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Azeroth Goldrush

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Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Moderator note: Not the same as Goldrush versions below 1.80



Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map for Warcraft 3 expansion pack, The Forzen Throne. It was first developed by DoOs_101 who made the original versions of Goldrush, a mini-game style map yet known to be. Now it has been handed to Jade Wars developing team, under the executive of DoOs_101. Under the control of this newly developer group, Azeroth Goldrush is focused to be more competitive, entertaining, and strategic. Our long term expectations is to compete with the most frequently played map, DotA Allstars and introduce Warcraft 3 gamers an online system which we call JadeRankings that introduces the players an exciting level of gaming.

Game Description

Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map and can be played under the conditions of various game modes. The dimension of the map is 98x98, which suits the needs of an arena style. This map can be played by a maximum of 10 players that translates into 5 versus 5, other than that 4 versus 4 or 3 versus 3 can still apply.

The notion of the game is to start by choosing a hero from taverns that appear at the start of the game. Each hero has its own purposes, strengths, weaknesses, attributes, and unique skills. The success of the game is determined mainly by the cooperation of each hero in a team. As the battle between two teams strike hard, heroes will gain level and to a maximum level of 16.

Danger will endure in this flood of unstoppable battle, surviving from enemy heroes and the wilderness will be tough. Nonetheless, there are items that can support the needs of each hero and there are units that can be recruited from a Barrack, which can help each hero fight through the dangers.

Above all, the multiple game modes that make the game play under certain conditions will all deal with Gold Mines/Gold Shrines. These Gold Shrines will appear like a magical box that glows yellow and there are 5 Gold Shrines in the map. For each game modes, heroes will have to interact with these Gold Shrines and it can be done by using an ability called Capture (Hotkey: Q) which all heroes have. The ending of the game and a team’s victory will depend on the conditions that are applied by a game mode. Only 1 game mode applies to a game and can be done by the first player typing a corresponding short label of the game mode.

Game Modes
String command: -co
There are two teams; each team gets 200 force points. The first team that causes the opposing team to lose their force points to 0 will win. A team can cause the opposing team to lose a force point in two ways. First, killing an enemy hero will reduce the opposing team’s force points by 1. Second, capturing a gold mine/gold shrine will cause the opponent to lose 1 force point periodically (the periodic time is determined by the game speed). If multiple gold mines/gold shrines are captured, the amount of force points the opponent team loses will stack, thus having more captured gold mines/gold shrines will cause the opposing team’s force points to lose faster.

String command: -ex
There are two teams; each team must conquer all five gold mines/gold shrines that exist in the map. If a team conquers all five, there will be a 5 minute period where the opposing team have to retake over 1 gold mine, else they will lose.

String command: -dm
There are two teams; each team will start with 0 score. If a team reaches the maximum amount of score, it will win the game. The maximum amount of score is determined by the game speed, the default maximum amount of score is 30. A team can gain a score by killing an enemy hero. A team can also gain 3 scores by capturing a gold mine/gold shrine.

In this website, you can access the online rankings at this link. This online ranking gathers the scores from account data and sorts the accounts in descending order. In short summary, whenever you play Azeroth Goldrush, your battle.net account that is used for playing will gain reputation. This reputation will be stored inside a unique encryption code that is id authenticated. This unique encrypted code is what the online ranking system use to extract the scores from accounts that have uploaded their encrypted code into the website. To join the online rankings, you will need to setup an account first through this link. Make sure to fill in the required data fields and that you fill in the battle.net id that you use to play Azeroth Goldrush. The battle.net id that you fill in must match the one that the encrypted code uses to authenticate. After your account is setup, if you don’t have a code, start playing Azeroth Goldrush. Winning a game will get you +2 rep, losing a game will get you only +1 rep, being the MvP will get you +1 rep bonus. The encrypted code will be given to you at the end of the game. Once you receive this code, upload it to your account in this website. When playing another Azeroth Goldrush, you will need to load your progress using your current encrypted code. Keep doing this and you will be one of the top players!

