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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Oke, I have a small question.

Is it possible to morph a unit when it has already morphed?
Druid of the Claw --> Bear --> Raging Bear

Both the Raging Bear and Bear will go back to Druid of the Claw.

(The Bear and Raging Bear will lose mana every x time and when it hits 0 they morph back or when they hit the Druid of the Claw spell.)


This is important for my projects.
I will use it like this:
Goku --> Goku SS --> Goku SS2 --> Goku SS3

Since each one has a different model and spells.
(And yes they are heroes.)
(I'll like not to have a timer btw. Mana will be timer.)

-Thanks in advance. :wink:
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Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Is this active ? I dont get it really

You click on a spell you become Goku SS and start to lose mana
you click again you become Goku SS2 and start to lose more mana
like this ?
and you have no mana you become goku
This should do something with the buffs, like if the unit have buff ss add ability ss2, and if it have buff ss2 than add ability ss3(and remove the old ability when adding the new one)
Than if the mana is less than(dunno) 10: remove current ability (lets say that it is ss3) and add ss1.(and you will need a trigger that checks mana every second D:)
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
to morph it more than once you can either create multiple models and create triggers that when units mana is equal to - # replace unit with other unit or you can create a cutom model that has animation names like morph morph alternate and morph2 morph2 alternate and then make them require animation names and use the tinker as a base model to keep morphing it.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Yes there are multiple models for 1 character like goku as super saiyan.
So, I was thinking of using triggers after all but then there is a small problem.

Saving the XP of one char to the other.
I gues I can use a variable to store ones variable and set it as their xp but are the alternate ways that don't need triggers?
Level 3
Nov 3, 2006
Dont know a way without triggers. But u can make it without a variable. this will take over the xp too:

  • Events
  • Unit casts ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability being cast) = Morph
  • (Unit-type of (Casting Unit)) = Goku
  • Actions
  • Unit - Replace (Casting unit) with a Goku SS using old Unit: Rel. life and mana
edit: and you should add an action to select goku ss because a unit gets deselected when u replace it...
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Dont know a way without triggers. But u can make it without a variable. this will take over the xp too:

  • Events
  • Unit casts ability
  • Conditions
  • (Ability being cast) = Morph
  • (Unit-type of (Casting Unit)) = Goku
  • Actions
  • Unit - Replace (Casting unit) with a Goku SS using old Unit: Rel. life and mana
edit: and you should add an action to select goku ss because a unit gets deselected when u replace it...

A very useful tip, I'll test this out! Thanks, I would give your rep but it seems I already gave you some recently so that I'll have to wait. :p
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