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Recruiting for Final Fantasy IX

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Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Recruiting for Final Fantasy IX (Modellers, skinners, terrainers, music man & JASSer)

I'm working on my Final Fantasy IX map, which will simply be massive. To make it as real as possible, I'd like several people to help in making this an amazing campaign. To achieve this, I'm look for:

I'm looking for several modellers. Due to the very big amount of models to be created, I'd like models with as low file size as possible. I've roughly counted how many models we need, and that would become about 100+ unit models (just units. Doodads, destructibles, pictures, etc. excluded) :grin:. These models include 13 main characters. The rest are regular foes, bosses and special units. To make sure the main characters are made in the same modelling style, I'd like 1 modeller to make these 13 main characters. The other units can be made by as many modellers as necessary.
I'm not familiar with the time needed to make a low-file sized model, but you can pretty much take any time you need (as long as it's done within a year :thumbs_up:)
I'm also looking for skinners who can add a new custom skin to an existing Blizzard model or a custom model that needs multiple skins. The information is pretty much the same as the information for the modellers.
I've attached a Bestiary.txt text document for all who want to take a look at the models.
-Wc3 model name = An existing Warcraft III model that can fit the unit
-(Wc3 model name) = An existing Warcraft III model that might fit the unit

I'm also looking for modellers for environment and attachments (mainly equipment), which can also be divided among as many modellers as necessary.
If anybody needs to know anything about any model (like animations, more pictures and video's of the models in action), then I'll get you whatever info you need.

I'm also looking for somebody who can make the terrain in the maps. There will be a total of about 50 maps. Each map will be divided in fields. I will divide the map in fields and create the shape of those fields. Along with the map, I will send a picture of the fields or add a URL to a picture/video, so you get a general idea of what the field looks like. If you need any extra info, then I'd be happy to answer them for you.

Music Editor: (Been able to do this myself)
I'm also looking for somebody (or multiple people) who can take care of the in-game sound. Anyone who can reduce file size of sound imports and edit sound to make it continue flawlessly is exactly the person needed here! Just like the other jobs: You can choose which and how many you'd like to be in charge of :smile:

Advanced JASS triggerer:
Recently I got refered to a new way to show the ATB and Trance bar in the multiboard during battles. Ofcourse something that advanced is created in JASS. I need an advanced JASS triggerer who is capable of applying this system into my multiboard. The rest of the multiboard is created correctly, so all that's nessecary is converting it to JASS and you're able to add the system and edit it to fit in :smile:
Also for this job, you get all the time you need. If you're interested, please respond, and I'd be glad to accept.

Final Fantasy fans: (Guru's are no longer needed)
I will need the help of a few people who are well familiar with the original game. These people can help me getting every aspect of the game, and making it high quality! This includes things like: Special area's (Optional area's), mini-games, side-quests, etc. If you've played the game, then you have what it takes to help making this game as good as the original!

As you can read, this is a really big project. Due to the fact that I'll be busy for a very long time with this project, I made it my side-project, so there's no time-limit. That means that the rest of the people who are willing do help in this project also get all the time they need. If you apply for either of these, you can choose how many you would like to create and (if allowed by the job description and not taken yet) you can choose which you would like to make.
If you are interested in 1 of these jobs or you want to know more about the jobs/project, you can just PM me or leave a post here. Hope to see you in the team soon!


  • Bestiary.txt
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Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
Yeah well you probably have Vivi and Garnet models. Im also making FF map at the moment. I would like to test this when this comes out. FF9 is one of my favourites.

About the main characters: Like you can easily make Steiner out of Footman or Captain just get head attachment and skin abit. Then make Amarant out of hidden Orc Ranger model. My friend tried out Amarant, but lost the model >.<, the outcome was prety nice.

I can make icons for you if you are intrested, turn maybe if you get some FF9 models you could lend them perhaps? but good luck to your project +Rep.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
I found the Garnet Til Alexandrous 17th (in the white robe) model on THW, but no Dagger or non-disguised Garnet model, and neither have I found a Vivi model yet. But I've only searched in THW Models Section so far.

I'll probably use the Captain (very white) as Trance model for Steiner, but I'll have to see how the modelling works out. Also the Troll Headhunter would look a lot like Amarant without the spear and ranged attack.

I got the icons from the internet, so that's covered. Thanks for the offer though :thumbs_up:. If I get models, they're probably going open for everyone to use. If not, then you should ask the person who makes them ^^

PS: Good luck with your FF map too!
PS 2: Sorry, forgot to add the Bestiary.txt file. It's now added to the first post as attachment.
Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
I found the Garnet Til Alexandrous 17th (in the white robe) model on THW, but no Dagger or non-disguised Garnet model, and neither have I found a Vivi model yet. But I've only searched in THW Models Section so far.

I'll probably use the Captain (very white) as Trance model for Steiner, but I'll have to see how the modelling works out. Also the Troll Headhunter would look a lot like Amarant without the spear and ranged attack.

I got the icons from the internet, so that's covered. Thanks for the offer though :thumbs_up:. If I get models, they're probably going open for everyone to use. If not, then you should ask the person who makes them ^^

PS: Good luck with your FF map too!
PS 2: Sorry, forgot to add the Bestiary.txt file. It's now added to the first post as attachment.
Yeah im hoping good results from this project, if you need something just PM.
I will contact you if i find, some models.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Thanks. I'm currently developing the complete battle system including every single spell, skill and ability. The stats (name, HP, MP and ATB/Trance Gauge) will be displayed in a multiboard and the commands (Attack, Item, Steal, Skill, Summon, White Magic, etc.) can currently be performed in dialogs, because that's a lot easier to trigger then in multiboard. Later however, I will create the triggers in a multiboard.

