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[Role Playing Game] Redemption Denied

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Level 11
Jan 30, 2010

Redemption Denied ©N.Knight
A Single Player Role Playing Game

Development Status (Alpha)

  • Terrain: 20%
  • Triggers: 40%
  • Models: 70%
  • Music/Sounds: 100%
  • Story/Characters: 100%
  • Object Data/Misc: 10%
Release date: not anytime soon

  • DivineArms [Voice Actor and Sound Editor]


  • Icon Maker (someone who can actually draw good icons from scratch)
Message me if interested


Redemption Denied is a pen and paper rpg that was designed by me a few years back. I have decided to make a computer version for it using the warcraft 3 world editor.


In the farthest reaches of the universe lies the planet Araf. It's face is covered by a harsh and unforgiving desert and its skin is scorched by a merciless sun. When the dust storms settle ruins of ancient civilizations rise from the desert sands, revealing a glorious past. Seemingly lifeless at first, Araf is actually filled with life. The hardiest and the toughest of life possible.

Primary Features:

  • Unique Look and Setting
  • Tons of imported content. (all new custom-made models for this project)
  • Non-Linear Story with tons of choices and many endings.

No standard fantasy clichés!


There are going to be 5 (or 6, depending if it does make its way in the final version) playable Hero characters in Redemption Denied. The player will gain control of the characters while progressing through the story. However, not all characters will be available to play simultaneously at any given moment. Each character will have its own special skills which it can use to bring down enemies or solve puzzles with. Some puzzles and situations will require you to use multiple characters in a co-ordinated effort to obtain results.

The characters that I have designed are not super heroes as often rpg characters end up becoming after gaining a few levels. The hero characters of Redemption Denied are just heroes in name. That means a lot of stealth and cunning come into play here. Bashing into enemies with a +10 sword is not going to work. The gameplay is such that it will encourage you to try out different schemes and opportunities.

There are several puzzles which are mandatory to move the story forward but I have made sure that they are not so challenging that they end up frustrating you. I personally loathe games where the screen goes black and a puzzle box opens up and you are intended to solve it or it will explode in your face. Having said all this let me clarify that Redemption Denied still remains a RPG at its heart, you do level up and you do gain abilities and stats, and you do buy and sell stuff, gain new armor and weapons etc.

So, this is a basic low down on the gameplay. I have left the other intricacies for the players to discover themselves.

Important Characters





Tusk Lizards are stocky and heavily built draft animals. They are named so because of the tusks that only the male of the species grows. The equivalent of both horses and oxen, Tusk Lizards are prized possessions on Araf.

The Lizard Folk are a species of Humanoid lizards that inhabit the deserts of Araf. They are a decent and honorable race who prefer to stay away from conflict. They make their settlements in the most unreachable areas of the deserts, away from the reaches of other races. Being strong and hardy they are able to live in areas where their mammalian counterparts would surely perish. Although large and strong Lizard folk are not exceptional warriors, preferring brute force over fighting tactics. Lizard folk were used as slaves in the ancient empire.


Note: More details fill be added soon.

*Waiting for comments\ feedback and words of criticism and praise alike.
Don't be shy and state your views honestly. :)

A word about the credits:
Several of the characters and object models used in this project are heavily edited versions of pre existing models. I do not intend to re-distribute these models and they are only to be used in this project and for its promotion. All edited content is copyright of its respective owners, most of whom are the fair folk of the Hiveworkshop and XGM communities. All artists are respectively credited in a cinematic style credits within the game.
Last edited:
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
This is quite a promising project indeed. From the features it looks good but I suggest add some more UNIQUE features because this are mostly seen in other RPGs.

Oh, I have seen those terrains at Terrain Board. I really love how you make the terrain, good job.

Overall, its quite a project to me but I suggest add more information in to the game and make th thread more attractive.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Its awesome that its the first RPG map with western elements of the game. If you say no standard fantasy cliches, I hope you stay away from the plot tropes and the standard depiction of magic. But, I love that magic exists only in subjects we deem evil.

