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Recruiting People for making a map

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Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Hey, me and some of my friends on wc3 have decided we want to create a rpg.
So far we have a 2 terrainers and a bunch of Testers. The people we are looking for are:

-Jass users or Very good at Triggers
-A loading Screen and map Preview person
-Models and Icons
-Voice Makers
-Some one good at Cinimatics
-Idea People or Suggestions
-Story Writers
-Maybe Terrainers
-If possible a web master

If you are intrested then please post what you want to apply for and what you are good at.
At the most we want 10 people.
If possable please get a sample of your work and post it with your thread.
:infl_thumbs_up:I hope to complete this project soon if everyone does there job well.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Hey, me and some of my friends on wc3 have decided we want to create a rpg.
So far we have a 2 terrainers and a bunch of Testers. The people we are looking for are:

-Jass users or Very good at Triggers
-A loading Screen and map Preview person
-Models and Icons
-Voice Makers
-Some one good at Cinimatics
-Idea People or Suggestions
-Story Writers
-Maybe Terrainers
-If possible a web master

If you are intrested then please post what you want to apply for and what you are good at.
At the most we want 10 people.
If possable please get a sample of your work and post it with your thread.
:infl_thumbs_up:I hope to complete this project soon if everyone does there job well.

I can do skins, loading and prieview screens, and i guess i could build you a freeweb site. Yeah i've been rather bored lately :p.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Ok great

Ok your on the team thanks for joining up. Pm me your wc3 user name or just post it here. :infl_thumbs_up:Ok well decide what type of loading screen we want later.
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Level 1
Jan 19, 2008


My name is Nikolaj and im 22 years old I have great experiance in Photoshop etc so i can make everything from small icons to huge websites and good lookign skisn / Loading screens. I hope my skills and experiance will be neeeded in your project for you information i have worked with wc3 crews before and team work isn ot a problem for me.

Thanks for reading

/cheers Cesonite
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Sounds good

It sounds like you could contribute alot so you are also in the team once again pm me your wc3 user name or just post it here. Since you can make icons and we have a skinner all we need is a modeler then we can start making units for this hopefully to be great game.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
We still need to decide the name any suggestion are welcome for the name but since im the team leader I guess ill make one for now and if you guys dont like it then we can change it. The games name will be The Quest of the Dragon (I guess) if you dont like it then tell me. So the web sites name will be something like this QuestoftheDragon.com or something like that however you do it. Can you put a posting area on the web page? if so then please make one. And make a couple of pages so we can maybe show what models we used so you can dl them and etc..

Ok the people we need now are....
-Jass or triggers
-story writers
-Sounds and voices
-Ideas and suggestions
-Cinimatics Person
-A person who can import a huge map for the Terrain
-Maybe another Skinner

The name of this Rpg will be The Quest of the Dragon.

Lots of quest will be added in

There will be 4 (more or less) cities with main roads leading to each bandits will be along the main highways at least 8 small villages.

The races you can choose are Elf, Orc, Human, Blood Elfes (very rare), Undead, Naga, Tauren, Dwarf and maybe more....

You will be able to save your character in every city (only able to save in a tavern or Inn)

There will be caves with giants or bandits occupying them.Filled with treasure that they have stolen from the carevans.

There will be an AI for caravans moving along roads and a AI for the bandits attacking the Caravans.

The main boss will be a dragon (thats where the game name came from)

Many bosses all over in the mountains, plains, deserts, forest, hills, underground.

Map will be huge for the Role Play

Max level will be 500

Only way you can level up is if you fight and do quest

Ideas are welcome for the quest and bosses and so on....

This game will hopefully be done soon if EVERYONE does there job well.

We are still accepting the people I listed above.

You will be able to choose from a list of classes like mage, druid, warrior, healer, Ranger and etc....

Items ideas are welcome because we need lots of ideas for them.

If you would like to join this project please post a thread here, giving your wc3 username and what you are good at and what you can do.This project will hopefully become one of the best and more fun rpgs (unlike the ones that get boring after an hour because you dont know what to do) also everyone who contributes to this project will be put in credits. Thanks for your time.:infl_thumbs_up:
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Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Still open

Yes ideas and suggestions are still open pm me your ideas. Or post it on the web site that madcat2 created.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
ive already used the chat room once with one of the terrianers you need to fix it
so you can see whos online. Also the back ground kinda sucks no offence,:infl_thumbs_up:

How do i turn my private message thing back on?

i fixed my private message thing and hellclown do you want to join?

We are still looking for people so send a private message to me or post a thread in here in what your intrested in.:infl_thumbs_up:
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Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Ok good we will take you, you just took the spots we needed to be filled by thurday. Can you write story lines to?:infl_thumbs_up:

^^_xD are you still intrested?
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Level 2
Sep 29, 2007
There are a few questions I would like to ask and a few points that I would like to make concerning the project. All I have had to contribute to map making in WC3, to any great extent, is ideas, and I would like to share some of them here. Most are questions. Bear with me here.

