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Project Signatures/Avatars

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Tired of the old boring signatures using stuff like this? |||||? Well, using a script my old friend DesKalada developed, and using a bit of PhotoShop work, I can change ||||| to

or like


So, here's a little form that you can fill out.

Project Title:

Signature Background:
Title Text/Font:
% Bar 1 Title and Color:
% Bar 2 Title and Color:
% Bar 3 Title and Color:
% Bar 4 Title and Color:
% Bar 5 Title and Color:

So yeah, I save all my signatures as PSD files, so I can easily update your signature whenever, just PM or Profile Message me.

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Um, I want one. So how does this work? I want to make my own picture if thats ok.

Just upload a picture for it and fill out the form:
Project Title:
Signature Background:
Title Text/Font:
% Bar 1 Title and Color:
% Bar 2 Title and Color:
% Bar 3 Title and Color:
% Bar 4 Title and Color:
% Bar 5 Title and Color:

Level 22
Jun 24, 2008
Sorry- Title is Spirit RPG (In light blue if possible)

Project Title: Spirit RPG
Signature Background: That wind elemental- close up if possible
Title Text/Font: An adventure-ish, you know what im talking about
% Bar 1 Title and Color: As in other post
% Bar 2 Title and Color: As in other post
% Bar 3 Title and Color: As in other post
% Bar 4 Title and Color: As in other post
% Bar 5 Title and Color: As in other post
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
I need a signature for my project : StrikheeeeEEErr Open RPG!
Click the big text in fire in my signature.
I want as background... A nightelf in a forest. I want the forest to be a real one... I suggest you to use a real forest image... And the nightelf to be girl... Tall...
I need a special status bar that you can find in my signature... I want it 2 times bigger than it is now... I want some status bars:
#1 Progress : I want to use my status bar in my signature, with a 25% status, and red status text.
#2 movement system : To write with green "Movement System / FPS engine : " and a status bar like you use with a 60% status
#3 Items/Inventory system progress : To write "Items / Inventory System : " with red and a status bar like you use with a 5% status
#4 Other systems : To write "Other systems : " with yellow and a 0% status bar... And, after the status bar to write with yellow : " Still..."

Can you do it? You will get credits in my map, in my sig and +1 reputation ofc.
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
so nice!!!
But, i would like to use the font called "Blood Omen" for the name of the map!
And i can hardly read...
Can you make it longer?(width)

Edit : I see you are missing my first bar requested!
I made a mistake... I want you to download the status bar i already have in my signature. To use it like
Progress : [the bar]
And, maybe, my map's website can help you more!
Watch out! It is c00l!
Enjoy =3 and i hope you can do my request today =3
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Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Look in my signature.
I have a progress bar there...
May you add one more progress bar please?
With the words "Total Progress : "
And make a bar like i have in my signature, but a little bit biger!
Can you, please, do this?
(i don't know why but i get an error when i open the picture)
Project Title:The last Battle
Signature Background:eek:rc vs human (maybe u can find some fitting image, or
) ) plz remove the blizzard rights thing -.-)
Title Text/Font:prepare to fight! (or sth else ;) )
% Bar 1 Title and Color: idea: palaslayer (sth fitting theme and background)
% Bar 2 Title and Color: overtaken by: R0flc0pt0r (sth fitting theme and background)
% Bar 3 Title and Color: credits to: TheHive (see upper ones)
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