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Realm of Azeroth

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Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
Hey guys i'm working on a map which i currently call "Realm of Azeroth" (the name can still change if i feel like it).

It's going to be an RPG about the aftermath of the dark crusade. Demons ravaged Azeroth, but were finally defeated when the alliance and the horde fought allong eachother. afterwards, the forsaken and the blood elves will be kicked out of the horde because the alliance does not wish to be at peace with these 'criminals'.

- You can choose a character of every race in "world of warcraft the burning crusade" except for forsaken, blood elves (because they will be creeps) and gnomes (because they are too lame :smile: )!
- you can visit: Dalaran, Undercity, Quel'thalas and Outland!
- being said that this will be an RPG, you can not gain experience or learn skills, i'm trying to make a system where in stead of your character, you will gain all the experience, by discovering ways to cast spells and stuff....
(I actually have this idea from an existing map named "Runes of daerk" which is a great map for people who fantasize of being an allmighty sorceror, me being one of them.... :smile: )!
- There will be tons of quests, secrets, easter eggs, etc. etc. etc.!
- you can talk to any nonhostile npc by klicking on it!
- there will be a prestige system, where you can gain prestige among different alliances, influencing the spells you will discover!
- I'm aiming for a maximum of 8 real players!

this map will not be finished in quite a while so don't ask me when it will be released!

Plz tell me which parts of my consept you find :thumbs_up:
and which parts you think are more like :thumbs_down:



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
RPGs of Azeroth and stuff are hard because of the 256x256 limit, even harder when your using Outland aswell. I hope I'm not killing off your courage but it's really hard. If your thinking on using WEU for 480x480, then I'm telling you: you won't have much luck with that one either, I see this by own experience, when I was making my own map, the map started to become so laggy after I finished Kalimdor that I was sure that by the time I finished Lordaeron it would be impossible to do anything else.

Why is the maximum 8 players anyway? By the way, I hope you put in a save/load code aswell, it would make the map much more popular, otherwise people will get bored, they'll think: "Bah, why bother with this anyway? After I leave I'll be back to lvl 1 when I play again...". You might qualify that as selfish but it's the truth and I'm sure that's what 90% of the people will think.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
RPGs of Azeroth and stuff are hard because of the 256x256 limit, even harder when your using Outland aswell. I hope I'm not killing off your courage but it's really hard. If your thinking on using WEU for 480x480, then I'm telling you: you won't have much luck with that one either, I see this by own experience, when I was making my own map, the map started to become so laggy after I finished Kalimdor that I was sure that by the time I finished Lordaeron it would be impossible to do anything else.

Why is the maximum 8 players anyway? By the way, I hope you put in a save/load code aswell, it would make the map much more popular, otherwise people will get bored, they'll think: "Bah, why bother with this anyway? After I leave I'll be back to lvl 1 when I play again...". You might qualify that as selfish but it's the truth and I'm sure that's what 90% of the people will think.

Dont place doodads like you normal do in 480x480... that causes lag indeed..
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
RPGs of Azeroth and stuff are hard because of the 256x256 limit, even harder when your using Outland aswell. I hope I'm not killing off your courage but it's really hard. If your thinking on using WEU for 480x480, then I'm telling you: you won't have much luck with that one either, I see this by own experience, when I was making my own map, the map started to become so laggy after I finished Kalimdor that I was sure that by the time I finished Lordaeron it would be impossible to do anything else.

Why is the maximum 8 players anyway? By the way, I hope you put in a save/load code aswell, it would make the map much more popular, otherwise people will get bored, they'll think: "Bah, why bother with this anyway? After I leave I'll be back to lvl 1 when I play again...". You might qualify that as selfish but it's the truth and I'm sure that's what 90% of the people will think.

about the doodads: agreed, i'll try to make it as least laggy as possible...
about the maximum of players: i need some computer controled players to control the npc's.
about the save/load system: won't be required because there is no exp gain anyway... the whole point of my map is that if you play the map, you learn how to play better, which is all the exp gain my map needs. by the way i have no clue how to make a save/ load system with GUI anyway, lol.......
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
... So you're making a map set in Lordaren, yet rather than focusing on places in Lordaren (Ghostlands, Eversong Woods, Tirisfal Glades, East/West Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest, Hillsbrad, Arathi and Alterac) you're adding bloody Outland? Presuming of corse you'll be adding the same old seen everywhere Hellfire Peninsula as opposed to somewhere like Nagrand, Terrokar Forest or Zangarmarsh

