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Quick note to the WoW players

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A fanboi snuck into E3 and took pictures. New Alliance race is confirmed as Eredar.




Ingame screenshot at http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v248/hatecrew86/WoW Comics/holycrapredar.jpg

Closeup of an Eredar, though I assume this is not the final version as this is kind of sub par graphics-wise: http://www.wowwiki.com/images/b/b4/4116772yv.jpg

Have fun :wink:
Level 2
Mar 17, 2006
that doesn't make sense! archimonde and kil'jaeden are both freakin huge compared to the other races... eredar are supposed to be giant. + why would the eredar of the burning legion join the alliance?
Level 2
Mar 17, 2006
I found the backstory for this Eredar-like race off the WoW forums, THIS MAY NOT BE REAL.

"As the thunderous steps of Archimonde's army approached the summit of Mount Hyjal, all hope seemed lost. The camps of Jaina Proudmoore and the Warchief Thrall were overrun, and the forces of Archdruid Malfurian Stormrage were fighting for their life.

Then, the moment feared by all those fighting for the fate of Azeroth arrived. The Night Elf army was overrun, and the great Eredar warlock, destroyer of countless worlds, arrogantly marched to the World Tree. With flames surging in his eyes, he grasped the trunk with one vile claw... and the entire summit was shattered in a burst of brilliant, white light.

When the radiance faded, nothing remained of Archimonde but a charred skeleton, resting in the branches of the fatally-damaged Nordrassil. Malfurion, Jaina, and Thrall emerged from hiding; it was all an elaborate trap designed by Malfurion to take advantage of the demon's arrogance. In his lust for the World Tree's power, he did not notice the gathering flock of wisps take their positions around him and detonate themselves in a torrent of nature's fury.

With their commander gone, the remainder of the Burning Legion's army was cast into disarray. Malfurion and his companions escaped from the summit of Mount Hyjal, and the remaining Night Elves silently reflected upon the sacrifices of their Wisp companions.

Yet, the spirits of the Wisps lived on. Floating invisibly throughout Mount Hyjal and nearby Felwood, they began to slowly intertwine with the demons that had taken up residence there. Almost imperceptively their presence began to twist the forms and minds of the local Satyrs and other foul, demonic creatures.

Now, a handful of these creatures have been transformed in mind and body; they have the thoughts of the Night Elf spirits coarsing through their veins, yet their bodies mutated to take the form of the last creature the Wisps had made contact with -- the Eredar warlock, Archimonde.

Ashamed of their foul appearance, these creatures took into hiding beneath the roots of the shattered World Tree, Nordrassil. Despite their attempts to hide themselves from the outside world, they found themselves under constant seige from the demons who came to view them as abominations.

Now, with their very existance threatened, these Eredar -- demon in form, Night Elf in mind -- have made an impassioned plea to join the Alliance."
Level 3
Aug 8, 2005
OMG WHY EREDAR LOL. I was guessin Draenei, but I would never expect it to be Eredar...SOME NOOBS WERE COMPLAINING THAT BLOOD ELVES SHOULD'VE GONE TO ALLIANCE INSTEAD....IF YOU'RE ONE OF THEM JUST TO LET YOU KNOW FYI THERE'S NO MORE ROOM FOR ELVES.....We're occupied with night elves thank you come again...Blood elves went against the Night Elves thank you come again...but I really didn't see where the gnomes came in inside wc3camp??? But oh well those cute little mini peeps... :D :D :D
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
*phew* Man I was worried it would be lame like Murloc or Worgen. Thank you Blizzard! Also most of the pictures don't work...only the last two do.
Level 1
May 3, 2006

Okayyyyy, although I Dont Play WoW, That just sounds wrong, but it could be a misinterpreted race (i guess) :shock:
Level 2
Mar 17, 2006
apparently now they're an "uncorrupted" race of draenei that descended from the eredar (and look exactly like mini archimondes?!). laaame.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2004
bangin said:
apparently now they're an "uncorrupted" race of draenei that descended from the eredar (and look exactly like mini archimondes?!). laaame.
Atleast its not like Worgen or Murloc
Level 1
Feb 10, 2006
i told yaaa! :p and i remind of that dumb guy that told me he can "easily rip apart such comments on the new wow race like mine"...omg hes dumb isnt he?i think he was one of the moderators :p
Level 1
May 29, 2005
yay at least alliance have one normal race now :3 im so happy now theyr so cute ^^ taurens aint cool anymore :3 omg i can´t wait until blizz releases this <3
Level 1
Feb 10, 2006
well for those that dont know why the new race is the same whose leaders joined the Burning Legion.
The Archimonde and Jaeden joined Sargeras' Burning Legion but the eredars' third big leader Velen did not agree and escaped with the rest of the eredars trying to find a safe place for home.
They call themselves Draenei and find their home at Draenor where most of them get killed and the others start wandering still being afraid from the horde and especially the Legion.Thats why they join the alliance,while being hunted by Archimonde Kil'Jaeden and Sargeras...i saw that on the official page somewhere =P
Level 3
Aug 4, 2005
apparently now they're an "uncorrupted" race of draenei that descended from the eredar (and look exactly like mini archimondes?!). laaame.

Dunno if i did that right but its from bangin

Anyways, dont say something is lame until you know the whole truth. If you didnt get it before the Eredar is i guess you could say an evil descendent race of what the dreanei are. :wink:
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