Question about Morphing/Metamorphosis

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Level 1
Oct 1, 2013
First off in my 21 years ive never once made a thread so i apologize in advance if this isnt where this should be.

Now about the question

ive notice that morphed unit keep their main spells when i went to check before posting

i wanna do something like have a unit have its set of spells then morph to lets say "Close-Combat Mode" and have close-combat spells. Same difference for switching to long range. Id like to know if what i seek is possible

EDIT: i was looking in Gameplay Constants and saw
Gameplay - Morphing Disables Alternate Abilities and was wondering if that had anything to do with what i wanna do
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Level 11
Oct 11, 2012
First off in my 21 years ive never once made a thread so i apologize in advance if this isnt where this should be.

Now about the question

ive notice that morphed unit keep their main spells when i went to check before posting

i wanna do something like have a unit have its set of spells then morph to lets say "Close-Combat Mode" and have close-combat spells. Same difference for switching to long range. Id like to know if what i seek is possible

EDIT: i was looking in Gameplay Constants and saw
Gameplay - Morphing Disables Alternate Abilities and was wondering if that had anything to do with what i wanna do

Congratulations on your first post.
It is definitely possible, but I think you need to use triggers to achieve that result.
Level 4
Jan 28, 2013
Use add and remove ability trigger actions.

So like:

Generic Unit Event - Unit Finishes Casting an Ability

Ability Comparision - Ability Being Casted = (Your Ability)

Unit-Type of (Casting Unit) = Melee Unit Type
Unit - Remove Ability Melee Abilities
Unit - Add Ability Range Abilities
Else -
I think you get it.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2013
instead of having all the abilities on the unit in the object editor, add them via trigger when the game starts, disable which ever mode is not active first, when they switch modes, disable all abilities associated with the current form, and enable all associated with the new form, and just do that back and forth.
Level 1
Oct 1, 2013
i cant trigger to save my life, i notice by looking at the triggers that its kinda straight forward but i just cant seem to understand that well.

im not saying/asking for someone to do it for me just a push in right way so to speak.

annnd thanks for you replies

Edit: im so new to trying to understanding triggers its annoying me :p but imma try my hardest
Level 4
Jan 28, 2013
Why not just make the 2 separate units and use a dummy ability to trigger the metamorph instead of metamorph so that you can use the replace trigger to switch the two units out with relative values in all respects. Then all you have to do is add the different abilities to the two units in the object editor.

Map Example Link
Level 1
Oct 1, 2013
Why not just make the 2 separate units and use a dummy ability to trigger the metamorph instead of metamorph so that you can use the replace trigger to switch the two units out with relative values in all respects. Then all you have to do is add the different abilities to the two units in the object editor.

Map Example Link

I looked at your trigger and it helps alot, i thought it would be harder to do than that but i guess not. just one question kinda, if i give my witching ability a model art or something will it work without messing up trigger? well you know what imma go see about that right now. i understand a lot more about triggers than what i did before i created this thread thanks to yall. oh and i dont know how to do dummy units and abilities so i avoid them
Level 4
Jan 28, 2013
A dummy ability is just an ability that is casted with no effect, so that it can be referenced in a trigger but not actually do anything on its own.

Make a custom ability off the hero ability Channel and set it up to be used as desired. Just read through all the data fields so you make sure its set up to be instant cast with no target and then link it to the trigger. Just like in the example map.

In the trigger just replace the footman with your unit type for melee, and the rifleman with your unit type for ranged unit. Then make sure the condition references your dummy ability, and it will work. Then you can make any changes to the units you need in the object editor, so yes you may change their models.
Level 1
Oct 1, 2013

once ive seen a trigger i can change it to how i like it, i just cant create one to save my live.

also im sorry that i wasnt being clear enough when i said model art, i meant the model/effect spell art as in the level up effect and so on.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2013
Hey, I took a look at Sick's work, and I guess it could work if that's all you need, I tried to make mine a little more in depth but you'll have to see if you can understand the gist.

The replace unit is not really ideal when dealing with heroes as it makes them lose there abilities learned, items, and maybe even levels I don't remember.

Anyway, take a look at mine, if you have any questions on it shoot me a reply.


  • MorphTestMap.w3x
    19.5 KB · Views: 52
Level 1
Oct 1, 2013
Hey, I took a look at Sick's work, and I guess it could work if that's all you need, I tried to make mine a little more in depth but you'll have to see if you can understand the gist.

The replace unit is not really ideal when dealing with heroes as it makes them lose there abilities learned, items, and maybe even levels I don't remember.

Anyway, take a look at mine, if you have any questions on it shoot me a reply.

ill check that out for you and for myself because i would like very much not to have to restart everytime i change. i was looking for changing heros not realy unit only if thats what the trigger is Sicks is but ill keep it just in case i need it in the future
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