I'm thinking of releasing the battle system in a map where you can control 4 characters and fight a monster with a lot of HP. All attacks/abilities of both you and the opponent will only do 1 damage, so you can freely test everything and let people here check the system and abilities for bugs. If you're interested you can check that out when released :wink:
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
All model names are in the attached file (Bestiary.txt), which also has a link to a page containing nearly all info about all opponents in the game including a picture. If you're a modeller and want a 3D view of a model to give you a good idea of what the unit exactly looks like, I can search up a youtube video which contains the unit in action. :wink:
Level 11
Mar 19, 2008

All model names are in the attached file (Bestiary.txt), which also has a link to a page containing nearly all info about all opponents in the game including a picture. If you're a modeller and want a 3D view of a model to give you a good idea of what the unit exactly looks like, I can search up a youtube video which contains the unit in action. :wink:

If i would have own some skills to model, i would had made all Final fantasy models.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Rysis, I just had a nice idea. I've been thinking about how to make the menu pop up, but without being able to select the units. I finally got a nice idea to do this! I want to create a dummy hero that does absolutely nothing. It will create a hero button. Once the hero button is clicked, the hero will be selected. I'll make a trigger that causes the menu to activate when the hero is selected, and the hero will be deselected ofcourse.

Ofcourse I will need an icon for the hero button that's not like a hero. If you'd like to, it would be nice if you would create a button that will look like a menu button. Just use your creativity to make what you think people will quickly recognise as a button that leads to the menu.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Well im not sure what you are excatly looking for?
but i could get it done.

I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. I was hoping you'd have an idea xD Maybe the icon could have something like a few menu screens.

The first post has been edited. Now I'm also looking for people who played Final Fantasy IX. They can help me with the project by informing me of parts in the game that I haven't made yet. Descirption is in the first post.

Guru's are no longer needed, due to the fact that I've found a site with the game mechanics. With all this info at hand and knowing how to insert these in the game, I'm 100% sure that this game is going to become splendid!

Also, I hereby officially announce that I'm going to release a demo battle.
This demo will feature:
-A turn-based battle like in my Final Fantasy campaign including an ATB Gauge (Active Time Battle Gauge)
-Character status' displayed in multiboard
-Actions based on the battling characters, and are chosen by dialogs and sub-dialogs
-All abilities used in my Final Fantasy IX campaign available for you to check out
-The entire system, abilities and triggers are made by me from scratch. All help I got with any encountered issues and the people who created the used models and special effect are mentioned in the credits

This demo will get you a good idea of the quality of the entire game.
The demo map will be protected. All models and special effects are property of the original creators mentioned in the credits and it is their choice what they want to do with it.
If anybody is looking for info of the map or the connection between this project and the original Final Fantasy IX game for the Playstation (by the currently known Square-Enix), you can discuss this at my forum which I created for this game and all feature games I'll make. Registration is not required here, but if you're looking for contact, please leave some info to contact you on or create an account to send PMs to.

I'm still looking for all jobs mentioned above, so please: If you possess any of these talents and are interested in joining the project team, please post it here or send me a PM.
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Level 5
Mar 20, 2008
I'd like to help.

Im working on a final fantasy map myself so I know a few tricks.
I have a turn based system, atb gage etc.

Anyway check out my youtube video:
YouTube - Final Fantasy VII Game Fan Made

Or just download my map (totally unprotected):
Final Fantasy VII Demo - Warcraft 3 Maps - EpicWar.com

Also I dont know if you have seen this before, but I stumbled accross another Final Fantasy 9 project on warcraft 3. You can see it here:
Final Fantasy 9, Warcraft 3 Downloads, Warcraft 3 Campaign

If you see anything that you like let me know and I can help you put it in your map.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
That's a neat ATB system you got there, but I finished mine about a week ago xD
All I'm doing now about it is entering all player abilities.

At the moment, I got no Warcraft III here, but when I'm home, I'll hope I remember to try your demo.

I never noticed that FF9 map. Luckily it doesn't matter, because I think the models and terrain are too much improvised, especially since it's single player. My map will contain a lot of custom models and I think I found a terrainer when he finishes his terrain preview.

Thanks for your input and help to make this campaign better. If you got any of the skills mentioned in the first post, I'd be glad to hear. If nothing specific, you can still get the job of Fan.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
To prevent more confusion (with my own thoughts), I'm going to try to get everything straight first. A while ago I had to re-code all item indexes because I forgot all items are under 1 category, so I have to refer all categorised items to that general category. I didn't thought of that until I had to insert that category. So to prevent further of such scenes, I'd like to get a good view of everything that needs to be done in the game creation and check what ways are possible and which ways I can combine.

If you got knowledge of the Final Fantasy IX game and got some GUI knowledge, please notify me. I think a brainstorm group would be very useful to make an inventory of everything that has to be done.
Level 11
Mar 19, 2008
To prevent more confusion (with my own thoughts), I'm going to try to get everything straight first. A while ago I had to re-code all item indexes because I forgot all items are under 1 category, so I have to refer all categorised items to that general category. I didn't thought of that until I had to insert that category. So to prevent further of such scenes, I'd like to get a good view of everything that needs to be done in the game creation and check what ways are possible and which ways I can combine.

If you got knowledge of the Final Fantasy IX game and got some GUI knowledge, please notify me. I think a brainstorm group would be very useful to make an inventory of everything that has to be done.

I dont know nothing about triggers sorry :confused:

but like i would want to help out abit atleast as beta tester.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2009
-___- I was looking just for the two slots that are closed xD!
bad luck for me this time -__-
Anyway if you need help with the sounds or the music i'm here! xD
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