Soundtrack is composed yourself? Also, combat details?
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Note: More details fill be added soon.

Oh I could really do with some more fill, for sure.
- Icing or pudding alike.

Well, really, actually. I don't know what to say, but I suppose you want me to say something since you linked me here. Looks tempting,
though even after reading your introduction I still don't know jack-shit about what this "campaign" will be like. I like the terrains, you know that,
and I can appreciate the idea.
- I'll keep this thread in the corner of my eye.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
This is quite a promising project indeed. From the features it looks good but I suggest add some more UNIQUE features because this are mostly seen in other RPGs.

The most unique feature of this game is the story and the characters. You must wait a while before I make a presentable summary.

If you say no standard fantasy cliches, I hope you stay away from the plot tropes and the standard depiction of magic.
There are no elves or dwarves or any other Tolkien fantasy stuff here.

Soundtrack is composed yourself? Also, combat details?
No, not by me. There are some people on the internet who compose tracks for free. Standard wc3 combat i.e when there has to be combat. This is more of a adventure type game...

Nice terrain, well, if you want make thread, atleast upload the map for not seem so promising :/ :/ Many people though that :/ :/
Thanks...but I really don't want to upload a map now. Its in the Alpha stage.
Be patient :)

Oh, I have seen those terrains at Terrain Board. I really love how you make the terrain, good job.

Well the terrain sure is sweet and the title you mentioned that inspired you are really good source of materials not to mention Steampunk is also a favorite theme of mine so my eyes sure is lock for this project. Good luck.

Thanks folks :D

Oh I could really do with some more fill, for sure.
- Icing or pudding alike.

Overall, its quite a project to me but I suggest add more information in to the game and make th thread more attractive.

Eager to see more details of this project.

You can see I am already on it. Learned to use BB codes,
and just made a logo for the project. It needs more work but atleast its a start and again I apologize but you will have to wait a few more days before I post the 'details' lol (I have something important to finish in my real life)

Well, really, actually. I don't know what to say, but I suppose you want me to say something since you linked me here.
I was thinking you won't even post, but you did! And I love you for that :thumbs_up:
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Another teensy weensy update:
Well finally found some time from my hectic schedule and made a banner of sorts to beautify the thread &
added a 'BESTIARY' with an introduction to the Lizard Folk of Arya.

More information and screenshots of creatures, locations etc. will be added soon
Do check out and please leave comments.
Level 1
Aug 22, 2013
I would like to be a suggestor. here is my first suggestion

Add this in beastiary

The Mechanichoids

Then mechanichoids are ancient robots used by the dark dwarves a long time ago,but they were held and were stopped by the dwarves because of their strenght and because they were devloping their own brain, now taht the evil dwarves are dead, they roam freely in the world http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/skins-552/abominationrobot-61646/?prev=search=robot&d=list&r=20 and here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models-530/lt-1-a-172208/?prev=search=mechanical&d=list&r=20 and finnaly here
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
I would like to be a suggestor. here is my first suggestion
good, keep suggesting +rep

Then mechanichoids are ancient robots used by the dark dwarves a long time ago,but they were held and were stopped by the dwarves because of their...

I forgot to add, or maybe I did in a previous post that there are no regular fantasy races in Redemption Denied. Sorry but no tolkien stuff here buddy, thats for high fantasy. This is more of a low fantasy setting.

if you get any other ideas, feel free to suggest them here
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I like the way this is looking. The lizard folk model looks very nice. I was wondering if you had any updates on the terrain. All I've seen is the three screenshots from early development and you've got me wanting more. Anyways, good luck mate.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
@Heinvers and Veritas....Thanks! :D

I was wondering if you had any updates on the terrain. All I've seen is the three screenshots from early development and you've got me wanting more. Anyways, good luck mate.