Latest Download:

Azeroth Goldrush 2.05a
Epic War

New Hero, Murloc Nightcrawler added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
New Hero, Necromancer added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
Ability Hotkey collision for Thief Master fixed.
Ability Fire Bombs no longer have duration effects.
Ability Tick Bomb explosion countdown changed to 5 seconds.
Ability Web of Sludges created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Cannibalize created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Envenomed Sabre created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Fin Attack created for hero Murloc Nightcralwer.
Ability Blood Demise created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Raise Dead created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Mana Burn created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Life Drain created for hero Necromancer.
Gameplay Repick issues fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard bug fixed.
Gameplay Deathmatch title display fixed.
Gameplay Conquest title display fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard system refined.
Gameplay Multibar system fixed.
Gameplay Mode description refined.
Gameplay Quest System refined.
Gameplay added command; pressing ESC will reset camera to normal regardless of the condition.
Item Elune's Grace price reduced to 2250 gold.
Item Amulet of Spell Shield price reduced to 2500 gold.
Item Jade Ring price reduced to 3100 gold.
Item intelligence bonus for Moon Armor changed to 6.
Item intelligence bonus for Scepter of Light changed to 10.
Item Skeletal Rod stat bonus changed to +3 intelligence and +5 All Stats.
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Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Woa! Online out-gamed ranking system! how does that work!? This seems just great, i wish it will knock away DotA!

How does it work?

I reckon you all know NOTD aftermath. Basically our system can read codes like in NOTD aftermath, externally. Can't go further about its workings :grin:

You all know me before, a little bit ambitious. I go out yelling "Lets defeat dota!"

Now its time! All for one and one for all :grin:
Level 2
Jan 22, 2007
Hi DoOs!

Reminds me back of GEAR, plan to destroy dota. Now its this, ready to destroy dota...

I like the ranking system and the heroes in-game, they are both unique.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Hi DoOs!

Reminds me back of GEAR, plan to destroy dota. Now its this, ready to destroy dota...

I like the ranking system and the heroes in-game, they are both unique.

Thank you,

Out of my random thought, I'm going to post this screenshot of me dying in-game :grin:


Basically when you die your camera zooms in and rotates around the dead body just like in Halo. Note however the score disparity between the two teams is small even though team 1 (Azeroth) is winning. Gives evidence that this game has a huge team-play factor.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Nice terrain :)
But how can lodearon win, when there kills are higher and deaths lower?
also, i would like to beta test :p

You mean how can Azeroth win if lordaeron have higher kills and lower deaths?

Well my team (Azeroth) rushed the game and made a good stance in defending our 60% territorial domination. The other team spent a buisy time trying to creep and dominate the territory later on, but they failed... the reason why they have higher kills is because they invested for late game while we rushed.

Its a good thing to rush as we have a dominance over territory, however by having a higher dominance our income will dimminish. Investing on late game is like gambling, but I've been in a couple of games where late game investment tends to win.

If you want to beta test, my id at US-EAST is -DoOs- & US-WEST is DoOs_101.

Thanks :grin:
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Just tested the map, couldn donwload before :(
theres a bug, when capturing a mine, the creeps that "guards" (they were asleep :p) still respawn!
also, you need custom spells, an AI and ranger's interrupt is just pure pwnage! it stuns in 0.01 sec, but that also interupts attacks, and i had 80% chance to interupt! so i locked a lvl 4 troll without getting hit.
Also, spells needs more levels, and heroes too.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Just tested the map, couldn donwload before :(
theres a bug, when capturing a mine, the creeps that "guards" (they were asleep :p) still respawn!
also, you need custom spells, an AI and ranger's interrupt is just pure pwnage! it stuns in 0.01 sec, but that also interupts attacks, and i had 80% chance to interupt! so i locked a lvl 4 troll without getting hit.
Also, spells needs more levels, and heroes too.

Wait the minute the guards slept :cry: ? LoL that is something new, can you explain a little bit more about that bug.

Well almost all of the spells are custom spells, but I think you are referring to custom triggered spells which are not many, basically I need to use some original wc3 spells first, and after it runs out, then I will start focusing more on custom triggered spells.

Thanks for the input on ranger, I have not yet tested the capacity of Ranger's interrupt skill, if it is pure pawnage, I will actually change the spell into a custom triggered spell since its really boring.

