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Reputation Enabled!

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Me and Ralle have just come to a decision.

The decision deals with the issue concerning the Reputation system, and whether or not if it should be enabled for normal users (users who dont have any special moderation power).
  • We have decided that normal users must have a total amount of +50 reputation points (or higher) before his/her reputation hits count on others.
  • And he/she must have 10 posts (or higher) before his/her reputation hits count on others.
Notice, that the staff will still be attentive when it comes to givin reputation to the propper people so that they can be awarded.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Its good to see that the rep system has finaly been sorted out.

The 50 rep points is a bit high since not even some moderators have that much (looks at Rui) so maybe lower like 40 or 35 since people with that much rep should be responsiable enough.

Also is not the 10 post part a bit low since one is hardly going to get 50 rep within 10 posts (unless you win a compitition or choose your posts wisely) so maybe make it 100 - 250 posts since thats about how many posts people will make to get 50+ rep.

Well anyway nice to see that the rep system has been sorted out.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Awesome(now all I have to do is get 50 rep ><).Well this makes It so when you want to thank a person with rep you don't have to PM them (at least when you have 50 rep).Seems very good solution thanks again for the hard work you guys!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Your only a hosted project, not an admin.
Your rep is 34 out of the 50 required.
Get 50 and it should work but untill then you can only give skulls and for a reason.
Still does not stop people from giving you a skull for no reason and spamming.

This is what I am talking about, this happened last month.
The Goblin Merchant 01-03-2007 09:29 AM infuzions Yummy in my tummy
Ofcourse it was only a skull but "Yummy in my tummy"? what reason is that for even trying to give rep?

Well anway I think the skull for no rep is a bit wierd. . .
Maybe make it a nonanimated dimond like the green and red but make it white (see through).
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
I believe that most users who have already acquired 50 reputation points can be trusted to use them justly.


anyway, its abit high but i can still accept it... i was expecting 30-ish, but okay..

I hope people use it properly, and not for birthday rep or "lol, your funny", "HI!!!" rep.

Anyway, iv recently repped alot of people, i will be more aware and alert on peoples good deeds and doings ;)


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
My first thought was to set it to 30, but Ralle convinced me.

The 50 deals with a simple fact; if you reach that number, then you have proven yourself worthy :) (we're probably going to adjust it to 60 instead of 50 in comparison to the rep display system)

However, there are still some few things we need to sort out.
For instance the issue regarding the required 10 posts... Dunno why Ralle wanted to set it to that, but I think we're going to adjust it to something higher, like 100 or 150 post count perhaps..
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
However, there are still some few things we need to sort out.
For instance the issue regarding the required 10 posts... Dunno why Ralle wanted to set it to that, but I think we're going to adjust it to something higher, like 100 or 150 post count perhaps..

Why have a post count requirement at all? That just shows that someone knows how to spam, not that they're necessarily helpful. Look at Daelin, he probably had 50 rep by like, 50 posts. ;)
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yes, but rep should make more of a difference then a little image. Rep is a way of easily displaying what the community thinks of you without having to do a detailed analysis. Alas, i'm not useful enough around here to get the other required 3 rep (except for the ocassional horribly long post that someone takes the time to read and get the message and finds out that the post is actually quite meaningful), but aside from that: i'm not talented enough in anything related to wc3 to offer up samples of my work, or to help out other users... so I suppose I have no primary way of getting rep, which is why people who have been around for far less time then me have vast amounts of rep, and I have 47. Oh well, it's definetly a move in the right direction (even though I don't see what the problem was in the first place since the rep system itself prevents spamming of rep) so GJ to the admins for clunking their heads together until an idea popped up.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
And still, if you make only some ppl being able to rep + or rep -... You are making an elite. And that will cause problem, some ppl may not deserve their rep and other may do. Don't tell me that those that can rep+ watch any little post that ppl make.

This is my opinion.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Well reputation is always going to be abused, there is no stopping it. Some moderator will always give neg rep for no good reason, some admin will always spam rap to another admin for no reason, and all of the little users will abuse amongst themselves in between. If people would use it properly, then sure, but since not even the admins are doing that, well I don't think this problem will ever be solved.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Respected Users should be able to.

