Aww sheit, So. I have this custom script that utilizes daynight models to tint everything with darkness, thus allowing lights and such to work (Ever played a game it was really dark in, and the lights were magnified tenfold? Thats what this script does) Anyway, Google "War3 Daynight models" You're bound to find it there.
Basically, that code will make the room really dark, Just place some torches or lights around the place to brighten it up.
The problem appears if you want your map to be multiplayer, Where players may be in seperate areas at once, Seeing how this script is global and cannot effect one player you need to use the (Get Localplayer) custom script to single out one player, Yet again I dont have the script on me so google (Get LocalPlayer War3) and it should help.
Note, Get LocalPlayer can cause desyncs if used incorrectly. However, if used correctly there should be no problems at all.