I... Really don't see the need for Outland at all, unless you were making a map of Outland. I mean, if you were making a map based in the south, where you could get to the Blasted Lands and therefore the Dark Portal, I could see Outland being necessary, but with Lordaren? You've got the Scourge infesting most of Lordaren, there's no real purpose to have a way to get to Outland

Also, Dalaran is closed off and in ruins, and I doubt the portal is still active there
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
... So you're making a map set in Lordaren, yet rather than focusing on places in Lordaren (Ghostlands, Eversong Woods, Tirisfal Glades, East/West Plaguelands, Silverpine Forest, Hillsbrad, Arathi and Alterac) you're adding bloody Outland? Presuming of corse you'll be adding the same old seen everywhere Hellfire Peninsula as opposed to somewhere like Nagrand, Terrokar Forest or Zangarmarsh

I... Really don't see the need for Outland at all, unless you were making a map of Outland. I mean, if you were making a map based in the south, where you could get to the Blasted Lands and therefore the Dark Portal, I could see Outland being necessary, but with Lordaren? You've got the Scourge infesting most of Lordaren, there's no real purpose to have a way to get to Outland

Also, Dalaran is closed off and in ruins, and I doubt the portal is still active there

i'm thinking about adding outland as a place were tournaments are organized know them, because i have never played world of warcraft (those areas are introduced in the world of warcraft map aren't they??between players. Also, in a map based on the burning crusade, i think its my duty :wink: to add at least a glimpse of outland.... and about all those other areas u mensioned (nagrand, terrokar, etc.) i dont ?)
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
i'm thinking about adding outland as a place were tournaments are organized know them, because i have never played world of warcraft (those areas are introduced in the world of warcraft map aren't they??between players. Also, in a map based on the burning crusade, i think its my duty :wink: to add at least a glimpse of outland.... and about all those other areas u mensioned (nagrand, terrokar, etc.) i dont ?)

Nah, most of those places are from pre-World of Warcraft. Tirisfal is the area around Lordaren, Eversong and the Ghostlands are Quel'Thalas (Ghostlands is the southern part, which is all scourge'd and blighted, while Eversong is a normal forest to the north). Alterac and Hillsbrad have been there since WC2, most of the WC2 starting missions were in Hillsbrad if I remember correctly, and you did some fixing over at Alterac, what with the traiter nation there and all

I really just don't see the need for Outland in this map. You've got the ruins of the nation of Lordaren instead to play around with. Not to mention that Outland is going to be very overused very quickly, what with TBC having just been released
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
Nah, most of those places are from pre-World of Warcraft. Tirisfal is the area around Lordaren, Eversong and the Ghostlands are Quel'Thalas (Ghostlands is the southern part, which is all scourge'd and blighted, while Eversong is a normal forest to the north). Alterac and Hillsbrad have been there since WC2, most of the WC2 starting missions were in Hillsbrad if I remember correctly, and you did some fixing over at Alterac, what with the traiter nation there and all

I really just don't see the need for Outland in this map. You've got the ruins of the nation of Lordaren instead to play around with. Not to mention that Outland is going to be very overused very quickly, what with TBC having just been released

A whole story and trying him to understand for nothing :p..

just look here! http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/flashmap/
Level 4
Sep 2, 2004
Not too long ago i came up with a system for my own rpg still in the premaking stage, but anyhow its pretty simple to fix the size i just made it into 2 diffrent maps with load codes to link them, just have a zone in where it gives u ur code and u go host like outland or somthing and u load ur character and he pops up in the zone in; the only reason i didnt do this is becuase load codes are easy for players to cheat with but i thought id jsut throw it out

p.s. nice sig mech
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
Not too long ago i came up with a system for my own rpg still in the premaking stage, but anyhow its pretty simple to fix the size i just made it into 2 diffrent maps with load codes to link them, just have a zone in where it gives u ur code and u go host like outland or somthing and u load ur character and he pops up in the zone in; the only reason i didnt do this is becuase load codes are easy for players to cheat with but i thought id jsut throw it out

p.s. nice sig mech

I want to fit everything inside one map, or else i could just better make a custom campaign, which you can't play on b.net sadly.... anyhow thats not what I want for my map. By the way, I have no experience with linking maps like that whatsoever :bored:

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I dont know why blizzard messed with the bloodelves since they are not meant to be curropt, they are just meant to be after a magical homeland to live peacefully again. . .

Also why would the bloodelves (under the leadership of Kael'thas) be fighting the humans (Jaina Proudmoore) when according to wikipedia "He and Arthas were rivals for the heart of Jaina Proudmoore, a young sorceress and daughter of Admiral Proudmoore of the Alliance." which is backed up by the one saying in the final mission of the undead in tft.