I will add more heroes, I need some hero ideas though, maybe you guys can give some and I will rep you for that. With AI, we are trying to make a custom.ai instead of a trigger AI, it will come soon don't worry :spell_breaker:

Question overal do you think its fun to play :grin: ?

Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
Wait the minute the guards slept :cry: ? LoL that is something new, can you explain a little bit more about that bug.

Well almost all of the spells are custom spells, but I think you are referring to custom triggered spells which are not many, basically I need to use some original wc3 spells first, and after it runs out, then I will start focusing more on custom triggered spells.

Thanks for the input on ranger, I have not yet tested the capacity of Ranger's interrupt skill, if it is pure pawnage, I will actually change the spell into a custom triggered spell since its really boring.

I will add more heroes, I need some hero ideas though, maybe you guys can give some and I will rep you for that. With AI, we are trying to make a custom.ai instead of a trigger AI, it will come soon don't worry :spell_breaker:

Question overal do you think its fun to play :grin: ?


Ok, its not the guards who spawns after capturing who sleeps, it the creeps who keeps respawning... and the CREEPS were asleep :p

You dont need to change Rangers interupt, just give 10-20 less chance to trigger.

I'll post ideas later

It's not fun to play on singleplayer, when theres no AI ;)
even though i like to run around stunlocking creeps :p

Oh, and sometimes the cam on death doesent trigger, if are walking when dieing, your cam will continue move in that direction, VEERYY slow, though. Noo need to fix, i just noticed ;)
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

Ok, for those of you who have been following the ranking system there is a major error in the in-game ranking system. The save/load is working but the structs in the ranking system causes an error.

I will fix that in new patch plus 4 new heroes coming, 5 new items, 4 new units to be in ur command!

Thanks for the input sausage :grin:
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
No problem ;)
Also, may i host on Bnet? (new ver) so i can get on rank :p

Edit: The Spiritualist is just IMBA! capture first shirne, kill creeps, go to middle shirne, kill creeps there and capture, go to town, buy units for all you'r money, level up the autocast buff spell (the one with healing icon) and once Healing spray. Go to an ogre camp, and manual use the buff on your footmens, and constantly cast healing on your part of the fight, i were level 3 when i killed an ogre camp and leveled up to 9!
also, i'd added 4 players on my team to, so the gold would balance as if it were full.
Hope you'll fix this, just make her stats a little lower...

Edit - As promised:

Zartog - Hunted Alchemist:
Preist Model
Preist Icon

Zartog was once Terenas personal Alchemist, his skills wer every high, and rumors said, that he even could turn any metal into gold! Upon Terenas death, Arthas hunted Zartog to take him as prisonor. Zartog escaped and camped far away from Arthas. Some time later, he met the goblin alchemist Rotos who teached him the secret way of alchemy. With Rotos advice, Zartog went to Dalaran City, only to find it completely destroyed.


Burning Liquid
: Throws a flask of burning liquid that explodes when hitting the groung, dealing X damage and a tempoary damage over X damage, dealing X every X second(s).

Advanced Alchemy: Uses the knowlegde Rotos gave him, creates 2 Ichor Blobs to fight for Zartos. Blobs deals X damage, has X life and is last for X seconds.

Zartos Special
: Zartos mixes together and adds a random effect to himself, the effect last X seconds, and requires X seconds to make.
(To make this spell, use a variable wich randomly generates a value. Based on this value, it creates a dummy who gains a spell, sets the spell to the level of Zartos Special, and cast it on Zartos.)

Touch of Gold
: Some rumors are true, som false, some just made by a kid, and some by old mens, but Zartos got the power to turn things into gold. Use to turn a non-hero unit into gold, adds X gold to Zartos. If the target is a hero, Touch of gold deals X damage. If the target is killed, Zartos gains the same value as if it was a unit, multiplyed with 2.

Hes pretty advanced :)
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Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
No problem ;)
Also, may i host on Bnet? (new ver) so i can get on rank :p

Edit: The Spiritualist is just IMBA! capture first shirne, kill creeps, go to middle shirne, kill creeps there and capture, go to town, buy units for all you'r money, level up the autocast buff spell (the one with healing icon) and once Healing spray. Go to an ogre camp, and manual use the buff on your footmens, and constantly cast healing on your part of the fight, i were level 3 when i killed an ogre camp and leveled up to 9!
also, i'd added 4 players on my team to, so the gold would balance as if it were full.
Hope you'll fix this, just make her stats a little lower...

