Azeroth Goldrush

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Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

New version of Azeroth Goldrush is available online!


New Heroes:
Raven Dawnweaver the Ritualist

Jailor Kassan the Freebooter

Grishnakh the Haruspex

New Items:
Moon Armor

Elona Staff

Jade Ring

Trickster Flute

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First post updated! - Read changelog available at the first post and/or this post.

Interface map preview picture updated
Gameplay system random issue fixed
Gameplay system repick issue fixed
Gameplay system dynamite display message fixed
Gameplay system Victory and Defeat message changed
Gameplay system added victory music when game ends
Gameplay system statistics system refined, works more accurately
Gameplay system Rakning system changed, +1 reputation for losers, +2 reputation for winners, +3 reputation for best player
Gameplay system spell Orb of Lightning fixed
Item Moon Armor added to Magic Library vendor
Item Elona Staff added to Magic Library vendor
Item Trickster Flute added to Magic Library vendor
Item Jade Ring added to Hero Shop vendor
Item ability Dynamite fixed; it now targets buildings and destroys the target after 5 seconds of countdown
Item Bomb Disabler can no longer target instant mine fields
Item icon for Bomb Disabler replaced with an image of a Silver Key
Unit Defender gold cost reduced to
Unit Archer gold cost reduced to
Unit Outpost Tower damage increased by 2
Hero Ritualist added to the Booty Bay Inn
Hero Haruspex added to the Booty Bay Inn
Hero Freebooter added to the Booty Bay Inn
Ability Enfeeble added for hero Ritualist
Ability Arcane Elemental added for hero Ritualist
Ability Mesmerize added for hero Ritualist
Ability Charm added for hero Ritualist
Ability Boulder Fist added for hero Haruspex
Ability Aggressive Stance added for hero Haruspex
Ability Devour Magic added for hero Haruspex
Ability Earth Barrier added for hero Haruspex
Ability Vyletongue Spear added for hero Freebooter
Ability Troll Urgent added for hero Freebooter
Ability Malevolence added for hero Freebooter
Ability Acid Bomb added for hero Freebooter
Ability Orb of Lightning for hero Far Seer fixed
Ability Fragmentation Shards for unit Mortar now targets friendly units
Ability Repair has half the cost for each mechanical unit being repaired

Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

New version of Azeroth Goldrush is available online!


Visit the official website at Jade Wars
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First post updated! - Read changelog available at the first post and/or this post.

Ability Cooldown Mesmerize changed to 30 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Holy Breath changed to 20 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Enfeeble changed to 30 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Divine Regeneration changed to 8 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Cripple changed to 6 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Arcane Protection changed to 20 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Abolish Magic changed to 15 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Slumber changed to 20 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Mystic Net changed to 8 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Implosion changed to 20 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Healing Spray changed to 10 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Fire Wall changed to 15 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Death Coil changed to 6 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Banish changed to 14 seconds.
Ability Cooldown Arcane Elemental changed to 12 seconds.
Ability Duration Vyletongue Spear changed to 80 seconds.
Ability Duration Fire Wall changed to 2/3/4 seconds.
Ability Damage Fire Wall changed to 100/110/120.
Ability Mirror Image count changed to 2/2/2 with damage 10%/15%/20% and takes 200% damage.
Ability Scatter Bomb replaced with Fire Bombs for hero Mortar.
Ability Refresh replaced with Pig Cannon for hero Mortar.
Ability Artillery replaced with Create Bomb for hero Mortar.
Bug multiple kill issue when using Mortar is now fixed.
Gameplay Creep Camp changes; 2 new creep group, 6 creep camps updated.
Gameplay Multiboard system refined.
Gameplay progress bar added to Multiboard for game modes Conquest and Deathmatch.
Gameplay Revive Timer now appears inside the Multiboard.
Gameplay force points/team scores now appears inside the Multiboard.
Gameplay Hero Pick system refined.
Gameplay hero pick time limit no longer exists.
Gameplay heroes will be removed from all taverns for a player who has picked a hero.
Gameplay Quest System refined.
Gameplay Quests now appears in the Info (F9) board and can only be seen by the quest taker.
Gameplay added command; pressing ESC will reset camera to normal regardless of the condition.
Gameplay Statistics are now more accurate at measuring best player.
Unit Siege Tank added to the Recruiter's base with price 200 gold.
Unit Siege Tank specifications configured; Fortified armor, high health, high damage, attacks buildings only.
Hero Mortar skills are updated with new skills that are none buggy.
Item Elune's Grace price reduced to 2250 gold.
Item Amulet of Spell Shield price reduced to 2500 gold.
Item Jade Ring price reduced to 3100 gold.
Item intelligence bonus for Moon Armor changed to 6.
Item intelligence bonus for Scepter of Light changed to 10.
Item Skeletal Rod stat bonus changed to +3 intelligence and +5 All Stats.

Level 12
Aug 7, 2004

New version of Azeroth Goldrush is available online!


Visit the official website at Jade Wars
Download official mirror
Download Epic War mirror

First post updated! - Read changelog available at the first post and/or this post.

New Hero, Murloc Nightcrawler added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
New Hero, Necromancer added to Booty Bay Inn tavern.
Ability Hotkey collision for Thief Master fixed.
Ability Fire Bombs no longer have duration effects.
Ability Tick Bomb explosion countdown changed to 5 seconds.
Ability Web of Sludges created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Cannibalize created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Envenomed Sabre created for hero Murloc Nightcrawler.
Ability Fin Attack created for hero Murloc Nightcralwer.
Ability Blood Demise created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Raise Dead created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Mana Burn created for hero Necromancer.
Ability Life Drain created for hero Necromancer.
Gameplay Repick issues fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard bug fixed.
Gameplay Deathmatch title display fixed.
Gameplay Conquest title display fixed.
Gameplay Multiboard system refined.
Gameplay Multibar system fixed.
Gameplay Mode description refined.
Gameplay Quest System refined.
Gameplay added command; pressing ESC will reset camera to normal regardless of the condition.
Item Elune's Grace price reduced to 2250 gold.
Item Amulet of Spell Shield price reduced to 2500 gold.
Item Jade Ring price reduced to 3100 gold.
Item intelligence bonus for Moon Armor changed to 6.
Item intelligence bonus for Scepter of Light changed to 10.
Item Skeletal Rod stat bonus changed to +3 intelligence and +5 All Stats.

Level 2
Jan 22, 2007
Great screenshots!

I like the first and second one. Did you take that while playing?

Regard to the update, I like the two new heroes, and I think you've made some balance changes too which is descent. However I think the item pricing needs to be reconsidered. Item pricing still unbalanced.
Level 12
Aug 7, 2004
Great screenshots!

I like the first and second one. Did you take that while playing?

Regard to the update, I like the two new heroes, and I think you've made some balance changes too which is descent. However I think the item pricing needs to be reconsidered. Item pricing still unbalanced.

Dang I hate to see you say that! Lol item pricing is not that easy... It takes alot of knowledge about the game to consider the right prices.
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