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Radar Tower

A stinkin radar tower....foo...

UPDATED: Made it like Py likes it.

radar, recon, tower, coolio

Radar Tower (Model)

22:46, 10th Aug 2009 Pyritie: The particles on the birth anim are kinda hefty. You should turn down the emission rate on those. Also no fire particles on the death anim? D: You could also try making those black pointy bits at the top thinner and...
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22:46, 10th Aug 2009
Pyritie: The particles on the birth anim are kinda hefty. You should turn down the emission rate on those. Also no fire particles on the death anim? D: You could also try making those black pointy bits at the top thinner and XY-billboarded.

2nd Sep 2009
Pyritie: Much better :D
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Not the best looking of your building, just my opinion, but it's still great and I find it very useful and great! 5/5 Highly Recommended
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