Edit - As promised:

Zartog - Hunted Alchemist:
Preist Model
Preist Icon

Zartog was once Terenas personal Alchemist, his skills wer every high, and rumors said, that he even could turn any metal into gold! Upon Terenas death, Arthas hunted Zartog to take him as prisonor. Zartog escaped and camped far away from Arthas. Some time later, he met the goblin alchemist Rotos who teached him the secret way of alchemy. With Rotos advice, Zartog went to Dalaran City, only to find it completely destroyed.


Burning Liquid
: Throws a flask of burning liquid that explodes when hitting the groung, dealing X damage and a tempoary damage over X damage, dealing X every X second(s).

Advanced Alchemy: Uses the knowlegde Rotos gave him, creates 2 Ichor Blobs to fight for Zartos. Blobs deals X damage, has X life and is last for X seconds.

Zartos Special
: Zartos mixes together and adds a random effect to himself, the effect last X seconds, and requires X seconds to make.
(To make this spell, use a variable wich randomly generates a value. Based on this value, it creates a dummy who gains a spell, sets the spell to the level of Zartos Special, and cast it on Zartos.)

Touch of Gold
: Some rumors are true, som false, some just made by a kid, and some by old mens, but Zartos got the power to turn things into gold. Use to turn a non-hero unit into gold, adds X gold to Zartos. If the target is a hero, Touch of gold deals X damage. If the target is killed, Zartos gains the same value as if it was a unit, multiplyed with 2.

Hes pretty advanced :)

Very nice of you :grin:

Ok you can host, but you will have to wait for update 2.01b, it will come this weekend. US East or WEST?

I will consider your hero idea :thumbs_up: however I'm not aware of the model and icon Preist. What is preist?

@Spiritualist, she is designed to be a support and a rusher, but I will test her out based on your report. If she is Imba then I will reduce her stat gain.:spell_breaker:
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Upcoming new heroes:

  • Zanbatar
    Holy Priest
    Purpose: Healer and Support
  • Stonehorn
    Tauren Warchief
    Purpose: Close encounter and Tank
  • Archimagus
    Purpose: Summoner and Nuker
  • Dre'nor
    Phantom Rogue
    Purpose: Carrier and DPS

I need one more hero, any of you have a hero idea :spell_breaker:?
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

noone beats:

2 sec, finding link
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39302&highlight=hero&page=5 one of the last posts.


New mini-features:
  1. Looting creep camps
  2. Arena runes
  3. Five new war units
  4. Quests

Quests - This idea will transform Hero Arena into a new genre :grin:. Basically there will be a Quest Giver in each team's base. It will give you a random quest and you can only have one at a time. Types of quests are as following:

  • Bounty - You receive a mission to eliminate a specific player, no time limit. During this quest, if a teammate finishes the same quest, the quest reward will be shared.
  • Infiltration - Capture a specific gold shrine to receive a reward, no time limit. During this quest, if a teammate finishes the same quest, the quest reward will be shared.
  • Grind - Kill a proclaimed amount of a specific creep type to receive a reward, no time limit. This quest will not be shared and comes rare to all hero classes except carriers and late game heroes.
  • Doom - Kill doom to receive an Epic loot and shared bounty reward. Comes only once.

Types of quest rewards:
  1. Bonus gold
  2. Item class medium
  3. Rune of summoning (summons unique creatures)
  4. Epic item Ragnarök, Excalibur, Divine Rod (Doom)
Level 2
Jan 22, 2007
Ah ignore grinding as a quest alternative, since it screws up the game play and my periodic systems.

Information updated on first page.

Dyl, I still don't get the idea of quest... how can you quest in an Arena map?? Basically it will disrupt the focus of the gameplay.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Dyl, I still don't get the idea of quest... how can you quest in an Arena map?? Basically it will disrupt the focus of the gameplay.

