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Moderator note: Not the same as Goldrush versions below 1.80
Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map for Warcraft 3 expansion pack, The Forzen Throne. It was first developed by DoOs_101 who made the original versions of Goldrush, a mini-game style map yet known to be. Now it has been handed to Jade Wars developing team, under the executive of DoOs_101. Under the control of this newly developer group, Azeroth Goldrush is focused to be more competitive, entertaining, and strategic. Our long term expectations is to compete with the most frequently played map, DotA Allstars and introduce Warcraft 3 gamers an online system which we call JadeRankings that introduces the players an exciting level of gaming.
Game Description
Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map and can be played under the conditions of various game modes. The dimension of the map is 98x98, which suits the needs of an arena style. This map can be played by a maximum of 10 players that translates into 5 versus 5, other than that 4 versus 4 or 3 versus 3 can still apply.
The notion of the game is to start by choosing a hero from taverns that appear at the start of the game. Each hero has its own purposes, strengths, weaknesses, attributes, and unique skills. The success of the game is determined mainly by the cooperation of each hero in a team. As the battle between two teams strike hard, heroes will gain level and to a maximum level of 16.
Danger will endure in this flood of unstoppable battle, surviving from enemy heroes and the wilderness will be tough. Nonetheless, there are items that can support the needs of each hero and there are units that can be recruited from a Barrack, which can help each hero fight through the dangers.
Above all, the multiple game modes that make the game play under certain conditions will all deal with Gold Mines/Gold Shrines. These Gold Shrines will appear like a magical box that glows yellow and there are 5 Gold Shrines in the map. For each game modes, heroes will have to interact with these Gold Shrines and it can be done by using an ability called Capture (Hotkey: Q) which all heroes have. The ending of the game and a team’s victory will depend on the conditions that are applied by a game mode. Only 1 game mode applies to a game and can be done by the first player typing a corresponding short label of the game mode.
Game Modes
String command: -co
There are two teams; each team gets 200 force points. The first team that causes the opposing team to lose their force points to 0 will win. A team can cause the opposing team to lose a force point in two ways. First, killing an enemy hero will reduce the opposing team’s force points by 1. Second, capturing a gold mine/gold shrine will cause the opponent to lose 1 force point periodically (the periodic time is determined by the game speed). If multiple gold mines/gold shrines are captured, the amount of force points the opponent team loses will stack, thus having more captured gold mines/gold shrines will cause the opposing team’s force points to lose faster.
String command: -ex
There are two teams; each team must conquer all five gold mines/gold shrines that exist in the map. If a team conquers all five, there will be a 5 minute period where the opposing team have to retake over 1 gold mine, else they will lose.
String command: -dm
There are two teams; each team will start with 0 score. If a team reaches the maximum amount of score, it will win the game. The maximum amount of score is determined by the game speed, the default maximum amount of score is 30. A team can gain a score by killing an enemy hero. A team can also gain 3 scores by capturing a gold mine/gold shrine.
In this website, you can access the online rankings at this link. This online ranking gathers the scores from account data and sorts the accounts in descending order. In short summary, whenever you play Azeroth Goldrush, your battle.net account that is used for playing will gain reputation. This reputation will be stored inside a unique encryption code that is id authenticated. This unique encrypted code is what the online ranking system use to extract the scores from accounts that have uploaded their encrypted code into the website. To join the online rankings, you will need to setup an account first through this link. Make sure to fill in the required data fields and that you fill in the battle.net id that you use to play Azeroth Goldrush. The battle.net id that you fill in must match the one that the encrypted code uses to authenticate. After your account is setup, if you don’t have a code, start playing Azeroth Goldrush. Winning a game will get you +2 rep, losing a game will get you only +1 rep, being the MvP will get you +1 rep bonus. The encrypted code will be given to you at the end of the game. Once you receive this code, upload it to your account in this website. When playing another Azeroth Goldrush, you will need to load your progress using your current encrypted code. Keep doing this and you will be one of the top players!
Latest Download:
Azeroth Goldrush 2.05a
Epic War
New Hero, Murloc Nightcrawler added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
New Hero, Necromancer added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
Ability Hotkey collision for Thief Master fixed.
Ability Fire Bombs no longer have duration effects.
Ability Tick Bomb explosion countdown changed to 5 seconds.
Ability Web of Sludges created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Cannibalize created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Envenomed Sabre created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Fin Attack created for hero Murloc Nightcralwer.
Ability Blood Demise created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Raise Dead created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Mana Burn created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Life Drain created for hero Necromancer.
Gameplay Repick issues fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard bug fixed.
Gameplay Deathmatch title display fixed.
Gameplay Conquest title display fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard system refined.
Gameplay Multibar system fixed.
Gameplay Mode description refined.
Gameplay Quest System refined.
Gameplay added command; pressing ESC will reset camera to normal regardless of the condition.
Item Elune's Grace price reduced to 2250 gold.
Item Amulet of Spell Shield price reduced to 2500 gold.
Item Jade Ring price reduced to 3100 gold.
Item intelligence bonus for Moon Armor changed to 6.
Item intelligence bonus for Scepter of Light changed to 10.
Item Skeletal Rod stat bonus changed to +3 intelligence and +5 All Stats.

Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map for Warcraft 3 expansion pack, The Forzen Throne. It was first developed by DoOs_101 who made the original versions of Goldrush, a mini-game style map yet known to be. Now it has been handed to Jade Wars developing team, under the executive of DoOs_101. Under the control of this newly developer group, Azeroth Goldrush is focused to be more competitive, entertaining, and strategic. Our long term expectations is to compete with the most frequently played map, DotA Allstars and introduce Warcraft 3 gamers an online system which we call JadeRankings that introduces the players an exciting level of gaming.
Game Description
Azeroth Goldrush is an altered Hero Arena style map and can be played under the conditions of various game modes. The dimension of the map is 98x98, which suits the needs of an arena style. This map can be played by a maximum of 10 players that translates into 5 versus 5, other than that 4 versus 4 or 3 versus 3 can still apply.
The notion of the game is to start by choosing a hero from taverns that appear at the start of the game. Each hero has its own purposes, strengths, weaknesses, attributes, and unique skills. The success of the game is determined mainly by the cooperation of each hero in a team. As the battle between two teams strike hard, heroes will gain level and to a maximum level of 16.
Danger will endure in this flood of unstoppable battle, surviving from enemy heroes and the wilderness will be tough. Nonetheless, there are items that can support the needs of each hero and there are units that can be recruited from a Barrack, which can help each hero fight through the dangers.
Above all, the multiple game modes that make the game play under certain conditions will all deal with Gold Mines/Gold Shrines. These Gold Shrines will appear like a magical box that glows yellow and there are 5 Gold Shrines in the map. For each game modes, heroes will have to interact with these Gold Shrines and it can be done by using an ability called Capture (Hotkey: Q) which all heroes have. The ending of the game and a team’s victory will depend on the conditions that are applied by a game mode. Only 1 game mode applies to a game and can be done by the first player typing a corresponding short label of the game mode.
Game Modes
String command: -co
There are two teams; each team gets 200 force points. The first team that causes the opposing team to lose their force points to 0 will win. A team can cause the opposing team to lose a force point in two ways. First, killing an enemy hero will reduce the opposing team’s force points by 1. Second, capturing a gold mine/gold shrine will cause the opponent to lose 1 force point periodically (the periodic time is determined by the game speed). If multiple gold mines/gold shrines are captured, the amount of force points the opponent team loses will stack, thus having more captured gold mines/gold shrines will cause the opposing team’s force points to lose faster.
String command: -ex
There are two teams; each team must conquer all five gold mines/gold shrines that exist in the map. If a team conquers all five, there will be a 5 minute period where the opposing team have to retake over 1 gold mine, else they will lose.
String command: -dm
There are two teams; each team will start with 0 score. If a team reaches the maximum amount of score, it will win the game. The maximum amount of score is determined by the game speed, the default maximum amount of score is 30. A team can gain a score by killing an enemy hero. A team can also gain 3 scores by capturing a gold mine/gold shrine.
In this website, you can access the online rankings at this link. This online ranking gathers the scores from account data and sorts the accounts in descending order. In short summary, whenever you play Azeroth Goldrush, your battle.net account that is used for playing will gain reputation. This reputation will be stored inside a unique encryption code that is id authenticated. This unique encrypted code is what the online ranking system use to extract the scores from accounts that have uploaded their encrypted code into the website. To join the online rankings, you will need to setup an account first through this link. Make sure to fill in the required data fields and that you fill in the battle.net id that you use to play Azeroth Goldrush. The battle.net id that you fill in must match the one that the encrypted code uses to authenticate. After your account is setup, if you don’t have a code, start playing Azeroth Goldrush. Winning a game will get you +2 rep, losing a game will get you only +1 rep, being the MvP will get you +1 rep bonus. The encrypted code will be given to you at the end of the game. Once you receive this code, upload it to your account in this website. When playing another Azeroth Goldrush, you will need to load your progress using your current encrypted code. Keep doing this and you will be one of the top players!
Latest Download:
Azeroth Goldrush 2.05a
Epic War
New Hero, Murloc Nightcrawler added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
New Hero, Necromancer added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
Ability Hotkey collision for Thief Master fixed.
Ability Fire Bombs no longer have duration effects.
Ability Tick Bomb explosion countdown changed to 5 seconds.
Ability Web of Sludges created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Cannibalize created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Envenomed Sabre created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Fin Attack created for hero Murloc Nightcralwer.
Ability Blood Demise created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Raise Dead created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Mana Burn created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Life Drain created for hero Necromancer.
Gameplay Repick issues fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard bug fixed.
Gameplay Deathmatch title display fixed.
Gameplay Conquest title display fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard system refined.
Gameplay Multibar system fixed.
Gameplay Mode description refined.
Gameplay Quest System refined.
Gameplay added command; pressing ESC will reset camera to normal regardless of the condition.
Item Elune's Grace price reduced to 2250 gold.
Item Amulet of Spell Shield price reduced to 2500 gold.
Item Jade Ring price reduced to 3100 gold.
Item intelligence bonus for Moon Armor changed to 6.
Item intelligence bonus for Scepter of Light changed to 10.
Item Skeletal Rod stat bonus changed to +3 intelligence and +5 All Stats.
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