Well, the last possibility I can think of is allowing people with +25 reputation to rep other people, but those would be sent to moderators so they approve of the reputation. That, however, takes alot of work. The current system is ok BUT before anyone can get 50 reputation, it'll take very long. Because, like I've mentioned before, important forums such as World Editor Help Zone and others are NOT being watched.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I checked his profile and saw some of his recent rep.Ralle gave him some saynig we rock.There were a few with no comments meaning either random rep or they didn't feel like saying why.Lunatechik with some and im sure thats not all considering thats only RECENT rep.Im not trying to be direspectful eitehr jsut seems unfair he gets that kinda rep.
Level 6
Oct 23, 2006
I have been here quite some time and helped a few people out and never even got one rep point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining; but it dosent really matter now does it? Hahah i doubt when someone's rep is higher his solutions/maps are always better. Anyways, thank you for all those who helped me even though i can't give them reputation. Honestly, this is one of the most helpful forum communities I've been in and proud to be part of.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Yes gaining rep is indeed hard.With this rep system is usefull for no spam rep but is bad when people really want to thank another person but don't have enough rep to do it.

Those people who have no skill in skinning or modeling(like me) have trouble getting any rep,even when we do help we don't get anything out of helping other unless we are helpnig a mod or a mod happens to find the thread in which we helped in.

Most people won't get to 50 in a very long time meaning those who already have It are gonig to be the only rep givers.
PrinceofIce said:
Those people who have no skill in skinning or modeling(like me) have trouble getting any rep

Even you submit a resource, not many will notice it, few look there, actually. If you compare with wc3sear.ch (skins, models) the next day you got at least five comments and much more downloads than here (even now I bet at wc3sear are commenting more frequently than here), or maps'n'mods where any decent map will have a bunch a comments.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Yeah well your just backingup my point that msot of us who try and do help don't get deserved rep and untalented people(like me) have trouble geting it.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Even you submit a resource, not many will notice it, few look there, actually. If you compare with wc3sear.ch (skins, models) the next day you got at least five comments and much more downloads than here (even now I bet at wc3sear are commenting more frequently than here), or maps'n'mods where any decent map will have a bunch a comments.

I am working on it.. the resource section is not even finnished. When it is done, there will be comments :)

We hope that many people will soon have the 50 rep so most of us can give eachother rep. That way it won't be hard to get rep.

Another thing, when helping some1, it's not rude to ask for +rep, it's just so people remember it.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
Yah wow can't believe im jsut noticing that thank you its nice to finally get what we deserve. :) Well I now feel I have a chance at 50 rep.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I hate seeing signatures saying "Give rep to helpful people
" or "Rep me if ur nice!" crap like that. It's just pathetic begging to me.
Level 3
May 28, 2005
I hate seeing signatures saying "Give rep to helpful people
" or "Rep me if ur nice!" crap like that. It's just pathetic begging to me.

wow. I know what you mean. Their like "A Rep Quote - blah blah, Give me Rep blah, blah" AGH so annoying.

Well anyways. The only problem that I can see with the whole rep system is those few that can give out rep will most likely overlook many people making it harder to get to the "Respectable" level. Thus as a sort of snowball effect, less people get rep, less people are able to give rep keeping the people unable to...

Though this could be a good thing so the rep system doesn't go out of control again.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Asking for rep to me sounds like you are doing something purly for rep instead of for fun. So I do not like the idea of asking for rep.
Getting rep is simple but it is hard to get lots.
Making my simple tower got me some rep but I found that was fair considering it too me nearly 8+ hours to make and I started with no idea how to begine.
Also advising some topics gets you rep but seldomly.
The places where the most rep should be aquirable from are making things like terane or maps (which are good) like it currently is and the help sections (which currently few people get rep from).
More rep should be given to people who help solve peoples problems or spend time trying since I spent 30 minutes once writing a jass script to aid somebody and he did not even say thanks and no one actualy commented on the script although it would function perfectly for the job.

Well anyway who am I to say theses things?
Its the admin's decision to what they do, not ours so we should be happy with the rep system and although getting rep is hard, thoes who do get 50 deserve to add rep.
Level 8
Feb 4, 2007
I consider reputation nothing more than a comment system. I understand that other people consider it a big deal, but it just isn't to me. For example, I gave someone a negative rep comment (even though it has no effect, I just wanted them to know that I thought they were being rude) just yesterday, and they got all angry and PM'd me, yelling at me about being rude.

So, yes, it has it's pro's and con's, but I think it's good that anyone can do it, to give comments. I do think, however, that negative reputation should be enabled for everyone. I'm sure it looked a bit odd when I gave the person +rep, telling them they were being rude.
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