simply make it so that they have to post an introduction thread and have 5 or 10 posts to be able to create threads in different forums.
In fact, some months ago Ralle and I had discussed exactly that. However, it's our Chieftain's opinion that our new users (even the uber-no0bs) should be free to post wherever they want and to make their own mistakes.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
It should be a kind of "Equal Exchange" policy, where you have to contribute as much as you request. Or something like that.

Or maybe we can make Rep as a sort of currency, they would be MUCH more useful like that, rather then just be floating around and sticking a tongue out. That way people would want to keep their rep, and not request random things and keep requests for things they really want or need. Because lets face it, half of the requests people make and when they say "PLEASE I Cantz make diz map cuz i need a super ultra dbzzz skin ssayin 4x or i cant finish it!" they dont actually mean it because they dont actually need it. They just want it.
In fact, some months ago Ralle and I had discussed exactly that. However, it's our Chieftain's opinion that our new users (even the uber-no0bs) should be free to post wherever they want and to make their own mistakes.

Yeah, but then random bots and people xould randomly post everywhere and spam the forums. I think if we put on the postcount, it would act as anti-bot protection (that is if they are programmed to post). Plus I just hate to see a whole request page full of stuff like ,"Zomgz! I n33d 80 mod3ls for t3h ub3r" or other requests that honestly no one will do except for the other noobs. I think that the request section is run by noobs really. We need good requests for once.
Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
It should be a kind of "Equal Exchange" policy, where you have to contribute as much as you request. Or something like that.

Artists make art. Mappers make maps and include art in maps.

That's the way it often works. Please think ideas through before posting them.

Last time I checked, people fulfilled requests because it gave them pleasure/gratification; you do so to help yourself, not to help others. Thus, any cutting down on requests cuts down on the chances to achieve that gratification, and hence harms also those who carry out such requests.

Fallacy exposed.
I have another idea: some sort of "quiz" you have to answer, that relates to the forum rules, and if they don't get the questions right, they have to take it again, and keep repeating everything until they get it right.

This will guarentee that they have read the rules, aybe not absorbed them, but read them.

Like with User Agreement things, hardly anyone ever reads them, so even if it takes them to the rules screen, they can just not read it, so it won't really achieve anything.

Also, you wouldn't have to do the quiz every time, just the first time you make a request.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
There must be a noobie request control mechanism...

Perhaps instead of limits based on rep, and posts...

A form that must be filled out, and if it isnt filled out properly (IE parts missing) then the post does not post.

Perhaps like the model resource system.

With pending and approved requests.

Where you have to put screenies in a slot instead of skins, and you have a description.

This way, noob requests can be ignored, good requests can be approved and sent off to be done, and others can be pended.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
I like those 2 ideas, But I'm afraid the complexity might scare off some potentially helpful community members.
"Lol? Why can't i just make a request? Why does it have to be perfect? People don't HAVE to answer it"

I think we should let them make their mistakes, but When creating a new thread, Redirect them to the stickies.

If they don't read the rules that are right in front of them, Then the moderators can treat them as spammers, as donut said.

There's no need to make requesting harder for those willing to read the rules and whatnot, I think just a simple redirect and tougher moderation will do the trick.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
The problem is Lord_T, that people dont learn from their mistakes here.

And if it scares off potential helpers, then it should surely kill any noob requests.

Think about it? If they cannot go through an intelligent procedure, then they are perhaps not so worthy to request in the first place.

The majority of requestors are as such:

98% - request: Naruto, Anime, DOTA, wow, stupid stuff....they request then leave.

They do not contribute, they do not show any signs of a good project. They are leeches.

Leeches, trying to suck the very talent out of our community like a sponge upon water in the binary deserts of the interwebz.

We need a process, to combat the tide of noobdom, lest it smothers us.

And not too mention, that because of noobdom's incessant attacks, the better requests, are buried under a mountain of filth.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Everybody has to start learning somewhere. Sometimes noob question might seem much more advanced to the asker. I say we keep it like it is.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
Everybody has to start learning somewhere. Sometimes noob question might seem much more advanced to the asker. I say we keep it like it is.

Nothing's wrong with newbies asking questions, or requesting simple things. The problem is when noobs come onto the site and their only post is "GIEV M3 MODULZ KTHXPLX".
You correct them and show them a sticky, or a proper request example, and:
1) they're never heard from again
2) "I didnt ask for how to request, i asked for my model. Gimme."
The problem is Lord_T, that people dont learn from their mistakes here.

And if it scares off potential helpers, then it should surely kill any noob requests.

Think about it? If they cannot go through an intelligent procedure, then they are perhaps not so worthy to request in the first place.

The majority of requestors are as such:

98% - request: Naruto, Anime, DOTA, wow, stupid stuff....they request then leave.

They do not contribute, they do not show any signs of a good project. They are leeches.

Leeches, trying to suck the very talent out of our community like a sponge upon water in the binary deserts of the interwebz.

We need a process, to combat the tide of noobdom, lest it smothers us.

And not too mention, that because of noobdom's incessant attacks, the better requests, are buried under a mountain of filth.

Exactly my point, something needs to be done. Anyone that gets scared off by something that requires less than 3 mins (and as a 1 time thing) to do, doesn't deserve to request anyway.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Requist Requirements?

I wonder what the request section would be like if those who posted required atleast 10-30 posts before they can request anything.
Good idea or not?
Atleast an easy way to sort out serious request from lazy people who havent even bothered searching or trying to make it themselves.
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