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Recruiting People for making a map

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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Hey, I may have not told you, but I'm also starting with custom user interfaces, and so I could make one if you want. What would you want it to look like, if you do want one? Also, if you do want one, could you supply some pictures and discriptions as examples?
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
Yo, I was looking at this project, and i went to the site and it says you still need someone who is in cinematics? thats what im best at, so if you still want someone for that part, just say cuz im willing to help!
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Now, the site is not updated, but yes, we still do need someone for cinematics, I think. I'd be happy to accept you, but I'm not the team leader so I can't say that for certain you're in.
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
ok, ive been thinking about the map, and i think i have some kinda good ideas about the cinema's and i hope that i could contribute to the map. This would be my first BIG map that i will have done, so i might be a little slow at first but ill get the hang of it. thx even if i dont get in, and ill try my hardest!!!
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
You might ,but I can't guarentee, as I stated above, I'm not the project leader.

I hope you try your hardest, as I'm sure everyone else will.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

Yes we need a custom game interface I would like to learn how to do that but if you can do that it would be great and the site is pretty much gone because madcat is never online anywhere. Yes we need someone for cinimatics and we will need a loading screen if you guys want to see the map ill upload it here or somewhere else and if you want to we need a new terrainer the first one did most of the map then backed out. We all need to get together on wc3 sometime so we can organize this project.(US East my user name is Bounty235)
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Alright, my user on USEast is Hero_Lief.

So, monday at 4pm on USEast, channel Burning Abyss?

Also, just pm me the map, then tell me what kind of city and I'll get working on it.
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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Good news guys, madcat gave me the password to the site so now it will be updated, I'll get to work on it right away :D
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Sorry Fire, but a few other people and I already have that, and I doubt we'll need any more. =(

In other news...
The site has been updated! Come check it out!

Hey, fire, why don't you come on Wc3 with me? I'm sure we'll both have a lot to talk about. :D
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Kyton, triggering and abilities would be useful
Mokkil123, Voice acting would be great I think we still need that, I'll put you on the site if ProMaps accepts you.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Both most likely, I think you're on the member list on the site though. We'll have to wait for ProMaps to accept everyone.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008
Lets get together

Yeah I couldn't make it on monday sorry bout that but I should be able to get online on Friday and how about if you can 6:00-8:00 B-net US East time in channel Quest (type /time while in a channel on wc3 to get the time). We will discuss this map and get it done! Im sick of having this map on my desktop Lol. And I said Friday so people can have time to see this and get there so I hope to see everyone who wants to particapate in this Project there so we can sort this out!

Btw Hero change the template on the website(the clouds) cause it is annoying Lol and if ya could will you pm me the codes so I can also modify the site.And the answer to you guys who were asking to join be there friday if you want to see if you can join. "My User name is Bounty235 (US east)"
I hope to see Everyone who is participating there:infl_thumbs_up:
(Channel Quest 6:00-8:00 B-net US East time)
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

I like what you've done with the site btw the link to "Clan Site" ill give that to you since thats the wrong one and maybe just remove that link altogether your choice.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
First post-
I might not be able to be there at that time, because I go to this place called the Fuzzbox friday nights and saturday nights, but I can skip a date. Thinking about it, we'll probably eat dinner at 10 because thats when the new episode of BSG is on. So I'll probably be able to make it.
A slight change to that though- People might be in the channel Quest, so how about channel Quest of the Dragon?

Post 2-
Thanks, and I'll probably remove that link.

I'll try to change those clouds, but I'm not sure I can.

Also, not about the site-
I've got some great music that we could use for it, and I could send it over if you want me to.

I'll PM you the password immediatly.