The only reason that I am not posting any terrain screens is because I have still not reached any final decision about the new look of the terrain. Mid-way I came across Talavaj's Memonto Mori and I was very inspired by his work and his attention to detail. So I decided to completely re-do the look of the terrain and add extra detail in graphics. (not at his level off course!)

Also I have now made a new camera system, earlier I was restricted to fixed isometric. The new camera can spin 360*. Adding new possibilities to gameplay.

Currently I am brushing up my 3d skills and trying to mash up some desert buildings and vegetation. I guess this also counts as a minor update.

These plants are very low poly, because they are to be viewed from above mostly. Textures are made from 'real textures' (free textures from the web) which I modified to a cartoon-ish look. Palm bark texture is taken from TobyFat's map the Island which he has made open source.


So enjoy and keep commenting, so the thread does not close because my updates will be few the coming month. I will be hunting for a proper job or I won't be able to pay even for a slow internet connection. sigh!
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
The plants look very nice. I'm a big fan of real texture models. There also seems to be a lack of real texture desert plants. I'm no modeler I'm afraid, but those look really nice.
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Firstly, much thanks and love for posting and not letting the thread get closed, while I was away.

I have been job hunting and in free time I have been writing. I wrote a 150 page design document for Redemption Denied. This document will come in handy if I am ever to make it into a real game. For now though this project is limited to being a wc3 mod.

While writing the document several old ideas got refreshed and I came up with an interesting plot twist around which I have designed 12 quests, which I am adding to the campaign.

In the next post I will add gameplay details and screenshots of the various assets I have made. I am in bit of a hurry now and couldn't resist making this post, just so you know that I am still working on this. Excuse moi!
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Once again thank you for leaving comments and +rep to whom I can spread!

Time for an important update. Still no actual terrain screenies but here I present you with gameplay aspects and a new creature in the bestiary. Also, I introduce you to one of the playable characters i.e a hero, the Hermit.
Terrain screenshots will follow in the upcoming updates.
-Do check out and leave comments.

I have added the updates in this post so you can check them here or go to the first post.

There are going to be 5 (or 6, depending if it does make its way in the final version) playable Hero characters in Redemption Denied. The player will gain control of the characters while progressing through the story. However, not all characters will be available to play simultaneously at any given moment. Each character will have its own special skills which it can use to bring down enemies or solve puzzles with. Some puzzles and situations will require you to use multiple characters in a co-ordinated effort to obtain results.

The characters that I have designed are not super heroes as often rpg characters end up becoming after gaining a few levels. The hero characters of Redemption Denied are just heroes in name. That means a lot of stealth and cunning come into play here. Bashing into enemies with a +10 sword is not going to work. The gameplay is such that it will encourage you to try out different schemes and opportunities.

There are several puzzles which are mandatory to move the story forward but I have made sure that they are not so challenging that they end up frustrating you. I personally loathe games where the screen goes black and a puzzle box opens up and you are intended to solve it or it will explode in your face. Having said all this let me clarify that Redemption Denied still remains a RPG at its heart, you do level up and you do gain abilities and stats, and you do buy and sell stuff, gain new armor and weapons etc.

So, this is a basic low down on the gameplay. I have left the other intricacies for the players to discover themselves.


Let me introduce you to one of the playable characters:
A hermit walked around the village and the area day and night, and even in daylight still carried a lit lantern. One day the villagers had enough curiosity to ask him "Sir, why do you carry your lantern lit in daylight?" He said, "Because I'm searching for an honest man."


Tusk Lizards are stocky and heavily built draft animals. They are named so because of the tusks that only the male of the species grows. The equivalent of both horses and oxen, Tusk Lizards are prized possessions on Arya.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Interesting and a worthwhile update. I love how formal you present updates and I pretty much like the news in the Gameplay.

I cannot wait to play this out. Good job, more powers to you and your project and +rep (spreading)
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
this project reminds me of Red Dead Redemption.