Eventually it won't as it will contribute to the learning factor of the player, that's why I called it QuestHelper. Read the description of the quest type and you'll know that the purpose of the quest serves also the purpose of the gameplay, even so the purposes of each game modes.
Level 2
Jan 22, 2007
I see... I like the idea of looting, but I think you need to change the prices of items if this feature is added since they get more money and they can sell the rewards to a vendor...
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
New version of Azeroth Goldrush is available online!

Visit the official website at Jade Wars
Download official mirror
Download Epic War mirror

First post updated! - Read changelog available at the first post and/or this post.

Item price Stinger inflated by 110%
Item price Shadow Orb inflated by 110%
Item price Lightning Orb inflated by 110%
Item price Icecrown inflated by 120%
Item price Blood Orb inflated by 110%
Item price Helm of Battlethirst inflated by 150%
Item price Dagger of Betrayal inflated by 150%
Item price Katana of Wonders inflated by 150%
Item price Helm of Gladiator inflated by 150%
Item price Basher inflated by 150%
Item price Banesword inflated by 150%
Item price Skeletal Rod inflated by 130%
Item price Scepter of Light inflated by 120%
Item price Mana Glove inflated by 150%
Item price Elune's Grace inflated by 130%
Item price Deathkeeper Totem inflated by 140%
Item price Crown of the Deathlord inflated by 150%
Item price Amulet of Spell Shield inflated by 130%
Item price Hood of Cunning inflated by 140%
Item classification Magic added
Item Storm Hammers added to classification magic
Item Fire Staff added to classification magic
Item Air Staff added to classification magic
Item Elemental Staff added to classification magic
Item classification Medium added
Item Broadsword added to classification medium
Item Axe added to classification medium
Item Shoulder Pads added to classification medium
Item Ring of Regeneration added to classification medium
Item Sobi Mask added to classification medium
Item Elune's Grace stat changed to +4 stats to all attributes
Item Medallion of Courage nerved
Unit Defender attack speed changed to 1 hit / 2.00 sec
Unit Rifleman attack power decreased by 0.35 factor
Unit Goblin Engineer added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Build Tower, Repair
Unit Goblin Robot added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Ensnare
Unit Slave added to Recruiter base camp, with abilities: Unit Inventory (6)
Building Guard Tower added to upgrade console Watch Tower
Feature added on general info to provide explicit information on game modes
Tower description fixed
Terrain issue fixed, terrain update
Fixed path issues to Doom Bringer
Added quest system, features Quest Helper for beginners
Added Doom Quest to quest system
Added Quest type Bounty to quest system
Added Quest type Infiltration to quest system
Added quest rewards, item classification medium, gold, and item classification summoning
Added loot system, features epic creep groups dropping items
Added item classification general and hero to creep loot system
Added rune spawn system
Fixed general JASS systems
Fixed save/load issues
Fixed statistics system
Fixed death camera
Hero Orc slayer nerf down
Hero Spiritualist nerf down
Ability Pick Pocket nerf up
Ability divine shield duration nerf down to 6,9,12 intervals
Ability interrupt chance to hit reduced
Ability healing spray damage reduced
Ability divine stun base damage reduced to 200
Ability Artillery casting period fixed
Quest dialog interface label changed to Info with hotkey (F9)
Quest dialog contents updated
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
List of upcoming new heroes

Booty Bay Tavern (New):
  • Grom Hellscream - Berserker
    Type: DpS
    Model: GromHellscream.w3x
  • Stonehorn - Tauren Warchief
    Type: Tank
    Model: TaurenWarchief.w3x
  • Nazgel - Far Seer
    Type: Nuker, Summoner
    Model: FarSeer.w3x

Three Moons Tavern:

  • Achilleus - Archmage
    Type: Summoner
    Model: HeroArchmage.w3x
  • Zanbatar - Holy Priest (By Lord_Sausage)
    Type: Healer
    Model: BloodElfPriest.w3x
  • Elias - Blazing Lotus (By KingB00ker)
    Type: Nuker
    Model: DragonHawkRider.w3x
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Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

Yes... I have finished three Heroes from the Booty Bay Tavern, note Blackrock Tavern becomes Booty Bay Tavern.

