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Publishing map help?

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Level 8
May 31, 2009
I know it is very early in this new patch, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who tested this feature out.

Does anyone know how to publish a map? I changed the server and all, except each time I try to publish it, it crashes at the beginning or in the middle, saying it Transmitting Header Failed and stuff like that.

Please help guys I'm really looking forward to this one.
Level 8
May 31, 2009
I figured it out, COMPLETELY. Solution below :

1. You have to go in Game Variants (I think it's under Map)
2. Create a new Game Variant

The Default one is for a 3v3 game, if you have more players, it won't work unless you change it to what you want.

3. Change the name, category and stuff, but the main thing that you have to change is in the 3rd section (I think it's called Attributes)

4. Change anything that you have to change in there (Such as the team placement, player colors, race, game speed, game type, number of players, and teams.)
Level 7
Feb 28, 2005
What's the problem? I made a 15 player map and it's fine. The limit is 16 players, turn neutral and hostile into human players. Of course, if you are going to have minerals and vespene geysers etc, you will need a neutral player, unless you want all the minerals to be owned by someone.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Its a bug caused by bad game varients.

If you lock team slot placement and other stuff like bad team slot placememnt it will occur. Keep undoing game varients until it works, its definatly broken with that.
Like wise if you try locking default attributes from the attributes menu it will publish but be unplayable with an attribute error ingame.
Level 6
Sep 28, 2009
im also experiencing strange publish maps.

if i change my player slots from 1 player to 2, it wont publish anymore because of a "game variant error". i dont have any game variants defined.

if i create a new game variant it seems to work, but not always. seems like publishing is totally broken for me. even if i create an entire new map and only change name and maxplayers it wont work.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
They are published by area (local?). Atleast in the beta that is the case. EU, ASIA, US are the major devisions as far as I know.

They might add better support for world wide publishing in the actual game release as currently even local publishing is broken to a large degree.
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