I'll only PM you the password when you TURN ON PMING.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

If you read anything I just posted then maybe that will answer your questions............ And ok lets do it in channel Quest of the Dragon 6:00-8:00 B net time US East (Be there if you want to join or you are already in)
Level 2
Apr 16, 2008


im really interested in the game (for the cinematics portion) and really want to help but im gone then and wont be on until Sunday!

now then, im not saying reschedule or anything, but im just wondering if there is gonna be any other time that i might be able to do sumthing like this again?
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

Well I was stupid and didn't realize that B-net time US east is different then Us West so were going to have to get together on some other type of time.
Level 4
Feb 2, 2008
I can storyboard and my friends in school always come over for a good story example "The wrath of xan" A boy was playing with flames when a friend of his named warlic camed and proposed a battle of magic... the two fough valiantly with nobility valor and savageness... surprisingly warlic won... unfortunetly for xan after the battle xan was hit with a fireball in the face thus... the consequences damaged him greatly warlic tried his best to help him... but only gave him a curse and a everlasting hatred xan was flaming with anger and pride he blew up! flames come through the room he was going ashamed after the incident he left into the wilderness... everytime he steps on grass... fire grew and burned the entire forest... he was forgotten by everyone he ever cared about he found the necromancer kel'thuzad and agreed to help him to spread the plauge after then.... he was feared by all and power corrupted his burning skull face he was not thinking about power and control over everything but... his love.... miranda... (End of part 1)
Level 3
Jan 30, 2008
If you want I can be a loremaster and a Story Writer I got a little practice now and then.

The Rise of the New Nation :

The Naga risen from the sea , the water around them evaporated from their energy only they seem to be so powerful only the bravest warrior can face them they are unseemingly resistant to blades as they are scaled full on , they are also resistant to water based attacks , as their amphibian beings , they built a city up west where they trapped my family , You have to help me rescue them I don't know what will happen if you don't. I will give you all the money I have and all the training I've passed onto generations , I just want to see my wife and children again , my wife was also pregenant you have to do it in a quick manner or I won't be able to get her to the city doctor.

Kill 20 Naga Champions
Destroy Naga City
Find the children and the wife.

Finished Quest:

Oh thank you I don't now how to show gratitude here have this bag full of coins , (1000 Gold) I hope it will be in use for something.
And the training ah, (You Learn Mana Siphon [drain] and Ice Shell which traps the enemy in an ice cube/shape and makes him killable) Also I would like you to take this , this is a token of gratitude and you can enter the Arcane College to learn from it (Scroll of Advanced Magican)

5,000 EXP
1,000 Gold

MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: [email protected]
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Nice kwab, just use grammar.
ZeU-, try to use grammar, remember that if there is a comma after a word that there IS NO SPACE. Also remember about run-ons; Half of your stuff is run-ons.

To both of you, I think we have enough story writers, however, but if we have one open, it would go to Kwab, as he has better grammar (No offense ZeU), and he also applied first.
Level 1
Apr 30, 2008
do you need more trigger/debug people?

i'm currently still learning jass (slowly) but i'm good with gui triggering.

edit: i'm also interested in helping with underlying game mechanics/balance, and making sure things feel consistant throughout. don't know if you need a guy like that, but still :)
Level 2
May 7, 2008
Sounw workind - Im you man

If you want to add new sounds into your map or more fashionable quotes in your map , i should be the best there is . ( excluding the dudes at blizz ) I got a record room in my garage and i got voice editing softwares and some friends with really weird voices.

I can basically help you for some time but im currently working on my map so i may be a bit busy. anyway you can ask me to do stuff and it will probably get done

... Cheers ...:ned:
Level 3
Jan 18, 2008

Personally I'd rather not be project leader of this or part of this anymore I have a bunch of other maps ive been making by myself and I don't have time for this but since ive started it I guess I might as well see it threw or if someone else would like to take over idrc anymore
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Sorry my internet wasn't working until today, guys we might close down this project, but everyone that is still interested give a shout out, because I want to make sure some people want to see this finished. We'll need at least 10 people.
Level 1
Apr 30, 2008
if you still want to make it, i'll have a go.

my best areas: unit balance, gui based triggers, debugging, understandable english

things im ok at: mapping (terrain), quest design, custom spells

my worst areas: jass (i understand jass to a certain degree, but im slow when i use it, and im not very experienced, so dont expect anything amazing), stories, pulling ideas out of nowhere, using windows only apps (im a mac user)
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