* Grom Hellscream - Berserker
* Stonehorn - Tauren Warchief
* Nazgrel - Far Seer

Each heroes have 2 custom spells and 2 modified original Warcraft III spells.



Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Sure :grin: , that would be awesome, and I will credit you for that.

Maybe in the Hero library page which I am making right now for www.jade-wars.com , I can put your pictures in there.

Evaluation from the Hiveworkshop TTT group and Bnet.group
Darkenneko_003 said:
Map: Azeroth Goldrush
Overall Quality: Excellent
Comments: The game consists of a variety of game plays and heroes to choose from. The terrain isn't lacking, and the game systems seem to work in play.

Terrain: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Replay Ability: 10/10

Side Notes: When taking the first quest, as the top force, it says the gold shrine, South of here, when the base is already at the bottom left, either I Misinterpret this or something, but the shrine defiantly isn't south.

Great work on this map,
Keep working on it, and hopefully more people will produce high quality maps like this.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
New version 2.02b

New version of Azeroth Goldrush is available online!

Visit the official website at Jade Wars
Download official mirror
Download Epic War mirror

First post updated! - Read changelog available at the first post and/or this post.

Item price Bansesword deflated by 20%
Item price Katana of Wonders deflated by 20%
Item price Warsong Battle Drums changed to 1450
Item Cloak of Shadow added to the Hero shop
Item Talisman of the Wild replaced with Cloak of Shadow
Item Cloak of Shadow categorized as Hero class item
Item ability Warsong Battle Drums nerf to 5% bonus attack gain
Item ability Nova mine nerf down
Item ability transmute cannot target ancients, defenders, and archers
Unit Archer created for AI addition
Unit defender added to Outpost merchant list
Unit archer added to Outpost merchant list
Unit Goblin Robot price changed to 275 gold
Unit Mortar Team food requirement changed to 2
Building Outpost created with piercing attack and fast attack speed
Fixed Player 5 leave event issue
Fixed item spelling "Crown of Deathlord"
Fixed item Hood of Cunning active spell type
Gameplay group loot change increased
Gameplay added Outpost system; for every gold shrine captured, an outpost will be created
Gameplay creep camp in south west moved to the east side of the area
Gameplay looting chances to normal items 20% and special items 80%
Gameplay creep bounty increased by 5%
Gameplay hero kill bounty increased to 200 gold
Gameplay ending a streak will be notified in the game message
Gameplay fixed Lordaeron aura bug
Gameplay fixed transmute bug
Gameplay domination period changed from 3 minutes to 5 minutes
System PlayerLeave() function fixed
System Streak end system added
Tavern added; Booty Bay Inn
Hero abilities for hero Spiritualist; level skip requirement changed to 2
Hero added Tauren Chieftain added to Booty Bay Inn
Hero added Berserker added to Booty Bay Inn
Hero added Far Seer added to Booty Bay Inn
Hero added Holy Priest added to Moonlight Tavern
Hero added Blazing Lotus added to Moonlight Tavern
Ability healing spray for hero Spiritualist; cooldown increased
Ability cosmic bolts for hero Korbelus; damage increased
Ability shadow form for hero Geisha, cooldown increased
Ability earth stomp will not target structure anymore
Ability War Toss added to Tauren Chieftain
Ability War Stomp added to Tauren Chieftain
Ability Pulverize added to Tauren Chieftain
Ability Reincarnation added to Tauren Chieftain
Ability Axe Mastery added to Berserker
Ability Mirror Image added to Berserker
Ability Endurance Aura added to Berserker
Ability Bladestorm added to Berserker
Ability Thunder Wrath added to Far Seer
Ability Chain of Lightning added to Far Seer
Ability Feral Spirit added to Far Seer
Ability Orb of Lightning added to Far Seer
Ability Watery Light added to Holy Priest
Ability Bubble added to Holy Priest
Ability Banish added to Holy Priest
Ability Mass Teleportation added to Holy Priest
Ability Pyro Hex added to Blazing Lotus
Ability Soul Burn added to Blazing Lotus
Ability Fire Wall added to Blazing Lotus
Ability Mark of Pheonix added to Blazing Lotus
Not open for further replies.