The Draenei are a completly messed up race now due to blizzard trying to make a WoW expansion since their background has changed 3 times. . . I will not mention them all but it is just crazy that they were put onto the allience instead of the bloodelves. And the Draenei are meant to be erdar warlocks and the wc3 Draenei are curropted eredar warlocks.

Another reason to not waste time and money on WoW. . . It makes completly no sense. . .
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Oh boy, here comes the Lore Train

Firstly, all lore in WoW applies to everything past WC3 as well

Secondly, the Blood Elves ARE ment to be corrupt, or did you just not play the missions where Kael joined Illidan to seak out more magic? They were desperate, so now they suck magic from demons and so forth

Thirdly, Jaina's group is seperate from the Alliance. They have peace with the Horde. The Alliance doesn't. The Alliance wants the Horde dead, while Jaina constantly tries to get the two sides to ally against a common threat, like the Scourge or the Legion. It doesn't work

Forthly, Kael's up in Outland somewhere and gone insane. Azerothian Blood Elves are gonna head up there and kill him, along with Vashj. Akama's realised his mistake and he's attempting to defeat Illidan now

Fifthly, sure Draenei are a retcon, but they were never "corrupted eredar warlocks". Never. Ugly guys who had most of their civilisation destroyed by the Orcs as per WC2, yes. Eredar warlocks, no. They had no connection TO the Eredar prior to WC3, and now they're uncorrupted Eredar
Level 6
Sep 19, 2006
yawn another map about wow...... god damit ive only been doing this for like 2 mounths but i have seen so so so so many wow wanna be maps..... oh and yeah the storyline for wow and wc3 is so spun off from each other.. like thrall wanting to crush the alliance WTF oh and for the new blood elves they are still sort of corupt they are using dark magics. still no story for them being twisted ne more they were cool in wc3 beacouse they were few and magical n all but wow making them playable is lame they should have put in pandrens but the chinese gov didnt want a game that endorces killing pandas
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
yawn another map about wow...... god damit ive only been doing this for like 2 mounths but i have seen so so so so many wow wanna be maps..... oh and yeah the storyline for wow and wc3 is so spun off from each other.. like thrall wanting to crush the alliance WTF oh and for the new blood elves they are still sort of corupt they are using dark magics. still no story for them being twisted ne more they were cool in wc3 beacouse they were few and magical n all but wow making them playable is lame they should have put in pandrens but the chinese gov didnt want a game that endorces killing pandas

Lol why not put the naga? or is the naga there?
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
yawn another map about wow...... god damit ive only been doing this for like 2 mounths but i have seen so so so so many wow wanna be maps..... oh and yeah the storyline for wow and wc3 is so spun off from each other.. like thrall wanting to crush the alliance WTF oh and for the new blood elves they are still sort of corupt they are using dark magics. still no story for them being twisted ne more they were cool in wc3 beacouse they were few and magical n all but wow making them playable is lame they should have put in pandrens but the chinese gov didnt want a game that endorces killing pandas

my map isnt based on WoW, it's based on the warcraft storyline, which is pretty normal for a map made with a warcraft editor, so go and whine somewhere else n00b!!!! and by the way the storylines of wc3 and WoW do fit together. havent you played the bonuscampaign of Rexar? there you see why thrall fights the alliance... And your idea for putting pandarans in is so stupid, because they are even more lame then the gnomes!!!!

to answer the question of Doos_101: the naga are creeps in wow.
to answer the other questions of earlyer:
the worldtree survived and is healing, illidan wasnt killed, just wounded, so he fled to outland to escape the rath of kil'jeaden, and he will be a creep boss in WoW TBC.
the blood elves werent twisted, but the alliance was afraid of theyr dark magics and so they tried executing them all, but they failed.
and the dreanei dont have anything to do with the eradar, because sargeras managed to corrupt the eradar and he didnt manage to corrupt the dreanei. now are all your questions answered?

damn, am i the only one who knows the warcraft storylline by heart?
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Why the heck does everyone think Illidan was dead? Struth, he's been confirmed as alive ever since the end of WC3. Its not like with Maiev when it was initially said she died, but has since been retconned into her being alive

And if you HONESTLY believe that grade A horse dung about Pandarens not being the Alliance race because "ZOMG CHINA SAID NO >=O", then I pity you. Learn to lore. Pandaren weren't the race because they're NEUTRAL and don't hate the Horde. Heck, they want to remain friends with both Horde and Alliance. The only race I can think of that they hate are the Blood Elves, because they're corrupted!

