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Protect The Queen

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Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
[RAINBOW]Welcome to Protect The Queen![/RAINBOW]

  1. Overview
  2. To come. . .
  3. Suggestions / Feedback
  4. Credits
  5. Links / Map download

1. Overview:
Protect the Queen is a map that I have spent ages on to create from scratch and is an officially supported map by Clan STN. It is currently in a sort of alpha/beta phase where it is playable but still has a lot of work to be done on it for it to be completed and become a master piece. The map itself was inspired by a Starcraft Broodwars map called "Protect the Queen" which I hoped to borrow ideas from and improve upon them. The objective of the map is to protect a hero unit representing a queen from being killed by oncoming waves of hostile units that will show no mercy to you. Of course the Queen is not alone, she has her bodyguards of elite units to protect her from the hostile units but even they may struggle if they do not work together as a team. Weather her highness survives in you hands, so good luck.​

2. To come. . .:
  • More rounds
  • More units with models/skins
  • Fixes and some balances
  • People's requests
  • Maybe a upgrade place or some thing.
  • heroes
  • Make the middle a castle!
  • add a hero that can build stuff like tower(debating over unit or hero)
  • Fix the model credit section in the quest menu(for some reason it wont show the whole list)
  • Add Dr Super Good's Tank spell to the tanks that he kindly made for me.
  • Add all of Dr Super Good's hero ideas which he is making for me.
  • Any thing that hits me or inspires me.

3. Suggestions / Feedback:
Currently, I am open to suggestions and constructive criticism as long as it will help improve this map. Please post any ideas via Private Message to me or simply post them in this thread. Remember, you can make a difference for this map if your ideas are good.​

4. Credits:

Map Creator: Dark-Wizard

Model Credits:
Bloodelf Mage - by General Frank
Skeleton Firemage - by HappyTauren
Hero Archmage on Foot - by Dan van Ohllus
Bloodelf Phoenix Archer - by General Frank
TreantArcher - by levigeorge1617
Bloodelf Phoenix Crusader - by General Frank
Chaos Warlord - by General Frank
Huntress - by VGsatomi
Skeletal Child - by Dan van Ohllus
HeroMoltenOverlord - by Nirvendor
Orc Shaman - by Dionesiist
slannesh2 - by RightField
CrazyTank - by Kitabatake
RiflemanElite - by TurieL
KotoBeastTower - by Ket
Hero Whitemane Druid - by General Frank
King - by Tranquil​

If you want to discuss the map more visit the link in my profile. Also i am still working on the huge 4.4 WITH THE most awaited updates like the castle and all that.

5. Links / Map download:


  • Protect The Queen Original V. 4.3C.w3x
    3.7 MB · Views: 134
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Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
Erm, i think someone already made this map, i think i have it, but if you are going to put in your heart and soul on this map, i find no objection

I defiantly did make this map. Maybe it was an old version you were playing where I had my old account name on it as the maker or a map with the same name was produced but is different in game. It is quite possible that there is another map with the same name actually, as I have seen a map called Protect The Queen that is a castle defense as well as theres a Protect The King(A map series).
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Here are some hero ideas for you.

Royal Defender - A hero with high HP but low physical power (a good tank).
Ability - Counter - deals 100% of melee damage received back to enemies.
Royal Armor - Ups defence while addidng additional damage return (improves with every spell level).
Protective Field - Creates a field around the defender that abosrbs a fixed ammount of damage (still returns damage as normal). Can be cast many times to rechanrge.
Attract - Tuants some nearby enemies into attacking the hero. The hero then gets an improvement in the ammount of damage returned for a while (the counter ability is improved).
Defense Matrix - Ultimate move that casts a weaker version of Protective Field on all nearby allies.

Royal Engineer - A hero with low physical power and endurance but relies on what it makes for power (recomend goblin tinker model).
Ability - Pocket Tower - Creates a tower which is a hero but lasts for a shortish ammount of time (stats of tower vary on stats or level of the engineer).
Build mechanical worriers - Spawns mechanical golems with high HP but low damage to fight for the engineer.
Build automated tanks - Spawns tanks with low HP but high damage and range to fight for the engineer.
Combat Mech - The engineer gets into a mech to enable him to fight foes as well as survive a decent pummeling. The mech can not self-regenerate and only can be healed by the engineer getting off it (turning ability off).
Royal Workshop - Ulitimate spell that improves all other spells and abilities of the enginner.

If you like these ideas, I can always give you more.
Level 4
Jul 27, 2007
If I'm correct, I think he's working on making various choices of Queens.

Overall a solid map. But wiz still needs to make the terrain better.

Perhaps add a few choke points to allow easier defense, eh? You know what happens being swarmed at around wave 15.
Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
If I'm correct, I think he's working on making various choices of Queens.

Overall a solid map. But wiz still needs to make the terrain better.

Perhaps add a few choke points to allow easier defense, eh? You know what happens being swarmed at around wave 15.
Correct about the queen and yes ill work on the terrain soon after i get a lot of major stuff out of the way.
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
It's pretty fun actually Dark, it's come a long way since the first versions. You need to block access to the top selection area though and the level selection area. I recommend using air pathing blockers (doodad pallet) for the level selection area and then boundaries(terrain pallet, black line looking tool) for the selection area. Also, making the middle area a castle would add a lot visually to the game.

Furthermore, I think a unit that can build is a bad idea and I also think any heroes other than the Queen should be a no-no as well.

Keep up the good work.
Level 9
Nov 3, 2007
It's pretty fun actually Dark, it's come a long way since the first versions. You need to block access to the top selection area though and the level selection area. I recommend using air pathing blockers (doodad pallet) for the level selection area and then boundaries(terrain pallet, black line looking tool) for the selection area. Also, making the middle area a castle would add a lot visually to the game.

Furthermore, I think a unit that can build is a bad idea and I also think any heroes other than the Queen should be a no-no as well.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your comment.
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