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[Request] Hakkar The Soulflayer

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Level 6
Jul 15, 2008
Hello there!
I'm new to the community, but I have already introduced myself :smile:.
In this thread, I request you, able modellers, to make some models for me. They're based on Zul'Gurub.

1st: Hakkar the Soulflayer. Make him as nice as possible :cool:.
I think you will receive alot of rep from all members. This model is really requested.

2nd: High Priest Venoxis: A male troll. But, expecially, his snake form. A big bad cobra.

3rd: High Priestess Jeklikk: A female troll. That can morph into a bat:


4th: High Priestess Mar'li: A female troll. Her animal form is a spider:
Just add some runes and something special from a normal Spider of the Cript.

5th: High Priest Thekal. A male troll that can transform into a huge half-humanoid, half-tiger beast.

6th: High Priestess Arlok. A female troll that is like High Priest Thekal, but in female version.

7th: And last :wink:. A big bad hydra.

Thanks for who will make at least Hakkar and some High Priests/esses.
Of course I'll include some +rep for your kindness.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
2 posts, little information, no rep and 7 model requests.

nobody will make you these like it is, be more active in the forums, give more information on why you need the models. and then someone might be interested in making you some of these
Level 6
Jul 15, 2008
I seen people that are requesting entire pack of races, that posted just the request. ( ... ) And no one said nothing.

Additional info?
Is for my "War across Azeroth" map. Based on Azeroth Wars Strategy. I taken just the idea from there. If you before speak, look at my introduction, you can understand a bit better about me too. I posted images to let them understand on what they can work, if they want.

Be more active? I'm here by today. I will prove myself to the community, like you did.

They will make me the models if they're nice persons, if they wants some additional rep or just because they're altruist.
I asked so nicely, I think I haven't to be more active or anything.
This isn't in the requirement section.
Rep isn't a requirement too. So I would suggest you to be more nice with people and to look at the requirement thread before post.

Thanks again to any modeller who will make it.
P.S: Rep will be if just for Hakkar or one Priest. Thanks again.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2008
Originally posted by Chriz.

New Rule: Read Before Posting


Look guys, I am getting tired of seeing you constantly flame poor requesters.

I understand that a lot of them ask for too much, or are not requesting correctly, but leave this to the respective moderators to take care of.

So, do not comment in a request thread, unless you have something constructive to add. This of course being:

A. Sure, I'll do it, can you post a few more details?

B. Oh, there is one over here --> Link <--

C. Oh yes, I would really like to have this model too for my map, I would also be grateful for someone creating it.

D. Well this request is quite easy to make yourself, all you have to do is.....

E. (Once the request is finished, or pictures are shown of progress) Wow, it's looking good, but maybe you should change...

Other than this, I do not want to see any more nonconstructive posts and remarks in the request threads. This will be dealt with strictly, so do not push me.

Chriz. - Your friendly animation moderator.
The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site - Announcements in Forum : Requests.

Be more nice with persons or they will hate you.
Just a suggestion.

EDIT: You think I'm a crap noob? I'm not, first of all. Second: don't flame with noobs, they are persons that wants respect too. You will not receive respect, if you will not give any.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
i am being nice. i am telling you what to do to increase the chances of getting your request done so before you say be more nice, please think. (i am not shouting, moaning or anything else, i am trying to help you) and when i say more active i mean higher post count. and i say additional info because people don't want to make models for a map that may not exist. screenshots help

i know rep isn't a requirment but it does help.
and models take a long time to make. so 7 models will take extremely long

EDIT: i do not think you are a crap noob, i am not flaming, people aren't going to make a model (let alone 7) if they may not be used, or if someone who just comes here to request things and not be part of the community.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Hey there! Here's a little reccomendation. First things first, modelers want to make sure that their model is going to be used. Therefor, maps near completion are when you should begin making requests. If you already have your map near completion, screenshots can be helpful. Also, knowing basic modding concepts may help boost your chances. Hakkar may be difficult. Venoxis on the other hand could easily be based of the naga, just some green skinning and a few other add-ons. Of course, I dont know how to do this stuff, so sorry. However, I hope you get your requests done!


P.S. Slawter is trying to help, just a little blunt about it.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2008
Well, thank you both. My map has just started and I require these models for the Zul Gurub part. I will not require the entire map Models.
I know the basics of Modelling.
I read a tutorial here, once (or on WC3campaigns.net). You must create 3 vertexes and then use the face tool. But I don't understand entirely how to make a model.
Surely my map will be completed, I'm not a lazy peon.
Thanks again,

I would like to say if they release these models, or just Hakkar or one Priest, they will be extremely requested. Expecially the Hakkar model.
If they will be created, they will be extremely used :smile:.
Level 9
Jul 3, 2008
1. Surely my map will be completed, I'm not a lazy peon.

2. I would like to say if they release these models, or just Hakkar or one Priest, they will be extremely requested

1. Many people have said their map will be completed. Many big projects that have alot of fans was cancled. So no one really belive when people say they will complete their map for sure. You need to show us some screenshots of a near completed map, so we are sure your map will be completed.

2. Never saw anyone requested that models before, and im visiting the request section alot.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
Hah nice. Guess you got one model down, and I guess I know a little about basing. As I said though, Hakkar may be the last one someone may want to do. Mar'il just calls for a skin edit of the In-game Crypt Fiend. I wanna see if the rest turn out.

Level 10
Jun 21, 2007
I recommend asking for resources nearer to when your project is complete, for now just use stand-in models. Its really annoying working for a long time on a difficult modle if the map is never finished and the model is consigned to the graveyard wih several weeks of your time.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Venoxios: Naga Royal Guard
Jeklik: Gargoyle. Just like what it's edited from
Mar'Li: Crypt Fiend or Nerubian. Just like what it's edited from
Hydra: Hydra. The WoW and WC3 Hydras are the same model, the WoW one just has more skins
Level 6
Jul 15, 2008
Thanks everyone for your support, but I read tutorials in these days...and really, I didn't understand nothing!
It's really complicated to make a model, but at least I know how to make really good icons. Going to release them: it's a pack of Icon of all races, but completely different.
Hope that this is appreciated, cause I don't know how to increase rep without making models (I
repeat once again, I greatly suck at it :smile:).

Thanks to Cavman to the model. I really like it. +rep and thanks again for the kindness.
And I guys Hakkar's model is greatly requested: people doesn't request always here if they don't find anywhere.

EXAMPLE: If Luka_Blight knows that someone at Hiveworkshop has made an Hakkar Model different than an hydralisk, he will use in his map: Azeroth Wars Strategy, that is used in Battle.net everyday!

EDIT: Another example. Same for Lordaeron Tactics who uses the Hydralisk Model cause no one has made an Hakkar one. This is another map who alot of peoples uses everyday.
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