You have elucidated that there will be 8 (or more) races. What justification do you have to this diversity? Will there be enough differences between the races that an option to choose between different races will not purely be cosmetic?

You have stated that there will be an AI attacking caravans and an AI moving the caravans through (a choice I applaud because of my confusion of how stronger creatures seem to find so many valuable items). Will the AI dictate the bandits to attack anything else? Say, a town?

The level cap in the map has been stated to be 500. Is this a mark you will hold yourself to, or will you consider changing it to a different mark? Will each level be very easy to acquire, or will that also vary?

Finally, will you use traditional classes and class roles, or will you expand or subtract from class roles and the number of classes? Traditional here being defined as either the template provided by either the most recent version of D&D, or WoW.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Answer to all questions.....

^^_xD all project members will be moderators.

Jualin - The justification will be you can choose your race then the class you would like to be "ranger,druid,warrior etc." and all races will have there specialities say dwarfs have strength and elfs have agility something like that.

The AI bandits and caravans. The caravans will move from city to city and village to village picking up certain items then moving on to there next destination. The bandits will intercept some of these caravans and kill and steal the items. If there is no caravan for them to attack they will attack the nearest town.

The level cap might be changed since I just looked at it and it looks a little high to me, and yes you will gain more experience for certain units killed and what level you are.

There will be more classes and races with specialities which we will all decide once the map terrain is done (should be soon there are 3 different maps to choose from). any more question just ask me or if I have not answered some ask them again cause this is my 2nd time typing this 1rst time messed up (no idea).

Deep_blade - you are welcome to join just do what ive told everyone else to do (pm me wc3 username and post and set up a account on the website).:infl_thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Well sounds awseme everyone now all we really have to wait for is the terrainers to finish one of them ive been able to see his map and it looks pretty good but I think it might be to small even though its 256 * 256. So well see how it comes also feel free to blog stuff on the website and well cover the details there. And you are also welcome to the team Cannibal Ninja do the same thing as everyone else create an account on our website then post stuff about the game like you story line ideas and etc.
Alright this looks like were going to have a full team soon.

oo sweet i totally forgot about voice actors ya you can join and as a idea person and voices and maybe story writer

Also we need a story line written then we can have the Jass/triggers guy start then the terrainers can get to work so everyhting can begin we need you (story writers) to make a good rpg storyline
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Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

Ya ideas and suggestions are still open the terrain guy has been taking a while but hes almost done so far hes gotten a forest a lake a mountain (type area) and a desert hes adding in a wasteland and hilly plains and he migh be done with that so well see and after hes done with the terrain will get down to it and get this project really started.(finally)
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
I might be too late to join, but I'm a good terrainer, ideas person, and, apparently what you need: A good story writer.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Yes Ideas are still open.Ill have you touch the terrain up when it gets done....... the terrainer we have is being a slow poke
Level 4
Jun 20, 2007
Hey if you need a good story writer and lore writer then im your man

i havnt really used hive much and as of such dont have any rep :D

but i have so many ideas for rpgs and lores for games
i love creating the lore behind entire worlds in games its one of my favourite things so yeah

if ya want a good story writer gimme a yell
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

Ok sorry everyone I havn't been looking at the forum for a while so I havn't been paying attention to it our terrainer is taking so long I think im gonna do the terrain since he has not been showing improvment unless one of you wants to do the terrain
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
I'm still interested, I have decided I can skin, terrain, write the story, and come up with ideas. Slight problems include:
The fact that my computer is taken away for a few months (I'm working on getting it back, damn you school)
The fact that the only picture program I have is paint (I'm about to get my photoshop to finally work)

You will hear from me whenever I can sneak on.
Level 3
Dec 24, 2007
Position : ideas

I could help make ideas for the game but I need to know what kind of ideas you need ( heroes, items, etc.)
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Wow lol

Hero Lief I have the same problem lol my parents think its bad to get on a computer it sucks anyways yep you guys are in
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
A bump. And I'd like to know. Whats the project going to be about? Maybe its somewhere, I'll look. I'm lazy. (When it comes to the forums) >.<
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Alright. Yeh, I used to like Dragons alot, not much anymore, but there will be so much other stuff that I don't give a shit. Now then. I have no experience whatsoever of doing campaigns. I tried creating one once. I had to reboot wc3. But just tell me what to do and where and I'll do what you need.
Another thing. Are there going to be Goblins? Personally, I'm goblin crazy. I have tons of portraits of them that I can send, and if I can make an underground goblin city with a mini boss as a sub-quest, that would be sick.

I can also make you some loading screens and whatever those small picture things are called. But note that I can't work, only talk and discuss ideas, until around June. However, I have spring Break with computer, so please be on then as much as you can, because after I get photoshop going I'll be working as hard as possible on all my projects.
My spring break is the 19th through the 27th.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
PARTY TIME! Why, you may ask? Oh, none other than: I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK!!!! :D Now I need to get photoshop working, but for now paint and my frakload of converters will do the job.
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