Recruiting people for a Arena-AoS map!

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Level 3
Feb 14, 2009
Hello everyone, i created a thread one week ago and that was not very interresting like some people said. So i will talk about my project with more precision and information! We are currently 2 one this project and we need cool and good people(One terrainer and one triggerer)!
First of all, the map's name is *GvE*: Good vs Evil. This is a Arena-AoS map(Exemple: hero warz, Dota BUT with some arena stuff). It's simply 2 team who fight for the win with strategy in a kind of arena map.

The first side is the Evil side with some hero like: Vampire, Spider, Corrupted mage, Soul stealer, etc... For the other side, it's the good team with the well known paladin and other new hero like the fire mage, the cold mage, the blademaster, etc...

For the moment, ive done the basic trigger of the map: Spawn units, tp to shop and arena, hero revive, the*killboard*, defeat and victory condition, Difficulty choose for the host at the begining, Cinematic(end and start). My friend in the project also did the terrain who's pretty good but if someone can make it better, we will appreciate that!

To conclude, we need all the kind of map maker: Triggerer, terrainer, spell maker(We really need spell makers!), maybe some pro with the cinematic and any other personne who think about somthing to help us! (Maybe YOU who's reading:thumbs_up:)

So thanks for reading me, pm me or just reply to the thread to join our team OR have more information!

PS: I will post picture of the current map in like 2 days max!

Your favorite Squirrel, Conker.
Level 3
Feb 14, 2009
The map!

Click on picture to see the map( I tried to make a video in the world editor but the video with FRAPS was .avi and Hive cant upload it.)!

Sorry for double post...Thats idiot.

Your favorite Squirrel, Conker.


  • Map GvE.doc
    4.7 MB · Views: 117
Level 6
May 9, 2010
What's your team look like? I can help on some heroes idea and some terraining.

I posted while downloading the .doc
The terrain is pretty symetric but not good.
It needs to be redone.

Edit: Well, today I spent some time doing a terrain for you. It is attached
I know the terrain doesn't have enough Path for an AoS map, but I think
it's still better than the one you have.


  • Good Vs Evil Terrain.w3x
    121.9 KB · Views: 40
Last edited:
Level 3
Feb 14, 2009
Ty for reply druu and daniel1994.

I looked your terrain druu and its not what i want BUT you look good and i will need help to make my actual terrain better! So PM me and we will talk about that.

daniel1994, i need some spell maker OR brainstormer for spell cuz we are now 3 in the project and we are only 2 brainstormer(me and someone else). If you are good in trigger, i would maybe need help for some fixe like maybe a *killstreaks* system with my kill board. Pm me if you want to know more!

Ty again you too.

Your favorite squirrel, Conker.
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