[Spell] Morphing - some questions

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Level 4
Mar 24, 2008
Hi everyone !

I'm making an orpg, and i'm about to make the Druid class.

I want him to have multiple morphing spells (like : bear, wolve, tree,...)

I remember a year ago, i tryed the same thing on another map and had some bugs. So before making it, i wanna know a few things.

- Is it possible to give a unit multiple morphing spells (based on Night elves's standard ones) ?
- Can it changes the hero's main attribut ? (Int -> Str for ex.)
- How to remove the standard effect (Bear form -> druid) ? - Using the spell makes my hero becomes a druid of claw just a bit before becoming the main form.
- How to avoid lags due to "Add ability to unit" trigger each time i use morph ?

Thanks in advance !
Level 4
Mar 24, 2008
- More than 2 ? As when i make 2 spells both based on druid - bear form, using one of them use both spells
- I tryed to change the main attribut but it didn't work, do i have to trigger it ? (Must replace unit ?)
- Found it, thanks !
  • Morph add spell
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts a spell's effect
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Egal to Morph bear
    • Actions
      • Unit - Add Spell1 to (Triggering unit)
Some triggers like this one always make a little lag spike in my games, never understood why.
Level 4
Nov 27, 2012
No you cannot change the order Id of any spell except channel

You need to use different base spells for each morphing ability.
I have a unit that has 4 morph abilities, based on;
Bear Form,
Stone/Gargoyle Form
Crow Form
There's some other ones (metamorphosis, sphinx form) but I used Channel and triggered my last one

For each morph spell, you need 1 base unit, and 1 NEW unit. In my case I have 5 units total. You'll need to change the attribute for each unit in the object editor.

Using the spell makes my hero becomes a druid of claw just a bit before becoming the main form.
What's your base unit? Druid of the claw? If so, you need to shorten the duration of the spell, because that animation is built into the model.
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