Note that all of this lore was from BEFORE WoW

And they're corrupt because they lost their source of magic, the Sunwell, and don't exactly have an alternate source for it. They're mana junkies looking for a new source, and willing to go to all ends. That's what seperates them from High Elves, who are trying to get over their addiction via various methods

Oh, and Thrall doesn't want to crush the Alliance. Maybe you should actually, I don't know, READ THE LORE BEFORE MAKING SUCH STATEMENTS? He's trying to gather support because he's worried that the Alliance are going to crush HIM. He's desperate, and as such has allied with the Forsaken and the Blood Elves, two groups he'd be pretty ambiguous about otherwise, but he's forced into an alliance of convience with them

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005

It makes no sense what ever and almost all characters suffer major mood swigs from being good to being evil.

Even sonic heroes had a more understandable plot and that is saying something.

Sorry for all the confusion but I DO NOT PLAY WoW and now you know why. . .
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007

It makes no sense what ever and almost all characters suffer major mood swigs from being good to being evil.

Even sonic heroes had a more understandable plot and that is saying something.

Sorry for all the confusion but I DO NOT PLAY WoW and now you know why. . .

why do you keep repeating that you don't understand the storyline... WE KNOW BY NOW... and yes the storyline makes perfect sence, but apparantly not to you...

if there is anyone else who doesnt understand about the warcraft storyline: see this link
it's not complete though

I estimate that I will launch a beta of my map in two weeks!!!
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Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Mood swings? What the hell are you on about?

Thrall's managed to get his orcs a homeland, and he's attempting to make peace with the Alliance

The Alliance, note of corse Theramore not being counted amoungst this, is pissed of due to the Second War. They want orcs dead. That's how they've been ever since WC2

Arthas has done nothing. Zilch

People don't go from good to evil. You're just interpretting their actions in different ways. The only evil in the Warcraft universe are the Legion, the Scourge and the Old Gods. Horde ain't evil, Alliance ain't evil. They're just trying desperately to survive, moreso for the Horde
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
now that we are talking about the warcraft storyline anyway, i heard there was a sceduled movie based on warcraft... does anyone know when it goes public???
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
aren't the old gods the guys who corrupted sargeras???

Nope. Neltharion on the other hand...

Ah c'thun...the big eyeball thingy, you'd think the old gods were humanoidish; but as seen in wow, apparently they are not.

They are humanoid-ish

C'Thun's just rebuilding his body bit by bit. He's finished an eyeball. He should, if my theory is correct, look like one of the Twin Emperors when complete, seeing as how he created the Quiraj in his own form

Oh, and at least one Old God, who's skull lies in Darkshore, had a head that looked vaguely like an annomite. Heck, he could have even been an annomite. But a part of him lies in Darkshore, with a big sword in it
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
Neltharion cant have corrupted sargeras, because neltharion, also known as deathwing, was created by the titans long after the burning legion was created by the hands of the corrupt sargeras.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
Goddamn:sad: :thumbs_down: :angry: , i got this really weird bug with my map. i can play it in warcraft, but i cant open it with the editor anymore, and no its not the editor because it will open other maps, i allready checked. every time i try to open it with the editor, it detects a fault and says it has to shut down. i will add my map so far to this post, so you can look at the problem. see this as a very early beta.... you can play it, but there is not much to do yet sorry. If anyone recognises the problem, plz post here what you think i should do to open it.

uh by the way, how do i connect files to posts:bored: ?
Level 4
Feb 2, 2007
Sad thing is that the only way the Warcraft Story can continue is World of Warcraft. I do agree the lore got messed up big time.
Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
yes well i dont get it anyway, because i uploaded no major files, like music or models, i had a terrain that was about 30% done in a 196x196 map, so how can it be 6 mb..............wtf.

well anyway, i've got over all the emotional stress of losing my map ;). i have a backup, but it is very old, so i think i will start from scratch. when im doing that, i will start with putting the triggers for the magic casting system in place, since that is the hardest part. after that i think i will make a different terrain setting and storyline.

i got the idea of a new storyline, which would be based on the life story of Khadgar.........who??? khadgar????? yes, Khadgar. if you dont know him, check the storyline from warcraft 2 expansion.

p.s. i finally descovered what caused my map to be so big. i imported a sound which was originally in .ogg format. i converted it to .wav with a program i found on the net. aparantly, this program sucks because it made the size of the sound about 10 times bigger lolz...
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Level 3
Jan 17, 2007
i've been testing a way to make the magic casting system, but somehow it doesnt work...

dont download this map unless you are an experienced GUI programmer that is willing to help me with troubleshooting. what it is supposed to be doing is written down in the trigger comment.

plz help me anyone, just post the explanation of the problem here...

thanks for your trouble


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