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Rabbits vs Sheep WsW 0.82 BETA

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Winterspring Wargames is a map for Warcraft3 The Frozen Throne, inspired by the popular Rabbits vs Sheep by Gate[C]aster. The concept is that each player has a hero with unique advantages and skills he can use in this gruesome killing competition. Every time you kill a creep your enemy must face 2 additional creeps. Once one team has 150, 200, 250 or 300 creeps, depending on the Game Duration, on their side of the map the round stops and team with the fewest number of creeps wins the round.

To help your creeps (kobolds or gnolls) live longer, there are several different possibilities in the big red exclamation mark in the center of each playing field; you can pay to summon a Commander that gives your creeps a number advantages, you can upgrade their hit points and damage or your can summon other special creeps with special abilities like more hp, range and heavy damage to make life harder for your opponents. Additionally you can pay to activate a number of special abilities available to both teams. These range from a global stun to all enemy heroes, silence, damage spells and so forth.

Certain heroes also have access to "Player vs Player spells", or in short "PVP" spells. These PVP spells are global in range and allow you to harm enemy heroes and combined with the many unique items purchable for your hero, this makes for a game experience like you have never experienced before.

Rabbits, vs, Sheep, Winterspring, Wargames, WsW, RvS,

Rabbits vs Sheep WsW 0.82 BETA (Map)

17:22, 12th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected Do not multi-upload, use the "Update"-button.




17:22, 12th Nov 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected

Do not multi-upload, use the "Update"-button.
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
Well, from what i read, it is WAY too similar to rabbit vs sheep. You should make it at least a bit different.

An interesting idea would be that when you kill a creep, 2 creeps spawn in YOUR area. Then the goal is changed to which team has the most creeps after a period of time wins. Or which team reaches the creep goal faster wins.
Level 4
Aug 18, 2009
Well there is a reason why we called it "Rabbits vs Sheep WsW". We feel that Rabbits vs Sheep is a genre.
It all started with the original RvS, and we liked the idea a lot. However, we were not satisfied with the map itself. Some heroes seemed to have random abilities with no synergy at all, there was no proper UI or gameplay. That is ofcourse, in our oppinion.

That is why we made RvS Winterspring Wargames edition. We hope that is a breath of fresh air to the genre, and that people will come to like it as the RvS map it is.

It was fully intentional to make the gameplay like the original - Even DotA started as another copy of Aeon of Strife once.
Now tables seem to have turned, as more people know DotA than any other AoS map :)
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
oh ok, i see what you mean.

the dota thing is so true. Can't wait for another map to get more famous than it :D . Btw, you dont have to name it rabbits vs sheep. Kobolds vs gnolls, or something will do nicely too.

however, i personally would like to see a mode as i mentioned xD
Level 4
Aug 18, 2009
Hehe - Something beating DotA in popularity is hard to imagine, it has a pretty good head start already :p

There are several reasons why we chose to keep the "Rabbits vs Sheep" name:
- To credit the original map
- To make it more intuitive for new players
- We actually do have rabbits and sheep when playing Low Gfx mode
- We feel that RvS is a genre now, not just a map

The idea about fighting yourself, is one of the better suggestion we've had. That's not saying a lot, as some people have the craziest ideas. "Omg! Make this a TD!" among others :p
We still have a bucket load to do with redoing abilties and fixing bugs, and adding some heroes as well. I have taken a note of the mode, and it will come into consideration when we are further in the process, but don't expect it in a nearby future :)
Level 3
Feb 28, 2009
Doesn't that only apply to when the map is edited? Seems that this is a whole different map with similar gameplay but it's not the same at all. Will test.
Level 6
Feb 26, 2008
The game is great!!! The only thing I don't like is that it's too easy to get money, every round I gained like 16000+ golds... And items are like below 4k, exclamation mark things are below 5k I think... It's too much gold >:O
Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
well, i they didnt name dota "Tides of darkness" or something like that (I remember a really old AOS map called tides of darkness, dunno if it is older though xD ) . Anyway...

Well, i tested it with some friends... it seems kinda ok but there are some imbalances. I am kinda busy now so i can't report right now. So... will report later xD (by report i mean make a report of what i think of the map xD )
Level 4
Aug 18, 2009
@takakenji: Thank you, we are doing our very best to make this is good as possible. I too find DotA overrated, and prefer other custom maps.

@Hordeon: We did make this from scratch, absolutely everything. We got inspired by the original RvS from Gate[C]aster, but nothing is copied from his version. We did, however, have the decency to ask him permission to borrow his idea first. We have talked to him on several occasions, and he didn't mind.
So in that perspective, I think we've done more than needed, but we do like common courtesy.

@dragor-X: Gold is relative in this map. If you play 1v1, you get a hoard of gold, but in 5v5, it's a lot less. We've tried balancing it so it not exaggerated, but perhaps we failed?
You can get a lot of items for 16k gold, but with the options of upgrades, supercreeps, and all the other "take that you bastards!" -effects in the !shop, there is a lot to spent the money on really.
If you have suggestions to changes, I'm all ears :)

@EMPerror: Thanks, looking forward to it.
Some heroes may seem very imbalanced if you only play them once, so to be sure of an imbalace, it's advised to try it several times, as you can't really determine imbaness on a few games.

Thank you all for your response, wonderful WONDERFUL feedback :)