It needs some custom music, and also I agree that the credits were a bit distracting while the dialouge is going on. I strongly recommend you separate the titles and dialouge into two different parts.
As for the camera, is does need a lot more variation. It was mostly static, and what movement there was needs to be smoother. You should change the camera a lot during the talking scene as well. Like you could have a camera focusing on the character thats talking, and then when the other character it talking you could change to another camera focusing on him.
Also at the end I am not sure why the camera suddenly zoomed out of the building so quickly, just for it to fade out afterwards. If your going to have the camera leave the building at the end it needs to be a lot slower.
As for the terrain it needs a lot more detail. Really its just the snow tile with some trees. I would suggest perhaps using an imported tree, and adding a lot of rocks to the terrain.
And also for the building, I suggest you add the roof. It looks strange when you have a roof at the entrance bit of the building, but then no roof in the actual room. Also I didn't really like the combination of the Icecrown doodads and terrain and the cityscape doodads. I suggest that you try and use one or the other, not both.