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Renaming [trigger] tags

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Currently, a Jass code has the
 tags. The GUI one uses the [trigger] tags.

Since both a Jass code and a GUI one can [I]trigger[/I] actions and both can be included within a [I]trigger[/I] (refer yourself to the "New Trigger (Ctrl + T)" in the Trigger Editor), wouldn't it make more sense to rename [trigger] [ /trigger] tags into [B][gui] [/gui][/B] as the counterpart of [code=jass] [ /jass]?
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
It does make sense, but I'm guessing noobyfaces don't know what GUI is and their brain would explode if they'd have to learn what it is. That said, I don't see a problem with just adding gui tags and keeping the trigger tags too, but then no one would use them except you.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Well, they don't have the
  • tags' awareness in the first place, if we speak of "newbies". :]
  • So, if they had to learn the way to post in gui tags, they would also learn what GUI is and why not. It will make them search the forums, learn the potential of a tutorial and so on (did I drag this too far?) :P[/QUOTE]
  • Yeah, but that kind of newbie is rare today. I was talking about a different kind.
  • Of course, I'm talking out of my ass. I don't actually know what the noobyface:newbie distribution is.
  • I mean I'm all for this, but I don't think it matters enough.
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