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Request for a Terrainer.

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Level 1
Mar 6, 2010
Okay. So... First actual post in a long time. And it's a request. How pathetic... Of me, that is. But, here we go.

So I'm working on a map with a friend. Giving credits out to skins and models used and etc. Based on the concept of Onyxia's Lair, from World of Warcraft. Major problem. He triggers/scripts and GUI's, I design abilities and lore and items and anything in the zone of creative-y creativicalness. Yes, that wasn't a word, but it exercises my point.

I would like to make a request for a terrainer (A decent one at least, not someone who will just make cliffs all over the place). A terrainer to go and (needs to stop being repetitive with that one word and its adjectives and what not) terrain this map. Here is how I had hoped for it to start out.

Attached to this thread, is a picture of how I >TRIED< to start off the entrance. It looks awful, please don't criticize me, I have enough problems trying to get creative with terraining without getting upset at myself because I know I can do better. But personally, I've gotten upset enough times that I've gone somewhat ballistic, and resort to the great and good people at Hive Workshop for a little assistance/help.

I planned for it to have a somewhat resembling entrance, much like in the picture (Except where it actually looks like it wasn't done by a mentally handicapped ten year old ((no offense, but even I admit it looks like crap, and I'm the one who did it))) except that it resembles the outside of Dustwallow Marsh a bit (The zone in World of Warcraft where the dungeon is actually located), and it has a small little entrance (the small piece of land located behind the rocks at the bottom right, where the lava spots and magma cracks are) that when you walk onto, you will teleport to the entrance on the inside of the lair (Nothing past this screen shot has been done, past futile rage). It would be styled like Onyxia's actual lair, minus the first minute of actual walking inside it, where you walk down a ramp then underneath the ramp to continue onward (which as far as I know, is not able to be done in Warcraft 3. I haven't seen it done, so, apologies if it is, I never knew). It would just be styled and done like the rest of Onyxia's lair, the walkway and the walls and the small pits of lava with the dropping lava falling into the pools of it on the sides, then Onyxia's actual lair room, Whelpling pits on your flank included.

This would all be packed within a 160x160 map on the Dungeon Tileset (Custom to fit in something necessary, like I said, I tried to make the outside somewhat resembling to the actual thing and failed quite hard), but also the fact that I wanted the inside of the lair to LOOK like a lair. Custom tiles, that don't look like they were pre-built into Warcraft 3's MPQ or anything (Think Piwlady's "How To Create Good Looking Lava" tutorial, with the square iron-tiling on the floor on the last result picture, go search for it).

If anyone is so gracious or kind enough to do this, but also sort of smart enough to not go and cliff the whole thing, I would honestly appreciate it so much, you wouldn't even be able to imagine it.

I know that no one is obligated to do such a request, rather it's a matter of feeling inclined to do so, but my friend and I would just really greatly appreciate it. To anyone who reads? Thank you! Sorry if this is all long, but thank you to anyone who reads, and even more thanks to those who post something positive or constructive! (Because who wants to be a negative nancy and post mean, rude things?)

And if anyone wishes to reach me, I have several methods of contact, but you can best reach me over a nice, simple Private Message! Thank you everyone!

(Hoping no one flames me for this edit, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post this in the Terrain forum or the Request forum. I was looking for a terrainer, but it was also a request. So, apologies beforehand to anyone who is upset or attempts to flame this or anything! I'll repost it in which ever proper section it belongs to, or a moderator can move it if they want, if it doesn't belong here.


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Last edited:
Level 1
Mar 6, 2010
I think I read somewhere on the forums that I was allowed to bump the topic after one or two days... If that's not true, can anyone positively criticize me and emphasize that and inform me of it? I would appreciate it. Thank you.
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