Why? Because they both have the word 'Redemption' in the title?
Take a gander at the first post to learn more about the story and characters.
Anyways, thanks for posting.

And heres a screenshot for those who are interested, a few of the custom assets in action. Mainly the cliffs and palms. The house is unfinished, pardon.
Just wanted to show you guys the bright, glowing, saturated look of a sun kissed desert that I was able to achieve without any ENB,
just cleverly edited textures.... ;)
This screen was taken in the WE, it looks much better in-game with custom DNC and light sources.

Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
cool. even though i see some tree leaves has a darker color than the others.

Everyone has the right to question and you my friend, have earned your right by simply posing a question in my thread. Out of the blue or a shot in the dark, a question must be answered I believe, if one is in the capacity of answering it.
Shadows and Highlights is your answer. Seek the tutorial section for further explanations. Thank you and keep posting.


I will also take this opportunity to myself pose a question to my wonderful patrons. There is a particular scene\ situation in game where you have to invade a harem. There you will encounter ladies of alluring talents some of whom are only clad in jewelery in the name of clothing. All of this is in cartoon graphics of course, and mostly viewed from a height that the 'peculiar details' are negligible.
My question is, whether should I continue with the scene this way or should I paint some clothes on them. I personally have no problem with nudity cartoon-ish or otherwise. However there are people who might find it you know...'disturbing' :thumbs_down:, also it might be against the site rules (not sure about that). I would like to hear your views regarding this dilemma of mine.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
The screenshot looks great and all. Though, if that is an actual terrain for the map (if not, ignore), maybe you could make the scaling size of the house a little bigger. There could also be more details placed into it.

As for the harem part, it could actually turn fine but if it will only be lessen and not too much for it can conflict in the rules as far as I know. Being off-topic for awhile but don't be shy and you could sort this out in the Staff Contact actually.

Anyway, good luck and keep working!
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Okay time for an update. A graphical one. In the picture below you can see the transition from outdoor to indoor environment. As I had stated before all buildings are enter-able. As you enter a building, the roof disappears and you can see inside but the roof only disappears hypothetically. Physically it is still there, it is just not visible because the player has to see inside. This created a problem because indoor areas looked as bright and sunlit as outside. As if the roof actually did disappear and sunlight is coming inside. Read below to see my solution of this problem.


In wc3 there is no distinction between indoor and outdoor. Most of the action takes outdoors so there was no need to do it. But it is a problem if you want to show some areas darker because they are indoors or under a shadow of a rocky ledge etc. If you are making indoor areas separate (like in most rpg maps, Gaias retaliation etc.) then perhaps you can add fog or dark light(?) in that area. But doing it in real time is a major problem.

I overcame this problem by making each model with 2 geosets, one facing inside and one facing outside. Both using different textures. The inside textures are darker and have more shadows painted on them. So when you enter an indoor area it gives an impression of a darker environment compared to outside. Not a replacement for real shadows but yes it does work, at-least for me. Um, yes...thats all for now.

Any plans for a demo on this?
Not anytime soon. Thank you for taking interest in my project. Please keep posting. +rep
Level 11
Jan 30, 2010
Firstly good news.
DivineArms has agreed to lend his fine voice acting talent to Redemption Denied. Because of the unique characters standard wc3 soundsets won't suffice and I am very glad that DivineArms has jumped on board to lend a helping hand.

Looking good with this indoor and outdoor transition. It looks like this is going a steady pace in progress. I would be waiting for a demo of this as what the other said and expect a review or two from me, I can wait.

Thank you, I am going for a closed beta release before a public demo.

No clichee huh? Sounds fun:) Looking forward to hear more good things from ye'

Yep storyline and mythology is very different to what people are used to... I will not reveal it entirely as I want to preserve some mystery for the players. Some aspects I will reveal as the development gradually moves forward.
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